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"This isn`t an orifice, it`s help with fluorescent lighting." <[log in to unmask]>
John Callan <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 3 Jan 2004 23:36:59 -0600
multipart/alternative; boundary=Apple-Mail-1-398138956
"This isn`t an orifice, it`s help with fluorescent lighting." <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (2052 bytes) , text/enriched (3172 bytes)
I suppose you can add Patrick and he and Anthony are the start of a 
list of oddly named Jewish boys.

When I was in Texas last year it struck me that I was seeing more women 
with high heels in the airport there than I had probably seen in six 
months or more everywhere else.  I didn't notice jackets and ties on 
the gentlemen in any unusual proportions.  It doen't seem to be related 
to some hot new fashion trend.  Maybe Ruth can explain.


On Jan 3, 2004, at 10:22 PM, [log in to unmask] wrote:

> In a message dated 1/3/2004 8:30:58 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
> [log in to unmask] writes:
> Although I did go to the funeral of a neighbor who died the other day 
> at the age on 98.  Her son told of her cross country skiing in high 
> heels one time. 
> Ruth,
> When I was a yout', out in sunny Cali-forn-aye-ayy with the Real 
> McCoys, and where a prominent family named Loomis who had an adobe 
> that's still there [he was a big cheese conservationist, I think], we 
> had a neighbor (the wife of the guy who owned the maroon Studebaker 
> Champion), who was said to put on her high heels to go out and get the 
> paper (from the driveway, maybe 20 steps from the front door) in the 
> morning.  As I understand it,  she, too, has become what they used to 
> call in Phoenix "a deceased member of the community," although I don't 
> know whether the heels had anything to do with it.
> Didn't have no snow, but I suppose she wore her heels in the rain, 
> too.  I guess the question is whether she was buried in her heels, 
> considering (as I understand it) that one usually is sent barefoot on 
> one's way to cross the River Jordan (or alternatively, to the Warm 
> Place Downstairs, the Theological Institute of Eternal Punishment.)
> Her son, Anthony  [probably the only Jew named Anthony in the history 
> of the world]  crammed a Manischewitz wine bottle full of frogs one 
> summer (I would guess 1957 or 58) when we had a particularly large 
> crop.  He was always shit, but became a hell of a trumpet player.
> Ralph