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"When I'm in bed I'm a tourist." <[log in to unmask]>
John Callan <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 23 Jul 2003 15:21:13 -0500
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"When I'm in bed I'm a tourist." <[log in to unmask]>
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You should keep this story.  Its interesting.  I got all swept up by 
the teaser intro to the kitty having a cold and was worried until you 
had me drawn in completely and reassured me when you mentioned the 
Vet...damn, you may not be soft, but I'm sure loosing my edge!  Ralph 
will be ashamed to be seen with me!

Excuse me, I'm gonna go kick a dog...maybe the old sick one.


On Wednesday, July 23, 2003, at 03:15  PM, Pam Stevenson wrote:

> Now to disavow anyone of the notion that I don't like little kitties, 
> tell that to Mr. Pam's Brit-Can-We-Have-A-Moggie?  (for those who are 
> not initiated - moggie is "English" for kitty cat - just don't ever 
> call them mossies, like I did one day - you'd be calling them 
> mosquitoes).
> He will attest to the fact that the only reason we have climber kitty 
> is because she adopted us on 7/4 of this year (an appropriate day, 
> commemorating our kicking the proverbial British butt), having coerced 
> said kittie to come out from under the house, where she was meowing 
> profusely and looking utterly pathetic.  More like it, she coerced me 
> to come find her. 
> She's been living on our patio ever since - we haven't let her in 
> because cute as she is, we really don't need another cat, and she's 
> had a cold pretty much the entire time and we don't want to expose our 
> 4 indoor cats to whatever it might be.  She roams from the patio to 
> under the house (part of the basement area is accessible) and about 10 
> feet out toward the lilac bush.  Pretends to be afraid of us whenever 
> we open the door, but now has the daily routine of hopping onto a 
> planter, into a patio chair and then into my lap.  She especially 
> likes my red robe that I wear in the morning whilst having coffee and 
> reading the paper.  Or should I say, trying to read the paper.  She 
> likes to play with it - chewing and clawing, mostly.  She loves to 
> play "teach me how to wrassle like a kitty" with my hand, purring up a 
> storm the whole time.  And, she loves to climb.  We've already had to 
> convince her how to get out of the black locust that is next to the 
> patio - hits the 10 limit and freezes.  Last night, she decided Mr.'s 
> pant leg was an appropriate way up to see how he was doing.
> Anyway, I checked with the vet to see if anyone had reported her 
> missing - did my duty - but haven't placed an ad in the local 
> merchandizer to give her away.  She's just too cute and nice and she'd 
> have already let us know if she didn't like the free grub and the warm 
> laps.
> So, the only cats I really don't care for are the ones my mother 
> thinks I like wearing on t-shirts.
> - Pam
> -----Original Message-----
> From: When I'm in bed I'm a tourist. 
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]]On Behalf Of John 
> Callan, AIA
> Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 3:39 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: Kittens
> To fill in my idle time while waiting for you to determine who has the 
> least sensitivity to kittens...and folks who'd like to keep their 
> dinners down...I've been writing an HSR. The building is completely 
> boarded up and the report is heavily dependent on the results of my 
> photography and some research that went off into some strange 
> tangential arenas.
> The weakness of Preservation-L is that they think the work benefits 
> from staying on topic. This stuff we preserve are the products of 
> people who did not bother to stay on topic. Now I'm all for limits and 
> standards...so long as they apply to those who need them...and 
> appreciate them...and sometimes that's me...and sometimes its not.
> I'm only intolerant for short periods...I'm not your Mr. Sensitive 
> Ponytailed 80's kinda guy...or was that 90's...like I'd give a 
> rodent's patute.
> -jc
> On Wednesday, July 23, 2003, at 02:27 PM, Pam Stevenson wrote:
> I think that should be our new tag line...P-L presumes "Kitten Flambe" 
> is off-topic.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: When I'm in bed I'm a tourist. 
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]]On Behalf Of John 
> Callan, AIA
> Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 12:02 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: Kittens
> I'm afraid I stirred that up. But, given the strong preference for 
> silence and the knowledge that I can get straight...ever so 
> straight... preservation exchanges in other forms, I'll probably not 
> bother with Preservation-L, any longer. Sad in a way. It was the first 
> list serve I joined...and I only really joined two or three. My world 
> is shrinking.
> -jc
> On Wednesday, July 23, 2003, at 10:52 AM, Met History wrote:
> Ken, was he thinking of you?     Yrs.  Trly,  Philadelphia Inquirer...
> Subj: Re: [log in to unmask], issue 180
> Date: 7/23/03 9:55:44 AM Eastern Daylight Time
> From:    [log in to unmask] (Thomas J. Westgard)
> Reply-to: [log in to unmask]
> To:    [log in to unmask]
> Apropos of withdrawing from the list -  Actually, I find that people 
> only write when they have something to say. I've been on other lists 
> that had the opposite problem; I got an update of off-topic material 
> almost every day.