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"A man of honor pays his debts with his own money. --DeGaulle" <[log in to unmask]>
John Callan <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 28 Jun 2004 09:52:32 -0500
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"A man of honor pays his debts with his own money. --DeGaulle" <[log in to unmask]>
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It seems to me that when faced with the little emergencies of my life I
did one of two things.  I asked questions, or I acted.  Not that my
little emergencies are of the scale of 9/11, but some were life
threatening and certainly filled my entire view screen of the world.  I
never continued with routine tasks.  But then, what would I know of
such things.

Meanwhile my innocent son, has turned cynical, as I suppose young men
his age are supposed to, and he poses the idea that if the president
can suspend treaties at will, why couldn't void election results?
Especially if he KNOWS there is an AlQuida plot to corrupt the voters
or the electoral college?  It is because it is.

I miss the boy who impulsively stood up in the bow of the canoe on a
sunny morning and shouted out of sheer joy and the ability to hear his
own voice echoing down the river.  (And I thank Bill for pointing it
out to me so that I could remember it this long.  I think I'll dig out
a photo I have of his son on the same trip, a little older than Patrick
is now, peering over the Kinzu Damn with Patrick, and send it to him.
Who we invite into the lives of our kids is important.)


On Jun 28, 2004, at 8:03 AM, Witold KArwowski wrote:

> Yes I know - boss was reading fairy tales for the kids but I was under
> impression that this is the system, which should pick up on itself
> regardless so what really happened?