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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 20 Aug 2004 11:14:03 +0200
text/plain (71 lines)
So far no answer from the listowner so this mail goes to both lists now.
If David objects I'll take it off here immediately but I think it is
about Paleofoods anyway.
It was very nice and refreshing to see a positive reaction to the
subject of overpopulation. We need people to have faith in the future
more than anything!
I am however quite somber about our prospects. Living in an
overpopulated, polluted yet wonderful little country makes me aware of
the idiocy of how we are living. Every time we get with too many people
on the planet there is a self-correctingsystem that does it's thing
through famine, war and disease. Nothing new there.
I'm accepting that this is natural and happens anywhere in the
animalworld. What I don't like is being in the middle of it. With a
strong sense of survival I have made it to where I am so far and would
like to continue living in relative safety and health. This is the main
reason I started eating Paleo, to get rid on my arthritis and have a
better quality of life. Having buried one neighbour that died of cancer
yesterday and another funeral to go today (cancer too) confirmed my
choice of eating and living.
Thing is however, I cannot stop the way the world is going. If every
person would be eating Paleo-style the world would be unable to sustain
all of us. An estimate by Eva this week of 500 million worldwide seems
reasonable and would mean enough people to maintain a healthy genepool
as well.
Besides the food-issue there is something that makes the threat more
urgent I think. The psychological aspect of living with so incredibly
many people together as we do now is devastating. Those of you that live
in the country may not feel it that badly but when you live in  a city
with neighbours all around you it becomes a different story.
People get indifferent to others because of the constant close
proximity, indifferent to suffering, joy, etc. It's a survivalstrategy
that is necessary cause otherwise you'd go mental with so many people
around you and all their emotions that could otherwise enter your own
So far nothing new here. What I do see happening at the moment is a
further polarisation in the world. Explainable, understandable but not
acceptable. We are with way too many people in the world to be able to
say this is still a healthy situation. On both a small and larger scale
people get irritated so quickly that tension is mounting. Everywhere!
I don't think that in the times before it used to be any different.
There were probably just as many wars and unrest as there are now, only
we didn't hear about it because there were no real fast forms of
If a village got swept away you'd find out a year or so later only.
I used to be able to understand how somebody would become a survivalist,
with their little shelter and foodstocks etc. Understand it but not want
to follow their example as such.
Now I still think it wouldn't help too much but am wondering that if
things would go wrong, how my family and me would be able to face the
storms. Literally storms even with the way the climate is changing here
in Europe. The last decade we have had a 100% increase of climate
related disasters. Only this week flooding and mudslides in places you'd
really never expect them. Especially Holland is seeing a big change in
climate. The average temperature here has risen even more then the rest
of Europe...
So while we keep on living as we do now with the industries, ways of
transports, use of energies etc we seem to build more of a debt to our
future. Depletion is inevitable and to something will snap.
How do you think our lives will look if something like this happens?
Eating Paleo will be pretty hard if there are no lines of supply.
I've seen people in Africa dropping dead near the road because of AIDS.
Zimbabwe is a scary place when you're not in touristmode but come there
to see the reality. AIDS is like a headache compared to other viruses
that are emerging. Normaly they could die out quickly because there
would be nobody left to spread them.  Now it's a different story because
of all the way of transportation we have.
So all in all I'm not too optimistic about the overpopulation and think
nature is trying to balance things.  I'd appreciate your input on this.
