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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Joe Sambou <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 27 Apr 2004 15:00:31 +0000
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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Edi, if you have something to contribute in this exchange about Amadou
please tender it and stop focusing on other things.  What are you going to
sanction next, my diction, or use of periods, commas, etc.?  I think this
phrase of yours sums your mindset:

"No one is saying it is wrong to go against Amadou but you need to balance
your argument to give the reader spaces to comment but not to say that (WE
HAVE TO HIT HIM FROM ALL CORNERS). Why? (because he uses his democratic
right to chosing to join the government and help to share his talents for
the good of his nation)."

Chi Jaama

Joe Sambou

>From: Jassey Conteh <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Jassey Conteh <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Amadou Scattred Janneh - From An Expert On Jammeh To A
>      Sycophant of Jammeh
>Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2004 10:12:56 -0400
>Political extremism is a danger in any society.  It is a right for us to
>policies relative to the Gambia but arrogance, negatives the good we strive
>to preach.  As a matter of principle, we may be scaring people away.
>I believe that political moderation and willingness to debate critically
>elements that may move us forward.
>I refuse to join in a crusade of insults.  Dr. Janneh has every right to be
>associated with any group.  I condemn any Gambian calling him names.
>As a Gambian, I move to respect any decision adopted by any Gambian.
>I believe that a person's temperament evaluates his or her character.
>What scares me is that some of us are arrogant.  Can you entrust such
>to lead should the opposition win?  Are we not trying to convince our
>about the values of democracy?  Does this mean we have to insult them?
>I hope not!
>We should also learn from our mistakes and vow to never repeat them.
>I sincerely believe that words used in a medium of exchange should
>be assessed before they are uttered.
>My vision for political debate is entirely based on civility and respect
>for those that I disagree with.  I hope we can come to the realization
>that, though we may disagree in principle, our objective is to have a free
>and democratic Gambia.  We do not have absolute power and yet we are
>rude and arrogant.
>I must pause for a moment and remember the late Hon. MC Jallow.  Comrades,
>if one has to evaluate or name a good and well-mannered person, the late
>Hon. MC Jallow was a perfect example.  This man was so humble and easy
>that he never had any enemy in the opposition.
>May God or Allah guide us in this endeavor.
>Comrade ML Jassey-Conteh
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Edie Sidibeh <[log in to unmask]>
>Sent: Apr 27, 2004 7:15 AM
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Amadou Scattred Janneh - From An Expert On Jammeh To A
>      Sycophant of Jammeh
>Joe my brother,
>will you take your time to write and gather your ideas together. it seems
>to me you are still writing angrily so cool down your temper to make it
>easier for a stupit person like myself to understand what you are really
>saying. It seems after reading your mail in the first paragraph, were you
>are protesting that people are talking a lot while saying nothing right? I
>wish you can read yourself to answer that question. No one is saying it is
>wrong to go against Amadou but you need to balance your argument to give
>the reader spaces to comment but not to say that (WE HAVE TO HIT HIM FROM
>ALL CORNERS). Why? (because he uses his democratic right to chosing to join
>the government and help to share his talents for the good of his nation).
>This is what makes it wrong to my understanding but not your right to
>againt him, but the way you used your right in the regard.
>Again Halifa is a political leader and he will really disappoint his
>followers to take that step even if he wants to, I am sure Halifa will
>intervain of accept the offer if he was not holding an important position.
>Yes you will say Sherif mustapha dibba, He was out of work and politics
>forcefully for a long time and no one is giving him a salary and obviously,
>he cannot continue like that as old age is taking it toll. Being him or any
>other person, when an opportunity knock, why not taking it? I will in his
>position to make ends met. Dr Janneh has nothing to loose living his post
>in the US to work for the country. Therefore you cannot compare Halifa and
>Dr Janneh.
>Have a good day
>Joe Sambou <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>Burang and Saiks, you know it's a travesty when folks know the truth and
>come here to say a lot without saying anything. Like you, does anyone of us
>expect Amadou to answer any such questions being asked of him? Since Amadou
>joined Jammeh back in 2001, has he said a word about corruption, thuggry,
>illegal detentions, and the murders and attempted murders in that country?
>Is that consistent with his profession as a political scientist? So, is it
>really honest of us to come here to silently support Amadou's position, yet
>pretend like one is appealing to his conscience? Why do we not seem to be
>able transcend beyond friendship and other relationships when it comes to
>national issues? Yes, Conteh can pretend to make me an issue in this
>discussion of Amadou, but as usual, folks are very intelligent in this
>and can see through his attempt here. What is wrong with pointing Amadou's
>lack of principles? Nothing. What is wong with some of us calling him an
>opportunist? Nothing? Is not his behavior the textbook definition of an
>opportunist? Absolutely. When folks come here to appeal to Jammeh, what
>are they really trying to accomplish? In my opinion, those folks are
>divided from within. They know what to say about Jammeh and what he did and
>continues to do to Gambians, but for one reason or another cannot come out
>to say it because of some conscious and deeply set calculations, from the
>strategy of leaving the door to Yaya open just in case an insider puts in a
>good word for them to be invited, to softly accommodating the indefensible,
>to outright dishonesty because of relations with those from within, not
>wanting to loose something.
>This opportunism is the reason why those with academic certificates in our
>continent have shamelessly sold themselves and endorsed the most vicious
>among us. Wasn't Halifa Sallah offered a position and he rejected it? Does
>he not have parents that need him? Why did he not think about that car he
>could have driven, or that big house, or the fine clothes, etc.? It is
>because of his principles my friends. So, it is really a sad day when folks
>try to hide behind their greed and opportunism and use feeding one's family
>to join criminals as they fleece and brutalize and murder a nation. Yet, we
>do not have a problem endorsing that and are willing to fight any that dare
>to point out the opportunism of that behavior. Are we saying these folks
>cannot make a living without Joining the plunder of their nation's coffers
>and a murderous bunch? If one believes they have to work for a dictatorship
>to survive, then those who granted them those certificates have failed
>miserably in their attempt to groom them to help change the world for the
>better by adding value with their expertise. If our forebears have managed
>their affairs and raised us to where we are independently without
>nothing, then Africa has really regressed and formal education is the worst
>thing that ever happened to us since slavery. In this day and age, the
>certificate holders are the dependent class and the vanguard to legitimize
>our corrupt and murderous governments. One thing that amazes me in our
>struggle to liberate Gambia is how our fellow citizens will stay mute as
>government plunder, torture, murder, and keep the innocent in jail, but
>be quick as lightening to strike any in defense of a friend or relative
>the regime. Now, that is truly amazing. So, it is the health of our
>friends and relatives that are more important than that of the nation. As
>long as we are ok, then let the nation rot.
>Sadly this same rationalization was presented in defense of Sheriff Dibba's
>decision to join Yaya and Conteh was his chief advocate. Now, three years
>later, what has Sheriff Dibba done for Gambia aside from collecting a
>paycheck? Has corruption stopped or abated? No. What about illegal
>detentions, murders and attempted murders? they are still live and well.
>How about the general living conditions of Gambians? Where is his NCP
>second class members? They are all suffering from the mismanagement of Yaya
>and his government with the majority of Gambians. Is Sheriff addressing the
>ills of Gambian living with his participation in a dictatorship? Well, you
>be the judge. And so, from Sidat Jobe to Amadou who are they kidding with
>their opportunism? None. But like madness, we are told again that Amadou
>has the interest of the nation, can you believe that? I think there is a
>message imbedded in this kind of thinking in the face our our reality as a
>Chi Jaama
>Joe Sambou
> >From: burang conteh
> >Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
> >
> >To: [log in to unmask]
> >Subject: Re: Amadou Scattred Janneh - From An Expert On Jammeh To A
> > Sycophant of Jammeh
> >Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2004 23:42:25 +0000
> >
> >Comrade Conteh, the questions you posed for Dr Janneh will ever stay to
> >unanswered, since his intention to joined with a regime he claimed and
> >them Aimless Peoples Ruining the country. There credibility's will ever
> >questions, since they join a wagon whose intention is to treat us with
> >impunities. We need conscious leaders not the calibers of our so-called
> >doctors, who can work with any kind of regime detrimental to any socio
> >development of our motherland. Lets speak out the truth about those wolfs
> >in
> >a sheep clothing's.
> >
> >Conteh Julla
> >
> >>From: Jassey Conteh
> >>Reply-To: Jassey Conteh
> >>To: [log in to unmask]
> >>Subject: Re: Amadou Scattred Janneh - From An Expert On Jammeh To A
> >> Sycophant of Jammeh
> >>Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2004 06:03:08 -0400
> >>
> >>Comrades:
> >>
> >>If we take the notion that all intellectuals who work for the Government
> >>of The Gambia are opportunists, then we are assessing things
> >>wrong. How can we conclude with certainty that these intellectuals
> >>support all policies advocated by the APRC regime?
> >>
> >>Though Dr. Janneh had condemned the innocent murder of Gambia
> >>school children, he now must live with his conscience. Dr. Janneh's
> >>decision to work within is a choice that he alone can live with. I hope
> >>he can make a difference in bringing needed changes. May be he
> >>can now convince Jammeh to explain how he financed the following
> >>projects:
> >>
> >>1. A fortified mansion in Kaninlai.
> >>2. A zoo in Kaninlai.
> >>3. 24-hour-and-seven-days-a-week-electricity in Kaninlai.
> >>4. The purchase of a plane.
> >>5. His responsibility in being the owner of YDE.
> >>6. Tampering with the constitution, relative to a simple majority for
> >> presidential election.
> >>7. His intention of being president for ever.
> >>8. Tribal politics, i.e., giving favors to only one tribe.
> >>9. Frequent decrees that subject Gambians to undemocratic means.
> >>10. Countless other undemocratic policies.
> >>
> >>
> >>Most of us who are in diaspora are fortunate to do whatever we
> >>want. Unfortunately, most of the people in the Gambia
> >>cannot afford to be jobless. Who is going to feed their families?
> >>Who is going to provide shelter for them?
> >>
> >>I hope we come to the realization that most government employees
> >>are career civil servants, and that they are duty bound to carry on
> >>their respective responsibilities. We should be careful in not
> >>calling them names.
> >>
> >>What frightens me is our arrogance and disrespect for each
> >>other. Why is it that some of us who are opposed to the APRC
> >>government are bent on using profanities as adjectives in
> >>disagreeing with people? In a civilize society, words used in
> >>medium of exchange should be assessed before they are uttered.
> >>
> >>I hope we can now conclude with certainty that not every intellectual
> >>who accepts a position to work with the APRC government is an
> >>opportunists. While we may disagree in principle, our responsible
> >>is to make the Gambia a democratic institution.
> >>
> >>I hope Dr. Jannehconcludes with certainty that his tenure will not
> >>be forever. His responsibility is to serve the people of the
> >>Gambia and not the mansa of kaninlai. I hope Dr. Janneh can live up to
> >>that. But in revisiting history, I will concluce with certainty that we
> >>will meet
> >>Dr. Janneh at the other end when the inevitable happens.
> >>
> >>Naphiyo,
> >>Comrade ML Jassey-Conteh
> >>
> >>-----Original Message-----
> >>From: samateh saikou
> >>Sent: Apr 23, 2004 6:45 PM
> >>To: [log in to unmask]
> >>Subject: Re: Amadou Scattred Janneh - From An Expert On Jammeh To A
> >> Sycophant of Jammeh
> >>
> >>Joe,
> >>
> >>I don't know how much energy you intend to use on this issue ,but I
> >>believe you should waste your precious energy on .It is very true that
> >>Janneh has the right to join the APRC.It is between him and his
> >>conscience.There are other People who rejected the post of State
> >>Sectary,they did not have any Dr degree to understand that it the policy
> >>of
> >>the government that dictates both the political and economic development
> >>of
> >>a nation and not the private feeling or intention of an individual
> >>Secretary
> >>of State,they know the policy of the APRC and they know that it is not
> >>possible for them to contribute to any meaningful national development
> >>under
> >>the APRC regime.Dr Janneh is now a public figure and should not worry
> >>his activities are being criticize,he is part of those some of us
> >>are taking our dear nation to hell.Opportunism is a typical
> >>of the African petty bourgeoisie.They have little values,principles is
> >>just
> >>like a football for them.This is why one can just look at them and kick
> >>them away,just like that.Our nation is going to be build by people with
> >>dignity and principles.No nation can be build by people who lamented
> >>the broad day light brutal murder of 14 young children and turn up the
> >>next
> >>day to praise to the skies the very government that is paying those
> >>soldiers
> >>and did not bring any of them to justice,whiles people like Dumo Saho
> >>been kept to rotten.Just read what his wife wrote here the other
> >>Dumo was given a medication that sent him off for sometime and now he
> >>going to be very careful with what he takes.Lets pray for our nation.
> >>
> >>For Freedom
> >>Saiks
> >>
> >>
> >> >From: Joe Sambou
> >> >Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
> >> >
> >> >To: [log in to unmask]
> >> >Subject: Re: Amadou Scattred Janneh - From An Expert On Jammeh To A
> >> > Sycophant of Jammeh
> >> >Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2004 20:20:58 +0000
> >> >
> >> >Nancy, thanks for your mail. I was off site and did not access the
> >> >the
> >> >reason why you did not hear from me. I also have not read your below
> >> >posting due to time but will surely address your concerns. So, please
> >>bear
> >> >with me. Also, I just found the mail you sent me in my Junk folder
> >>because
> >> >this is the first time you sent me mail. So, there is no malice on my
> >> >part,
> >> >just happen to be out of the office.
> >> >
> >> >Chi Jaama
> >> >
> >> >joe Sambou
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >>From: Nancy Waggeh
> >> >>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
> >> >>
> >> >>To: [log in to unmask]
> >> >>Subject: Re: Amadou Scattred Janneh - From An Expert On Jammeh To A
> >> >> Sycophant of Jammeh
> >> >>Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2004 07:30:30 -0500
> >> >>
> >> >>Folks,
> >> >>
> >> >> it is a pity that some of us in the forum take pride in bring
> >>down
> >> >>people.Whats wrong in Accepting a post.If Ams is given a chance to
> >> >>straigthen out the day to day affairs of the communication
> >> >>shouldn't he accept?.Whats shameful of lossing a job as our learned
> >>bro.
> >> >>Joe puts it?I can bet the last dime in my pocket that he has lost one
> >>or
> >> >>two jobs.Things change and peoples' views change.Ams left a job at
> >> >>American Embassy which pays far more than what the Gambia Government
> >> >>offered him.If he was lying about teaching in the second University
> >> >>accordinng to his interview atleast it is true that he was a lecturer
> >>and
> >> >>that is enough. He Aceepted the job cause he f
> >> >>elt that he has a role to
> >> >>play in changing things if given the chance.
> >> >>How come you get to know the number of Afra sesions one has to attend
> >> >>inorder to get a job?.Are you dieing to attend one of the sessions.?
> >>He
> >> >>had atleast a PhD and some experience in journalism, is that not
> >> >>enough?Are
> >> >>you jealous of the fact that he had the chance to attend some hence
> >>landed
> >> >>himeself a job?.Or are you simply dieing of envy and jealousy,Cause i
> >>know
> >> >>that if you were offered a job by the same regime you will not stop
> >> >>think but to jump into the next avalible fligth.Yaya migth have his
> >> >>problems but he did us some good as the jawara regime.How come people
> >>like
> >> >>you who have been shouting that yaya never censors Baba Jobe and Lang
> >> >>conteh; when he did and charged baba the thief,murderer and rebel as
> >>you
> >> >>used to put in a court of law; you turn out to see him as a saint and
> >>that
> >> >>what yaya did was not fair.That he betrayed the frien
> >> >>dship they shared.This
> >> >>has nothing to do with friendship.It is all about the good of the
> >> >>nation.What kind of satisfaction do you want?.Is it Yaya,the country
> >> >>who
> >> >>ever sits in a position of power that you hate.?I know that if you
> >> >>given the chance you will not do half of what he has done in terms of
> >> >>development.No human being is perfect.Even the most powerful man in
> >> >>world has his own share.He alone is not the government.I know that
> >> >>will
> >> >>take three fold as what he toke if given the chance to serve as the
> >> >>president in 48 hours.Don't tell me that you are not interested
> >> >>there is nothing better than staying and serving your nation.In any
> >> >>capacity it migth be.Take a two week holiday and come and see for
> >> >>self.Stop relying on your so called insider.I know he does not
> >>exist.One
> >> >>does not need to be a rocket scientist so as to know that some of
> >> >>facts are mere fabricates.There migth be corruption in the c
> >> >>entral bank but
> >> >>the way some of you write about the country is very
> >>frigtening.Investors
> >> >>would surely run away from the country if they get to read some of
> >>what
> >> >>is
> >> >>posted in the main page.The gambia migth be facing hard times,serious
> >> >>economic instability but that does not mean that we are scrambling
> >> >>food.Atleast we are better of than a host of other nations.Pray for
> >> >>peace.Yaya alone is not in the country.When last have you visited the
> >> >>country?Don't tell me that an insider told you cause intelligent
> >> >>don't rely on second hand information.
> >> >>Yeah,Mafy migth be called 'Mr soft ware engineer' as you decided to
> >>name
> >> >>him.But he went to school to earn that name.He is not another quack
> >> >>engineer and by the way what title do you have?Tell me ,i am dieing
> >> >>know.They had the mind to turn a blind eye to a dolar paid job,packed
> >> >>their
> >> >>belongings and decided to come and do some thing worthwhile for the
> >> >>country.If
> >> >> it was money ;they could have stayed in the US especially Mafy
> >> >>and continue with his job in Delta Airways.Don't tell me that he lost
> >>his
> >> >>job and that was why he left.Even if he lost his job as you migth not
> >>wait
> >> >>to put it but then he could have stayed in the states.Stop criticing
> >> >>people
> >> >>brother man.Get a life and open your eyes.
> >> >>laters.
> >> >>
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