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Ingrid Bauer <[log in to unmask]>
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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 13 Jan 2002 21:54:06 -0800
text/plain (88 lines)
. That evolution
> happens is observable all around us and has been proven many
> times. We also know very well how natural selection works (at
> least some people). If you believe it or not is another story
> (and hopefully one that is not going to be discussed here).

It depends of what you call evolution .
for me , that the genetic of a species evolve with time is obvious ( we did
change species thru domestication ) but to extend that to the idea that are
species evolving into other species is far from being proven , demonstrated
or whatever (  very few fossils of  intermediary forms between species have
been  found .most of them can't been found ).
it all stem from the shortsighted human point of view  that species are
differents from each over . we sense they are connected somehow so we invent
the theory of evolution to explain this connection  ,  but can't see they
are  part of the same body .
the same way than the different islands  of the gulf islands ( where i am
living )   are ( underneath the water ) the same body of land and are also
connected to  vancouver island and the mainland .
from a human point of view they appear to be separate islands but a the
bottom of the sea they are all connected .
species are the same all connected at the base .
 in the fundamental realm of subatomic particles ,all living beings are a
single continuous body linked by the same genes.
now in time , combinaison of genes are rising and sinking above or undernath
the surface .It all depend on the arrangements of the genes and on the dance
of the subatomic particles.

to give an other ex imagine that we gathered together all the peoples of the
world and arrange them by color or by shape .we wil discover that inside an
ethnic group there is a variety of color and shape ,that the colors and
shapes form a CONTINUUM and that we could not classify  them .
to get out of this scientific nightmare of shorstsightedly noticing
differences and expanding the discriminatory view of things  that further
and further  obscure the horizon ( as we "know" more  about those
differences ) we ought to look macroscopicaly and nourish our sense of
everything as one mind and body.

And eating is one important means for this dance of genes to happen .

> Francois:
> "But why draw a line between vertebrates and invertebrates?"

in that dance of exchanging energy between species thru eating  , to
distinguish between eating vertebrate or invertebrate is pure
missunderstanding of the allconnectiveness of life forms
> Simply because the only distinguishing food group between
> carnivores/ omnivores and herbivores is the eating of vertebrate
> meat (omnivores is not really a category, because they don't
> have any distinctive charactersistics). So if we want to know
> if humans should be considered carnivores/ omnivores or herbivores,
> that is the food group to look at.

Too bad i can't find the text in french of an author of 2 or 3  centuries
ago , travelling in scandinavia and reporting the practice of cows fishing
small fishes( vertebrate )  in tide pool.
how do we know if herbivorous animals are not sometimes purposefully bitting
in a frog or other small animals dead or alive .


> Jean-Claude:
> "Are eggs vertebrate or not."
> Of course eggs can become vertebrates. Point here is if a food
> can be easily obtained by as well carnivores/ omnivores as
> herbivores. Eggs can in theory easily be obtained by herbivores,
> so that is why they cannot be excluded as a possibility in their
> diet. Vertebrate meat is the only food group that cannot be
> obtained by herbivores.
> Francois:
> "See that (our teeth) are finely adapted to the job (of eating
> vertebrate meat)."
> That we can do something doesn't necessarily mean that we are
> adapted to it. In my opinion, if humans do something that is
> not done by comparable animals for the characteristic under
> study, they are playing a dangerous game (sometimes referred to
> as "Playing God").
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