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John Schwery <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 20 Apr 2004 18:28:57 -0500
text/plain (138 lines)
Phil, I guess I'm missing something because I don't see the problem.  You
said:  I don't believe a
>Christian can be demon possessed myself but Chuck Smith, and Lord please
>don't let this be the Chuck Smith out in California who wrote this horrible
>article, could be any more wrong if he had never even read God's Holy Word.

To me, it sounds like both of you are saying the same thing, that is, that
a believer cannot be demon possessed.

earlier, Phil Scovell, wrote:
>If this is the Chuck Smith out in California that I have heard for years on
>the radio who pastor's a Charismatic church, I am not only amazed at the
>below comments but totally confused by them.  This article is one of those
>things that does much more harm than good.  He even refuses to explain what
>he knows is happening and totally dismisses it by saying, it is
>unscriptural.  Does he think these poor people want this stuff happening to
>them?  Does he think they chose to do it or to allow it?  What in hell is he
>talking about in this article and I do mean, what in hell, because this
>article is right down unholy and spiritually dangerous.
>I don't believe a
>Christian can be demon possessed myself but Chuck Smith, and Lord please
>don't let this be the Chuck Smith out in California who wrote this horrible
>article, could be any more wrong if he had never even read God's Holy Word.
>Man.  No wonder the devil is screwing up the church today with this type of
>garbage being taught.
>snip snip.
>(The Devil Made Me Do It!)
>Article taken from the magazine: ANSWERS  Issue 8
>The question has been forced upon us:  "Can a born-again  Christian
>be possessed  by a demon?" The answer based on the Scriptures and logic
>is an unequivocal NO!
>The  proponents  of  this  unscriptural  doctrine  use  such  terms
>as Christians being "invaded by demons" rather than demon possessed.
>This is nothing  more  than  word  games and a smoke screen to hide the
>Scriptural weakness of their position.
>They also present an illogical supposition that the demons  can
>invade or control the mind or body, but not the spirit.  God's Word
>declares that the  body is the temple of the Holy Spirit which is in
>us.  We are told to glorify God in our bodies and in  our  spirits,
>which  are  His  (1  Cor.  6:19,20).
>In 2 Corinthians the question is asked:  "What communion has light
>with darkness?  And what accord has Christ with Belial...  And  what
>agreement has  the  temple  of God with idols?  For you are the temple
>of the living God.  As God has said: "I will dwell in them..." (6:14 -
>To say that a Christian's body or mind can be possessed or  invaded
>by demons  is  to  contradict  the  Word  of  God and declare that
>there is a communion of light and darkness, that God and Satan are
>dwelling together.
>The Scriptures also teach us that Christ is seated  in  the
>heavenlies far  above  all  principalities  and powers and mights and
>dominions (Eph.  1:21,22).  These are references to spirit beings - and
>Christ is far above them.  Where am I as a believer?  According to
>Ephesians 2:6,  I am seated together with Christ in the heavenlies.
>As  Christians  we  are  in  a warfare against these principalities
>and powers (Eph. 6:12).  We need the help of God to stand, for these
>rulers of the darkness can and do attack us in a variety of ways.  But
>they  cannot come in and take control of our lives.
>The  Scriptures also teach that we are in Christ,  and that He is in
>us (John 14:20).  It is Christ in us which is our hope of glory (Col.
>1:27).  Christ said concerning Satan,  "The ruler of this world is
>coming,  and he has nothing in Me" (John 14:30).  If I am in Christ and
>Satan has  nothing in Him, Satan can have nothing in me - praise the
>We also read in 1 John 5:18,  "We know that whoever is born of God
>does not sin; but he who has been born of God keeps himself, and the
>wicked one does not touch him."
>What about these experiences of Christians having demons  cast  out
>of them?  What  are  the  voices  that  name themselves,  the writhing
>on the floor,  and the regurgitation?  I do not know.  I am thankful
>that since I do  not  engage in these unscriptural practices,  I do not
>have to explain them.
>Some of the names given by these supposed demons which are more
>popular are: lust, hatred, liar, gluttony, envy, fear and jealously.
>These things are classified in Galatians 5:19-21 as works of the flesh.
>We are to "put off all these" (Col.  3:8) or by the Spirit to "mortify
>the deeds  of  the body"  (Rom.  8:13,  6:3-14).  Not once are we
>commanded to have them cast out.
>It seems to me that this whole demon trip is a cop-out for  the
>flesh.  I  would  like to find some easy way to get rid of my fleshly
>nature,  and rather than the painful process of crucifixion,  I would
>just like to have it  cast  out.  It  is  also  a  way of escaping the
>responsibility for my fleshly actions.  How can I be blamed if "the
>devil made me do it"?
>In the Scriptures there does not exist one piece of evidence that
>Jesus Christ,  His apostles,  or the early Church once sought to cast
>demons  of the  flesh  out  of  anyone in the body of Christ.  The
>works of the flesh were recognized,  and we are instructed how to deal
>with them.  Never  are we taught they are to be exorcised.
>Even in the supposed cases from the Scriptures that would confirm
>that demons  could inhabit a Christian - Ananias and Sapphira,  "Why
>hath Satan filled thine heart" (Acts 5:3);  or Simon the sorcerer,
>"Thou art in  the gall  of bitterness,  and in the bond of iniquity"
>(Acts 8:23) - Peter did not practice exorcism.  Instead,  there was
>instant judgment of death  in the first case and a call to repentance
>in the other.
>It  is  sad  that  many  Christians  and  non-Christians seem to
>have a greater interest in Satan and being possessed by demons  than
>they  do  in Christ and being possessed by His Holy Spirit.
>Those  who  fall  into the practices of exorcism soon seem to be
>looking for and placing a greater emphasis on the power of Satan to
>attack than on the  power  of  Christ  to  keep.   Demons  become  the
>center  of  their conversations and teachings rather than Jesus Christ.
>We  can rejoice in God's Word,  "Greater is he that is in you,  than
>he that is the world" (1 Jn. 4:4).  Thanks be to God Who gives us the
>victory through Jesus Christ our Lord!  We as Christians are told in
>James 4:7  to "resist," not "cast out," the devil, and he will flee
>from us.


   Please take my advice, I don't use it anyway ...