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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 22 Feb 2004 18:33:50 -0700
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That is what I thought too John, and with no adult supervission not good to


----- Original Message -----
From: "John Schwery" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2004 4:24 PM
Subject: Re: Retreat part2; Continuing

> Chris, guys and girls sleeping in the same room?  Not good.
> earlier, Chris L Gilland, wrote:
> >I need to start again, by saying that if there were any part that I'd
> >more input on, it would be this second one...
> >
> >Everything was going fine, until Friday right before lights out for the
> >youth.  it wasn't really a bad thing, as much as it scared me a teeny
> >Basicly, one of the youth, named jenny (age 12) apparently told all of us
> >that she suffered from severe azma.  On top of that, she had caught a
> >massive cold from her older brother before coming...  not there was
> >really wrong with that fer say:  it was just, well, for 1, she certainly
> >conjested, no question about it...  Well, have you ever had one of these
> >insodents, where you go somewhere with a group of people, not even church
> >related necessarily, but you really feel God leading you to everyone,
> >but especially, him leading you to one particular individual of the group
> >take care of, watch out for, and to not only pray for, but also to talk
> >witness to, etc?  Well this is exactly what happened with jenny and
> >myself...  I don't think until there at the very end of today, however
> >she got the full jidst of how deeply I love and care about her...
> >literally, granted, I've never once had kids, however I've been round
> >of all ages from infantsts, all the way up to highschoolers, so I do know
> >enough to know, that I truely love her as if she were my own...  I'd give
> >world for her...  heaven forbid!  I did! give my world for her the whole
> >weekend...  When I found that she and all the young middle schoolers were
> >all sleeping in the den on sleeping bags, in the same room, obviously, I
> >also was offered to sleep up there with them, if I so chose...  Granted I
> >was beyond mortifyingly embarrassed because, well?  OK, mainly:  Like I
> >said:  jenny's only 12, now, she's sleeping, in the same room, with the
> >other middle school guys, plus, myself, should I accept...  OK, folks,
> >in the blankity blank is wrong with this lovely picture here... Not?
> >Certainly not lovely...  Or... so I thought...  and before you all who
> >about my situation, don't freak out, as it wasn't a bad thing in the long
> >run, but don't jump ahead of me here.
> >
> >
> >To make a long story short, I finally did accept.  I didn't do so though
> >because of cercomstances...  I did it mainly because of the situation
> >jenny as it was.  I couldn't stand to see her alone of there with them
> >no adult supervising.  That in itself was enough to scare the heeby
> >outta me...  Believe me:  it gets worse, so let me continue...  Well, the
> >first night being Friday, obviously, went pretty well...  The only thing
> >that Collin, who was the youngest boy there at age 10 was cutting up very
> >badly, in a good way, but still enough to where it wasn't appropriate...
> >Basicly, he purposely was doing his best to trip over jenny purposely.
> >Well, that really got me extremely irked...  Finally I sat up and I let
> >have it...  Because of me gbeing one of the shapherones, I had this
> >responsibility...  I felt really weird doing what I'm fixing to tell ya,
> >I've never once had to disapline a child, but I had to do it...  I told
> >OK Collin, that does it... keep in mind:  I'd already told him numerous
> >times to stop...  I told him that A... him doing that and then when I
> >what the thudding noise was not telling me was very very very very
> >in itself, let's forget tripping purposely in the dark over anotyher
> >(especially of the oppisit gender.)  i still don't know what his motive
> >of what he thought he was doing...  I told him thus, that because of not
> >telling me with my visual problems, I had no way of knowing if someone
> >and was hurt, or if they were playing, or what...  Well, when i told him
> >that, and he still ignored my very harsh warning, I finally went over,
> >grabgbed him by the arm, (not hard) yes hard enough to hurt very badly,
> >admit it, and yes, he did yelp)  I told him, with my hand cupped under
> >chin so that he was forced to look me in the eye:  Collin, I have had
> >tomorrow, Lin (who is our pastor)  is going to be told about this.  A
> >he begged me not to, that he'd be good...  I told him, Collin?  Honey?
> >should a thought about that before you did this, shouldn't you.  he was
> >silent...  i then said, almost these precise words:  Collin?  Young man?
> >am talking to you mister...  You've already in major trouble, I'd suggest
> >that you answer me and not make this worse than it already is...  You
> >hafve thought first.  Right?  he then very quietly said, yes.  I tol,.d
> >then, excuse me?  he said for what?  I then said, I am adult:  you are
> >child...  You do not tell me yes when i am talking to you...  Do you
> >understand me?  I think then he caught the idea, and said, yes, sir...
> >I said and, as a bonis, because of your misconduct, you are going to keep
> >lyour mouth zipped, and sit here on the couch beside me until there is
not a
> >sol except us in this room awake...  Do i make myself clear?  he told me
> >again:  yes sir...  I then finnished by leading him to the couch, and
> >him, I mean it boy... you make one word unless it's an emergency, and you
> >will suffer very severe concequences...  He then asked, not that I will
> >disobey you, Chris, but if I do, what will happen?  i told him, Collin,
> >you're not gonna disobey me, then is there any reason for you to know?
> >said no...  I was very tempted to then say, no what, but I figured I'd
> >him enough grief already for one evening, I mean, I had to give at least
> >some merrit to the fact that's only 10 for crying outloud.
> >
> >i didn't hear a word the rest of the evening...  it wasn't until the next
> >night, being last night that things got so outta whack that I totally
> >it completely and literally went insane...  i think all along Jenny knew
> >was very upset, although she probably had no clue why...  As many times
as I
> >asked her though quote:  are you OK?  i'm surprised that she didn't get
> >irritated by me continuously asking.  i could tell that she could totally
> >understand my concern for her, and I can't tell you all nor her, how much
> >appreciate that...  lin did the most stupid thing though last night, and
> >even though that was a Christian invironment I did say something to him
> >I now regret wording as I did...  Please don't ban me as this is not all
> >that profane, yeah, not appropriate, but not really profane for my
> >opinion...  I am only and again say:  only quoting here:  I should
> >what happened first, but i'll get this outta the way:  I told him, lin,
> >horribly quote:  pissed off at you tonight, bigtime!  livid doesn't come
> >close to cutting it...
> >
> >
> >That's not a word, especially to a pastor, I'd normally use in regular
> >cerstances, but Vickey, before you react to me saying it on here, I like
> >at least explain in part 3, what caused me to say it, and get so furious.
> >
> >With that said, here comes part3.
> >
> >
> >Chris.
> John
>    Every time I lose weight, It finds me again !