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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 21 Dec 2003 11:27:25 -0600
text/plain (51 lines)
I too want to wish yawl a Merry Christmas. Funny thing is, I noted to
Rhonda that Christmas is when you decide to celebrate it, especially as
December 25 is not even when Christ was born, but when people decided to
celebrate it. Well today, because of our upcoming trip, we decided to do
our Christmas thing. My daughter talked of going to a store, and I was
thinking, they aren't going to be open on Christmas day geesh! lol I
engrained it in my head too much and supposed our Christmas celebration on
everyone else lol. In fact I thought I had missed sending a greetings to
the list and was feeling bad, am I easy to convince or what? lol

Merry Christmas


At 12/20/2003 on Saturday, you wrote:
>Hi Loving Ones,
>Vernon and I would like to wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a very
>Blessed new year. We pray that the year of 2004 is the best year ever for
>all of you and your loving ones.
>If any of you would like our Christmas letter e-mailled to you, please let
>me know, and I'll be glad to email it to you.
>I am also writing to give you all my new MSN Instant Messenger email. This
>is only to be used for talking to me when I'm on line, and not for sending
>emails to this address, please.
>Please change it from [log in to unmask] to the new one which  is:
>[log in to unmask]
>Please, and I repeat, Please do not send me email at this address. This is
>just to be used for chatting on line with me. <smile>
>I hope to be adding you all to my contact list soon.
>I'm sorry about many of you who have missed us on the Storm Stories on the
>Weather chanel. Just go to and if you go to the Storm
>Stories link, you should find out when the Storm Story airs of the F4
>tornado in Manchester South Dakota. It has aired a few times, but none of
>us have been lucky enough to catch it. There have been other storm stories
>about tornados this month, as well.
>God Bless you all, and I'm going to go and eat my Pizza when Vernon goes
>and gets it. He's gone now, so better get busy and set the table.
>Love you all bunches,
>Pat and Vernon Ferguson