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carol pearson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
carol pearson <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 18 Dec 2003 07:18:34 -0000
text/plain (213 lines)

Remember, "Greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world!"
(1John 4:4)

I've put that to music some years ago, along with other Scriptural verses!
Maybe I'll call and teach it to you and you can keep singing it <Loving One>

Aha!  And they can't "possess" you because Jesus does!

They can only be a problem to you in certain circumstances, as Phil has
already outlined.  Haw!  You know what:  If you are troubled by any, their
time is very limited and Phil knows how to pray them away and lives nearer
to you than I do!  <SMILE>


----- Original Message -----
From: "Pat Ferguson" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 11:39 PM
Subject: Re: Demons

> Dear Phil,
> Wow, that was very powerfull and scarey, too.
> I'm praying that I'm not possessed with any demons. They do scare me.
> Love,
> Pat Ferguson
> At 01:08 PM 12/17/03 -0700, you wrote:
> >John,
> >
> >I agree with everything you said.  This is why, when praying with people
> >intercessory prayer sessions, I don't look for demons.  Many times they
> >simply leave once the truth of the Word of God is applied.  If they have
> >stronghold in a person's life, however, they will not just leave until
> >reason why they are there is exposed.  Let me explain the difference.  I
> >praying with a lawyer friend of mine in New York City one day.  About 20
> >minutes into the prayer time, the Lord wanted him to take a look at a
> >particular memory related to his relationship with his father.  I asked
> >to tell me about the memory and he said, There's nothing but a buzzing
> >in my ears.  In Jesus name, I took authority and told the demon who was
> >blocking the will of the Lord to stop it.  I asked Bill what happened and
> >said, the buzzing stopped instantly.  He then could see what the Lord was
> >showing him and he was healed in a very powerful way by the Lord and His
> >Word at that moment.  Another time I was praying with someone and there
> >a blockage keeping this person from seeing or hearing anything.  I asked
> >Lord if there was any demonic presence blocking His will for this person
> >a demon immediately began speaking through this person's voice.  When I
> >asked the demon why he had the right to be in this person's life at this
> >point, he said, because they made a vow.  I asked him what the vow was
> >he said, they know.  I commanded him, in the name of Jesus, to stop
> >and to stand aside.  He immediately stopped talking.  I then asked the
> >person with whom I was praying what the demon was talking about and they
> >told me about a vow they had made as a little child.  This begins to fall
> >into the category of evil soul ties and unholy covenants I wrote about a
> >little while back.  I had this person pray a prayer to break this unholy
> >covenant and to break the vow which the demons were using to maintain
> >stronghold in this person's life.  The vow was broken instantly and the
> >demons left by this person praying and commanding them out of their life.
> >We then could get to the place the demons were protecting.  Jesus then
> >exposed the lie they were using as their legal authority in this person's
> >life.  Once the Lord's Word brought light, the person was set free and
> >vow was rendered powerless because it was replaced with the truth of
> >own Word.  The only aspect of demonology that might be considered
> >is not knowing who you are in Christ.  I never look for demons during a
> >prayer session unless there is a blockage and if there is, they manifest
> >various ways.  Often they do not talk at all because they can't.  That
> >they only have a foothold and not a well developed stronghold.  You
> >each of those differently based upon what you know and don't know
> >why they are there.  Some demons have a legal right to be where they are
> >to the lie that the Christian is believing.  If they are believing that
> >instead of God's Word, it is due to either committed sin that is
> >or a lie than has remained implanted in the event, or a traumatic
> >as a child in which a lie was implanted into their thinking and since
> >were a child, they were unable to process the information with maturity.
> >This sort of thing is quite common among children who were sexually
> >In these cases, it is very common that the event is repressed, or
> >suppressed, to the degree they do not even remember the details or the
> >itself.  In these cases, you always find one of two things.  You find
> >a demonic presence which has to be removed before healing can come, or
> >find a fragmented part of the mind which was created by the child.  This
> >dissociation is not demonic.  It is the mind fragmenting into another
> >personality in order to help the person suppress the trauma and the
> >tremendous pain the mind has been forced to endure.  These dissociated
> >fragments of a person's mind are not, as I said already, demons, although
> >demons often masquerade as alternate personalities.  Since personalities
> >cannot be cast out, since they are not demons, it has to be determined,
> >talking to each of the alternate personalities, which they are.  When an
> >imposter is found, they can be removed and the finishing work of Christ
> >be accomplished.  There is a very simple way of discovering if an
> >personality is a personality or an unclean spirit.  You simply ask the
> >speaking, normally their voice has changed and sounds different, to
> >this question.  Did Jesus Christ come in the flesh?  Yes, or no.  Demons
> >will never answer this question.  Alternate personalities created by the
> >traumatized person's mind will answer the question immediately by saying
> >yes.  Some traumatized people have multiple personalities that have been
> >created to protect multiple areas of pain suffered in early childhood
> >the mind was too undeveloped to understand what was happening to them.
> >with demons, I never bother looking for alternate personalities unless
> >indications arise which reveal there are other personalities.  Demons
> >to talk to you but alternate personalities are normally very shy and
> >reluctant to talk.  The person has to be very sure you are their friend
> >before their alternates will ever speak to you.  I have spoken to many
> >alternate personalities than demons because when I find a demon in a
> >person's thinking, I normally lay down parameters, which if they violate,
> >send them directly to the Lord to take care of.  Demons don't like going
> >Jesus.  By the way, Jesus is their Chief Shepherd and Lord and Master,
> >so when they are turned over to him, they aren't happy.  Again, if they
> >refuse to go, there is a reason why they can stay.  Through praying with
> >person, this reason is located, exposed by the Lord Jesus, and replaced
> >His Truth.  That immediately removes the right a demon has to stay and
> >often leave on their own because the light is the only thing left and
> >hate the light of Christ.  Demons, if allowed to, will also always try
> >challenge your authority.  If you aren't sure who you are in Christ, and
> >you allow them to carry on a conversation with you, they will locate that
> >inconsistency in your belief structure and try and turn the tables on
> >This is why I never talk very long to a demonic presence.  I only talk
> >enough to find out why they have a right to be there.  Then I make them
> >up or defer them to Jesus for control.  I know a man who prays with
> >and carries on running conversations with demons he discovers in a
> >life.  He is looking for the root cause as to why they are there but it
> >traumatizes the person more to think they have demons rolling around in
> >their thoughts.  Besides, there is no reason to carry on a conversation
> >them because all you need to know is why they are there.  Furthermore,
> >longer you talk, the easier it is for them to tap into an area of your
> >life that may be uncomfortable for you to think about.  One thing you
> >do is answer a demon's question.  This is their way of turning the tables
> >you.  I ignore all questions or defer them to Jesus.  I hope this
> >helps somebody.  If any of this makes someone feel uncomfortable, there
is a
> >reason and you would be wise to find out why because it will get worse
> >instead of better.  It is a lie of the devil that demons won't bother you
> >a Christian.  If you think that, you have already been deceived and it
> >stirred up some area of your life that our Lord wants to heal.  In short,
> >you are afraid of demons, there is a reason and that reason is not of God
> >and needs to be removed by the Lord so you can walk in spiritual freedom.
> >Why does the Lord Jesus want you to walk in total freedom?  So you can do
> >His will and serve others.  Yes, it is that simple.
> >
> >Phil.