Discussiones in Interlingua


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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 6 Jan 2004 15:02:54 -0800
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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (155 lines)
Usque nunc, io non ha participate in un sala de
chat in tempore currente.  Io prefere participar
in gruppos ubi io pote usar un certe periodo de
tempore pro formular ben responsas a commentarios
que on dirige a me e pro formular strategias coherente
de communication.

In altere gruppos de discussion io ha trovate
prejudicios contra interlingua ex franco- e
hispanophonos.  Illes pote comprender mi interlingua,
il me pare, ma interlingua es assatis differente
de lor linguas native que illo les irrita.  Un
hispanophono me diceva un vice que leger interlingua
es como esser myope e vader al cinema sin berillos.

Ma io sape scriber rapidemente e in anglese e in
interlingua.  (Naturalmente il ha multe cosas que
io pote dicer in anglese que io non pote dicer in
interlingua.  Ma pro omne nos, il ha cosas que nos
pote exprimer in nostre linguas native que nos non
pote exprimer in interlingua.  Il non es necesse
haber le capacitates de expression de nostre linguas
native pro communicar efficacemente in interlingua.)

Como anglophono, io comenciarea mi discussion e
in anglese e in interlingua, explicante que
es un lingua ponte que multe europeos pote comprender
sin studio previe e que illo es un lingua cuje scopo
es neutralisar prejudicios contra ulle lingua national
o regional europee.

Postea io gradualmente abandonarea le partes de
mi messages in anglese.  E si io tunc incontrava
opposition al uso de interlingua, io continuarea
le uso del anglese.

Post isto io demandarea si vermente il esserea
preferible que io continuava mi communicationes
solmente in anglese.

"Esque vos vermente crede," io demandarea, "que
nos, le angloparlantes del mundo, debe haber le
privilegio special de imponer nostre lingua native
sur le nativos de altere linguas europee?  O esque
vos crede que il esserea melio usar un dialecto
flexibilemente planificate sur fontes europee
generalisate que non es le lingua native de ulle
persona e que omnes debe apprender como un secunde

Si vos parla, que nos dice, le danese o le hollandese,
vos anque poterea commenciar communicante de iste
maniera bilingue.

In pauc tempore tamen vos poterea facer demandas
a iste: "Io sape que un numero multo reducite de
personas comprende lo que io dice in danese (o
hollandese).  E como multe altere europeos, o ha
studiate le anglese, e io pote leger lo un pauco.  Ma
io non pote scriber lo de un maniera coherente.  Esque
vos prefererea que io me exprime incoherentemente in
anglese o in un lingua que vos pote comprender assatis
facilemente sin studio anterior?"

Con le tempore limitate que io ha pro communicar
trans le Rete, io non vole participar in conferentias
de chat in tempore currente.  Io crede que io pote
promover le uso expandite de interlingua providente
ressources que altere studentes de linguas pote
usar pro apprender e interlingua e anglese.  E me
placerea multo si le nativos de altere linguas usarea
iste strategia mie pro adjuvar studentes de
e lor proprie linguas native.


Up to now I haven't participated in a chat room.
I prefer to participate in groups where I can use
a certain amount of time to do a good job preparing
responses to commentaries coming my way or to develop
coherent communication strategies.

In other discussion groups I have found prejudices
against Interlingua from French and Spanish speakers.
They can understand my Interlingua, it seems to me,
but Interlingua is different enough from their native
languages that it irritates them.  A Spanish speaker
once said to me that reading Interlingua is like being
nearsighted and going to the movies without a pair of

But I can write quickly in English and in Interlingua.

(Naturally, there are a lot of things that I can
say in English that I can't say in Interlingua.
But for all of us, there are things that we can
express in our native languages that we can't express
in Interlingua.  We don't have to have the expressive
capacities of our native languages to communicate
effectively in Interlingua.)

As a native speaker of English, I would start my
discussion in both English and Interlingua, explaining
that Interlingua is a bridge language that many
Europeans can understand without previous study
and that it is a language whose purpose it is to
neutralize prejudices against any national or regional
European language.

Afterwards I would gradually abandon the English
parts of my messages.  And if I then ran into
opposition to the use of Interlingua, I would continue
the use of English.

"Do you really think," I would ask, "that we, the
English speakers of the world, should have the special
privilege of imposing our native language on the
native speakers of other European languages?  Or
do you think that it would be better to use a dialect
flexibly planned on generalized European sources
that is not the native language of anyone and that
all would have to learn as a second language?"

If you speak, let's say, Danish (or Dutch) you could
also could start bilingually in this way.

After a short time, however, you could ask questions
similar to this one:  "I know a rather small number of
people understand what I am saying in Danish (or
Dutch).  Like many other Europeans, I have studied
English, and I can read it a little.  But I can't
write it coherently.  Would you really prefer that I
communicate incoherently in English or in a language
that you can understand rather easily without previous

With the limited time that I have to communicate
on the Internet, I don't want to participate in
real-time chat conferences.  I think that I can
promote the expanded use of Interlingua providing
resources that other language students can use to
learn both Interlingua and English.  And I think it
would be very nice if native speakers of other
languages would use this strategy of mine to help
out students of both Interlingua and their own native

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