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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Jabou Joh <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 28 Jan 2004 22:04:46 EST
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (135 lines)

You seem to be emerging as a man who is really an AFPRC supporter but trying 
to straddel the fence intermittantly. Now you see it, now you don't. Of course 
you are free to support whoever you want to support, but please be honest 
about it.On the other hand, your actions mirror the lack of courage manifested by 
those on whose behalf you are speaking.

Coup d'etats are not a measure of courage brother, just like robbing someone 
while pointing a gun at them is not a sign of the Robber's courage. Like the 
Robber, the coupist can either get lucky and get away with it, or they can get 
killed or caught by the police. In this case, unfortunately, these guys got 
lucky and every single passing day  with every single act of violence or  human 
rights abuse mainfests this to the Gambian people.
Real soldiers with real courage do not exercise their courage by attacking or 
harming the civilians they are supposed to be defending. Even if these guys 
had the guts to plot and pull off a coup, they have become the worse cowards 
our country has ever witnessed. They are cowards with guns who have taken our 
people hostage, and worse still, they are power hungry and money hungry cowards. 
They know well that the guns they are waving, the fear they impart on the 
innocent public and the money they amass by running our country as their own 
private enterprise and the favours they buy with it from the gullible amongst us 
are the only things that are keeping them in place. Please do not waste your 
time trying to convince us about things that areabundantly too clear for us 

Jabou Joh

In a message dated 1/28/04 1:34:53 AM Central Standard Time, 
[log in to unmask] writes:
> &#65279; ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Elhajj, Jabou, Cedris, Coker, Marong, I surely 
> understand
> all of you. I think i have been misunderstood. I will address  all your 
> concerns
> in due course. Do i have any more to say? Probably. No i will ignore Ams, 
> because
> "ignorant people learn a big lesson when no one feels they exist". In the 
> meantime,
> while the Sun and the Moon shines over your head, breath the air of Liberty 
> from
> the ststue of Liberty with great vigour"  "Any planet with more than one 
> Ams, will
> be a dangerous place to live in. How lucky we are on planet earth to have 
> Only one
> Ams!" 
>         In this final episode, I will focus on the cloud of rubbish that 
> Binneh build around
> these people. By Binneh’s summary, all the members of the council are 
> mediocre or
> unfit career soldiers. But my own analysis of their personal profile tent to 
> point
> to men with great military qualities. Lt Jammeh, Lt. Sabally. Lt. Hydra, Lt. 
> Singateh,
> Lt. Touray and Lt. Jallow. 
>                    First though Lt Jammeh You said  
>         " He is not even fit to command a platoon in the army.We all know he 
> was indiscipline
> and does not have any form of ethics whiles in the army" 
>         But here is a man whose military qualities made him commander of the 
> Red Beret
> (Commondo Unit). You were not qualify to head that unit. He was seen foot to 
> foot
> as number one barrier guarding former president Jawara. You or your cronies 
> are
> not fit to be there or even the trusted Nigerian soldiers Jawara brought. He 
> was
> again the officer in charge of the security of the most powerful president 
> of the
> world (to be), George Bush. No one will give you that important security 
> role. So
> what do you mean by saying Jammeh is not a capable soldier? 
>                    Secondly, Lt sabally. You wrote 
>         "He was not smart and not intelligent,and was an abuse to authority, 
> .....He is
> incompetent for any form of responsibility." 
>         No one can deny the fact that he was among the best max men in the 
> entire GNA.
> Personally, I do not have a good profile of this soldier but I am hundred 
> percent
> sure that if Sabally coughs in GNA, your beret could fall off your head. 
> Man, civilians
> may joke with Sabally, but you in the military won’t, I mean not even Yaya. 
>                    Hydra, Singateh, Touray and Jallow are all soldiers I 
> cannot talk much
> about. But no one will doubt their military capabilities. Even if you claim 
> that
> you were all LT ranks with them before the coup, their own rank is far 
> superior
> to yours. How can you tell me these men are not capable, when they succeeded 
> in
> chasing you, Jawara, Press Jagne, Chongan, Bajo and the Nigerian 
> guards/trainers.
> Were you using sticks. Is only a man like Sabally who can chase cowards like 
> you.
>                    In my opinion, all of the above were some force to be 
> recond with in
> the GNA. However, when they seized power, they ended up using their powers 
> and abilities
> to the determent of the ordinary citizen. And as you can see, they are 
> turning against
> each other. I made it clear earlier that Fabrication of lice, makes 
> dictators become
> the ultimate winners. Well Iraq is a vivid example. Sadam is more popular 
> today
> than he was before the invasion. No weapons, many deaths, etc, etc, Where is 
> Bush
> now?  “My body die for you boy” Yes Sir! No Sir! Wake up.   Give the devil 
> its dues!
>         The Truth shall set you and I free   (Holy Bible) 
>         PG 

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