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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Rhonda Partain <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 14 Jul 2004 04:17:10 -0700
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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (96 lines)
That's good news!  financial  issues and the future, a
sort of scarry thought!!

How are things going with your wife and  watching the
children?  I hope your family is doing well.

Rhonda --- Brad Dunse <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Kathy's question of if we were tired of hearing life
> issues caused me to
> follow through with a note I had planned on sending
> but been putting off
> for whatever reason. We  thought to refinance our
> house with the onset of
> rising interest rates, and the scheduled plan of
> raising them 8 times in
> the next 18 months according to Greenspan a week or
> two ago helped confirm
> it is time to lock in and quit playing gamble with
> rates. . We had also
> planned on rolling some hounding credit card debt
> into the mortgage. Not my
> first choice to finance such debt, but considering
> rising interest rates,
> the Adjustable Rate Mortgage we  had on the place
> and etc. we decided to
> see about rolling the debt over into a refi.
> Well things did not look good at all, in fact the
> first offer the mortgage
> broker gave us was worse than what we currently
> have. Then my wife in
> talking to him, found he had some income issues
> regarding my business a bit
> miscommunicated, yet still we needed to appraise out
> at like near $190,000.
> The broker called the other day and said he didn't
> know who we had in our
> corner, but we appraised at $187,000 and would not
> only be enough to refi,
> but now we'd need to bring no money to the closing
> table. The market value
> of our home sounds like a lot, and for some areas it
> may well be, but you
> can't touch a house  in this town, in this
> neighborhood for much less. We
> bought it a year and a half ago at $160,000 and in
> that time with a fence
> only added, it appraised at $187,000 so you can see
> the rise of the market
> here. I'm thankful for the good market to enable us
> to find some breathing
> room and even though we will close the refi on a
> fixed 30 loan with a 15
> year balloon on rates, we are amortizing it on the
> side to make payments as
> if it were a 15 year loan. God is really working
> with us to free us up from
> being owed to no one as soon as possible. Kind of
> makes me wonder what he
> has in store, or what is in store in general.
> Anyway, we were to sign
> papers for the first phase of the refi tonight but
> the broker tossed his
> back out and is scheduled to come out tomorrow late
> afternoon. We stressed
> no surprises at the table, I'd be livid after the
> last mortgage broker we
> dealt with jerked us around like he did. So I'm
> praying all goes well, and
> we close this month. Thought to post in case any of
> you cared to know. To
> be honest, I  really didn't think  a refi on this
> place would fly so soon,
> and this is also including a prepay penalty on the
> existing two notes to
> make up 100% financing. again not my choice, but I'm
> prompted to go with
> it. God has dealt with me, and warned me of
> financial vulnerability in very
> near future.
> Brad
>    If you're not living where you are, you're not
> living at all

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