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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Rhonda Partain <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 15 Mar 2004 21:07:05 -0800
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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (220 lines)
Hi Pat, that section you sent sounds good to me.
Please send it to me, now I am using
[log in to unmask], so if any of you want to
write me, send  email here. Do you know if  this book
is recorded, or in e-text, or has someone scanned it?
It sounds like something I would like to read.

Rhonda Partain
--- Pat Ferguson <[log in to unmask]>
> Dear Loving EChurch Family,
> I need to know how many of you are doing the Purpose
> Driven Life book in
> your Church. The reason is that I'm hearing mixed
> things. Some people are
> telling me that there is a work book that one can
> get to go with it, and
> others are telling me that there is no work book,
> but there is a Journal. I
> don't know what to think. I'm getting the Journal
> put in text format, so if
> anyone wants it, I can email it to them.
> Please let me know what you think of the book if you
> have red it.
> Is anyone interested in starting a group here on
> this list with the Purpose
> Driven Life book?
> Here's just a sample of the first seven days in the
> Journal below my name.
> Love and Blessings
> Pat Ferguson
> Before you were born, God planned this moment in
> your life.  It is no
> accident that you have chosen to read The
> Purpose-Driven Life.  God longs
> for you to discover the life he created you to
> live---here on earth, and
> forever in eternity.
> As I wrote Purpose-Driven Life, I prayed you would
> experience the
> incredible joy that comes from knowing God's
> purposes for your life.  I
> admire you for your interest in this book.  It shows
>  you want to know
> your purpose, and God loves that.  You'll learn the
> big picture--how all
> the pieces of the puzzle fit together.  This
> perspective on life will
> reduce your stress, increase your satisfaction, help
> you make better
> decisions, and most importantly, prepare you for
> eternity.
> I invite you to join me in a life-defining 40-day
> spiritual journey that
> answers life's most important question: What on
> earth am I here for?  The
> best way to reinforce your progress in fulfilling
> God's purposes for your
> life is to keep a spiritual journal.  This is not a
> diary of events, but a
> record of the life lessons  you don't want to
> forget.  We  remember what
> we record.  Writing helps clarify what God is doing
> in your life.
> If you're serious about fulfilling your life's
> purpose you can't be in a
> hurry.  God isn't.  So slow down and take the time
> to reflect, discuss
> what you read each day, and then journal.  Allow the
> Scripture to speak to
> you.
> Your life is a journey and a journey deserves a
> journal.  You owe it to
> future generations to preserve the testimony of how
> God helped you to
> fulfill his purposes on earth.  It is a witness that
> will continue long
> after you are in heaven.  -----Rick Warren.
>                Write down for the coming generation
>                   what the LORD has done,
>           So that people not yet born will praise
> him.
>                            Psalm 102:1
>    IT ALL STARTS WITH GOD  " For everything,
> absolutely everything, above
> and below, visible and invisible,...everything got
> started in him and
> finds its purpose in him." Colossians 1:16
>     POINT TO PONDER; It's not about me.
>     QUESTION TO CONSIDER:  How can I remind myself
> today that life is
> really about living for God, not myself?
> The purpose of your life is far greater that your
> own personal
> fulfillment, your peace of mind, or even your
> happiness.  It's far greater
> than your family, your careet, or even your wildest
> dreams and ambitions.
> There is an alternative to speculation about the
> meaning and purpose of
> life.  It's  revelation.  We can turn to what God
> has revealed about life
> in his Word.  The easiest way to discover the
> purpose of an invention is
> to ask the creator of it.  The same is true for
> discovering your life's
> purpose: ask God.
>      God's wisdom...goes deep into the interior of
> his purposes.
>        It's not the latest message, but more like
> the oldest--
>        what God determined as the way to bring out
> his best in us.
>                  1 Corinthians 2:7
> Father, As I begin this journey, help me to realize
> that building my life
> around myself instead of you will only lead to
> emptiness and
> meaninglessness.  I was made by you and for you, and
> I want to discover my
> purpose in you.
> " I am your Creator.  You were in my care even
> before you were born." says
> the LORD.  Isaiah 44:2
> POINT TO PONDER: I am not an accident.
> QUESTION TO CONSIDER:  Knowing that God created me
> for a purpose, what
> areas of my personality, background, and appearance
> do I need to accept?
> Long before you were conceived by your parents you
> were conceived in the
> mind of God.  It is not fate, nor chance, nor luck,
> nor coincidence that
> you are breathing at this very moment.  You are
> alive because God wanted
> to create you!
>      " O LORD, You saw me before I was born and
> scheduled each day of my
> life before I began to breathe.  Every day was
> recorded in your book!"
> Psalm 139:16
> God made you to love you and you are His special
> creation.
> God was thinking of you even before he made the
> world!  In fact, that's
> why he created it!  God designed this planet's
> environment just so we
> could live in it.  We are the focus of his love, and
> the most valuable of
> all his creaton.
>      "Long before he laid down earth's foundations,
> he had us in mind, had
> settled on us as the focus of his love" . Ephesians
> 1:4
> If there was no God, then we'd all be "accidents,"
> the result of
> astronomical random chance in the universe. But
> there is a God, he made
> you for a reason, and your life has profound
> meaning!  We discover that
> meaning and purpose only when we make God the
> refernece point of our
> lives.
>              "God dosen't play dice." Albert
> Einstein
> God, your plan is amazing.  Thank you that I was
> custom-made for a reason.
>   Help me to trust your wisdom in choosing my
> parents, race, background,
> gifts, and appearance.
>     "You, LORD, give perfect peace to those who keep
> their purpose firm and
> put their trust in you." Isaiah 26:3
> POINT TO PONDER:  Living on purpose is the path to
> peace.
> QUESTION TO CONSIDER:  What would my family and
> friends say is the driving
=== message truncated ===

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