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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
"j.ireland" <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 22 Feb 2004 16:01:55 -0700
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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
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I'm probably not a good one to comment here as I've been out of youth
contact for a while.  But while I'm still thinking more on it, who all was
supposed to be adult supervision?  Is this Lin  person the youth pastor and
do you know about how old he might be?

P.S.  Sounds as a whole, like it went pretty good, though really.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris L Gilland" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2004 3:23 PM
Subject: Retreat part3

> The situation was, that Lin had everyone playing follow the leader,
> before that, he told them that he was going to have restling match.  This
> itself worried me somewhat, but what really ticked the blasted branes
> me, and then some, was when he allowed the girls, including Jenny to
> with another boy...  Can I here you say, Stoo'oo'oo? pid.  Well, on top of
> this, I had another situation, in that, yes, he did ask the girls if they
> wanted to pertisipate in the game, and if so how did they wanna do it,
> paired up, with the guies, etc.  Still though, the whole idea of that, and
> in such a small area, of a bedroom, wasn't appropriate...  I knew that in
> that small space and with that age range of kids, someone's bound to get
> hurt...  Well, sure nough I was right, a guy named Charlie got cut badly
> enough to need a bandaide...  When I told Lin please to stop the game, he
> percisted to keep right on doing it...  I even said, quote;  Lin, I am
> getting upset, not angry, but literally anxiety, please, I'm begging
> Stop...  he wouldn't though...  It absolutely made me livid!  I thought
> guys, literally, that i was going to pass out...  I was so worried for
> jenny... With her azma, she didn't need to be playing that.  Jenny should
> known that, but just didn't think about that...  Well, finally that was
> over.  Well, the rest of the night, was pretty good for the most part...
> however, that night at bed time, no one wants me to know this, but I do...
> I saw more than they thought as they think I was asleep like everyone
> but I  was everything but that...  She had an attack, and finally went and
> got my mom.  my mom came and I don't know if gave her some medicine or
> her some kind of a treatment...  I do remember her telling Jenny to
> Well, she left the room and went to somewhere else to sleep... shortly
> after, everyone else in there left...  Don't know why, but...  I had
> nightmare after nightmare...  Collin was teasing her earlier saying jenny
> sick as you are, how long do you think you will live?  Because of that,
> night, last night that is, I didn't sleep for one minute, literally not
> sixty seconds...  it was nightmare after nightmare if I tried, of her
> an attack, peremetics coming, and her being OPD...  I remember the first
> time it happened, I literally shot up on my butt and screamed quite
> loudly...  I'm still ebven now, just so scared for her that it's not
> I don't quite know how to handle it, and i don't even feel I did a good
> of handle it...  I feel totally besides prlayer, helpless.  O well
> When she left to go home, like literally home, i wanted so bad to hugger,
> and giver a quick gentle kiss on the cheak and tell her to take care and
> that i loved her, as i really would a meant every word of it...  i still
> mean every word of it...  i didn't do either of the 3, cause i didn't want
> to embarrass either of us, or for it to be  perceived the wrong way...
> literally though even to now has me worried sick!
> Anyway, what would you all suggest, or in a whole, now's yall's chance.
> like to hear you all's opinions.
> Did i do a good thing to worry?  Did i take it too far?
> Did I do the wrong thing by being so angry at Lin, or was that
> understandable?
> BTW:  This is a guy so let's get something clear up front as it offends
> if you do it wrong...  it is n'n'n'not! l, y, n, n!  It's spelled
> as:  L, i, n.
> if you'd rather call him what most except myself do:  then just call 'em
> Carter.  That's his last name, but must just call him that, not pastor
> Carter, not Mister Carter, just simply Carter.  I don't know why he let's
> call him Lin, but from day 1, that I met him, he's never even once
> Anyway, I'm ready for replies, so have hat it...
> Chris.