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Mary Anne <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 15 May 2004 20:11:18 -0500
text/plain (42 lines)
> From:    Jerry Stegenga
> Subject: Re: Insulin Secretion in Response to Protein Ingestion
> I still have to disagree with you, Myself and 99.9% of the  medical
> profession. I agree that you can control type 2 diabetes with D&E for a
period of time
> but you cannot cure (eliminate) it. If what you claim was true you would
> the most famous person in the medical world today. Controlling diabetes is
> curing it. JerrySteg
> PS
> Your quote "via the respective
> diabetic patients adhering to eating a raw, unprocessed Paleo diet,
> exercise and "feeling" meditation."
>  My response" This will control the diabetes but not cure it. To prove
> put the "cured" patient back on a "standard American diet" and in less
than a
> month the patient will again meet all of the diabetic criteria. Show me a
> clinical test where this has been done and the patient remained diabetic
    Who's to say that the *medics* are "curing/eliminating" diabetes? Of
course, I think we all agree that the SAD diet is going to revert anybody
back to the conditions they were facing when they were practicing "worldly"
wisdom in their life & eating.  A couple or 3 weeks ago, I had a very slight
relapse in my cellulitis - not enough to send me back to the doctor/surgeon
under whose care I had been last year -, but this time I had a better idea
of how to treat/control it (no iatrogenic help, by any means) & a break away
from the small relapse into SAD without using conventional medicines.
    Whatever controls the disease without harm to the body should be what
one is looking for. Part of our problem is that we often want "instant"
curing of something that may have taken several years to get us to that
diseased point. We are not going to "cure" anything overnight until our
bodies have completely healed themselves.

Mary Anne