> Fruits wouldn't be the best, because fruit sugar is
> about half
> fructose. Those fast-twitch fibers need *glucose*
> not fructose. That's
> why the brown rice worked so well, because the
> starch breaks down almost
> entirely to glucose. Even sucrose is about half
> fructose. So what you
> want is probably a paleo starch. Maybe sweet
> potatoes would do the trick.
Thanks. Good to know. About sweet pototoes though:
my understanding was that they weren't really paleo,
since they need to be cooked to be eaten. Won't all
the reasons grains are bad also apply to them? I know
Cordain says they should be restricted on the Paleo
diet. Of course, having them 4 or 5 times a week
(pre-workout) probably wouldn't hurt, but I was hoping
for a purely paleo solution. Maybe there isn't one?
Let me know what you think.
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