--- David M Lewis <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Is there some other foods she should eat more of to
> compensate for the
> lower quantity of red meat she's likely to consume?
I don't think there's any need to consume beef
specifically. If she likes fish and shellfish, those are
very paleo (except for the mercury!) I read a book called
The Madness of Adam and Eve, and the author suggested that
perhaps what made humans different from our ape cousins is
that we consumed large amount of omega 3 fatty acids,
which are available in high quantities in fish and
shellfish. There's a theory also, the "aquatic ape
hypothesis," that humans once lived in shallow waters and
consumed mostly seafood. It makes sense in a lot of ways
-- just imagine the difficulty of catching rabbits,
compared to what it takes to pry a mussel off a rock and
break the shell open.
Jens Wilkinson