Discussiones in Interlingua


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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 4 Dec 2003 14:00:56 -0800
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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (321 lines)
SCENA 3:  Geneva, al aeroporto e in le automobile
de Carla: Catherina es in le aeroporto de Geneva.
Un femina, Carla, veni in incontro de illa.

Carla es switze, mais su marito es american e vive
in Switza.  Illa ha venite con su automobile pro
portar Carla a un hotel, e illa parla un pauco super
su vita e su marito, qui cerca travalio in iste

Illa da a Catherina le nomine de su hotel e indica
a illa ubi illo se trova.  Quando illes arriva al
hotel in le centro de Geneva, Carla exprime su
quando illa discoperi que Catherina non porta multe
baggage con se.

Carla:  Excusa me, esque vos es senioretta De Sanctis?

Catherina:  Si, es io.

Carla:  Bon die.  Mi nomine es Carla Jackson.

Catherina:  Bon die.

Carla:  Benvenite a Geneva.

Catherina:  Gratias.

Carla:  Vos ha habite un bon viagio?

Catherina:  Oh, excellente, gratias.

Carla:  Io ha un automobile pro portar vos a vostre

Catherina:  Ah, multo ben.  Vos es multo gentil
pro venir reciper me.  De ubi es vos, vos mesme?

Carla:  Io es switze.

Catherina:  Switze?  Vostre nomine pare plus tosto
anglese o american.

Carla:  Ah, si, Jackson.  Mi marito es american.

Catherina:  Vive vos in Geneva, vos e vostre marito?

Carla:  Si.  Assatis vicin al aeroporto, a alcun
kilometros.  Vinti minutas in automobile.

Catherina:  E que face vostre marito?

Carla:  Non multo.  Ille non travalia in iste momento.

Ille cerca travalio.

Catherina:  Qual es su profession?

Carla:  Ille es professor.  Ille insenia le education

Catherina:  Ah, il me pare que il non es facile
esser un extraniero in Switza, specialmente quando
on non ha travalio.

Carla:  Vos ha ration.  Vermente il es multo
difficile.  Mais io, al minus, ha un travalio.
Il non es facile pro mi marito, proque ille es un
professor e ille non ha le nationalitate switze.
Ille ha le nationalitate american.

Catherina:  Mais vos, vos ha le nationalite switze?

Carla:  Si.  Io nasceva in Switza.  Mais mi marito,
ille es american.  E in plus ille non parla multo
ben le francese.

Catherina:  Tunc ille non pote travaliar in un schola

Carla:  Assi es.  Ille pote travaliar solmente in
un schola international o un schola private si il
ha un position libere.  Il es assatis dur pro ille
in iste momento.  Le cosas meliorara quando ille
cognoscera ben le francese.  E vos, vos parla anglese
o un altere lingua?

Catherina:  Si. Io parla assatis ben le anglese
e le germano.

Carla:  Il es vermente utile parlar diverse linguas.
Oh, io non ha dicite a vos le nomine de vostre hotel.
Illo es le hotel Leman.  Illo es in le centro del
citate, mais in un loco non multo ruitose.

Catherina:  Illo es perfecte.

Carla:  Si vos ha besonio de qualcunque altere cosa,
dice me.

Catherina:  Gratias.  Io lo facera. Mais primo io
debe trovar un appartamento.

Carla:  Trovar un officio non es difficile.  Mais
un appartamento es plus complicate.

Catherina:  Le senior Tanner essaya trovar me alique.
Ille cognosce ben Geneva e le partes que lo

Carla:  Ah, si, le senior Tanner.  Ille non travalia
in le mesme loco que io, mais io le cognosce.  Nos
ha arrivate al hotel.

Catherina:  Ben, multe gratias.

Carla:  Il esseva un placer.  Isto es vermente toto
lo que vos ha como bagages?

Catherina:  Si.  Io recipera le resto tosto in le

Carla:  Vos non ha multo.

Catherina:  Illo es sufficiente pro me in iste
momento.  Ah, me place multo iste hotel.


SCENE 3:  Geneva, at the airport and in Carla's
automobile: Catherina is at the Geneva airport.
A woman, Carla, comes to pick her up.

Carla is Swiss, but her husband is American and
lives in Switzerland.  She has come with her
to give Carla a ride to a hotel, and she talks a
little about her life and her husband, who is looking
for work at this moment.

She gives Catherine the name of her hotel and tells
her where it is located.  When they arrive at the
hotel in downtown Geneva, Carla expressers her
when she discovers that Catherina does not have
very much baggage.

Carla:  Excuse me, are you Miss De Sanctis?

Catherina:  Yes, I am.

Carla:  Good morning.  My name is Carla Jackson.

Catherina:  Good morning.

Carla:  Welcome to Geneva.

Catherina:  Thanks.

Carla:  Have you had a good trip?

Catherina:  Oh, just fine, thanks.

Carla:  (I brought) / (I've got) a car to give you
a ride to your hotel.

Catherina:  Ah, fine.  It's very nice of you to
come here to pick me up.  Where are you from, by
the way?

Carla:  I'm Swiss.

Catherina:  Swiss?  Your name seems to be more English
or American.

Carla:  Yeah, I know.  Jackson.  My husband is

Catherina:  Do you live in Geneva, you and your

Carla:  Yes.  A few kilometers from the airport.
Twenty minutes by car.

Catherina:  And what does your husband do?

Carla:  Not much.  He isn't working at the moment.
He's looking for a job.

Catherina:  (What is his field?) / (What [kind of
work] does he do?)

Catherina:  He's a teacher.  He teaches physical

Catherina:  Ah, it seems to me that it isn't easy
to be a foreigner in Switzerland, especially when
a person (doesn't have a job) / (is unemployed)
/ (doesn't have any work).

Carla:  You're right.  Really, (it's very hard)
/ (that makes things hard).  But at least I have
a job.  Things are not easy for my husband because
he is a teacher and he is not a Swiss national.
He's an American.

Catherina:  But as for you, I take it you are Swiss

Carla:  That's right.  He can work only in an
international school or in a private school if there's
a job available.  Things are rather hard for him
right now.  Things will get better when/once he
knows French well.  And you, do you speak English
or some other language?

Catherina:  Yeah.  I speak English and German rather

Carla:  It's certainly (useful) / (a good idea)
to speak several languages.  Oh, I haven't yet told
you the name of your hotel.  It is the Leman.  It's
in the downtown area, but in a place that isn't
very noisy.

Catherina:  That's perfect.

Carla:  If you need anything else, just let me know.

Catherina:  Thanks.  I'll do so/that.  But first
(I must) / (I have to) / (I've got to) / (I gotta)
find an apartment.

Carla:  Finding an office isn't (all that) hard.
But (finding) an apartment is (more complicated)
/ (a bit harder).

Catherina:  Mr. Tanner is trying to find me something.

He knows Geneva and its surrounding area well.

Carla:  Oh, yes.  Mr. Tanner.  He doesn't work in
the same place I do, but I know him.  Here we are
at the hotel.

Catherina:  Fine.  Thanks a lot.

Carla:  It was a pleasure.  Is this really all the
baggage that (you have) / (you've got)?

Catherina:  Yes.  I'll be getting everything else
very soon in the future.

Carla:  You (don't have) / (haven't got) all that

Catherina:  It's enough for now.  (Ah, I really
like this hotel.) / (Ah, this is a very nice hotel.) /
(Ah this hotel is [just fine] / [really great].)


Nota iste parte del dialogo:

(What is his field?) / (What [kind of work] does
he do?)

Iste indica iste tres responsas equiprobabile:

(1) What's his field?
(2) What does he do?
(3) What kind of work does he do?


Como promover usar le Rete e su ressources
bibliographic public pro incoragiar le uso expandite
de interlingua:

Le dialogos e exercitios de mi curso de conversation
<> es un
ressource bibliographic public como "Interlingua
in interlingua" <>
e le textos in interlingua de Wikipedia.

Imitante le philosophia de Wikipedia sur le uso
de ressources bibliographic public, vos pote rediger
iste textos como vos vole, forsan combinante los
con altere simile ressources, pro publication
ubicunque in le Rete.

Un maniera excellente de apprender interlingua
vermente ben es compilar vostre proprie anthologia ex
su ressources public, scriber vostre proprie
presentation del grammatica de interlingua, e publicar
vostre effortios in le Rete pro le uso de alteres.


Si vos es un studente del anglese, io spera que
le textos in interlingua e anglese que io presenta
in iste sito vos adjuvara in vostre studios.  Vos
anque pote adjuvar studentes de vostre lingua native
si vos presenta simile textos bilingue in iste sito.

Vos anque pote imprimer textos in un tertie lingua,
preparar un version de illos in interlingua, e
finalmente preparar un version de illos in vostre
lingua native.

Tal presentationes demonstra fortemente le avantages
de interlingua como lingua ponte e presentara
ressources multo utile pro studentes del prime lingua
de tal textos trilingue e de vostre lingua native.

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