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frank scott <[log in to unmask]>
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Mon, 21 Oct 2002 15:28:15 -0700
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                (415)868 1600 FAX (415) 868 0502
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November, 2002

USrael vs Democracy
by Frank Scott

This is written before election day, but it can be assumed that a
fanatic minority  of judeochristians still control  their rogue
government, USrael, while a fanatic minority of  muslims still control
their rogue non-government, Al Quaida. These two fundamentalist groups
threaten all of humanity, but it’s important to understand that the
government is the greater threat, and is in fact the creator of its NGO
enemy .

While both are founded on  old testament patriarchal beliefs, too often
worshipped and acted out in “modern” society, their political  goals are
different. Still, they make democracy a metaphysical concept, like their
religion, while murdering in its name. Again, we need to  understand
that the anti-democratic force of USrael is the greater threat , and is
responsible for  creating its fundamentalist counter-force .

Having misplaced  Osama bin Forgotten, mind control recently focused our
attention on  Saddam Hussein. This pitifully weak dictator of Iraq is
opposed by the would be dictator of the planet, with president pinhead
blustering about getting the guy who “tried to kill my dad”. That
assassination  story, by the way, is as false as most other tales of
Saddam’s terror exploits . This national megalomaniac has been
transformed into a global menace, by a merciless assault on American
consciousness . But millions have been able to see through the lies ,
and therein lies the hope of democracy.

The one party U.S.  system makes it a nearly foregone conclusion that
mass murder will be committed - again - in Iraq, with only the timetable
of slaughter to be worked out. The  cowardly opposition (?) leadership
was unable to stop  a strong  vote against the pending assault, but that
vote happened only when the voice of the people  ordered that minority
to stand up and speak out against the rush to imperial homicide .

The people should be proud that they forced their will on at least some
of our animal house congress, where the dinosaurs and jellyfish were
contested by more than one hundred men and women whose arguments may
have often been  morally squeaky, but just as often spoke for democracy
at a time when our regime  treats the constitution  as if it were a roll
of toilet paper .

Those who speak out against our policies have reason for hope, and not
only because of their affect on  congress. Whatever the election
outcome, democracy won  victories in Arizona and Maine , where more than
half the candidates were publicly financed and owed nothing to private
wealth. The public demand that electoral control  be taken away from the
private sector, and the fact that a  grass roots movement against
imperial America has developed so swiftly, are heartening signs of a
people demanding to be heard and  obeyed by their representatives.

A growing democratic peace movement has done wonders  organizing
demonstrations, but is still silent in the electoral arena, where the
greatest number assemble, however infrequently. It may be time for
minority parties to see that the more they stand apart , the less they
gain power. The Greens, the New Party, the  Labor Party and other
progressive groups would benefit themselves and the nation if they
joined forces to create a unified political voice.

And the Democrats who broke with their shameful leadership also  need to
think seriously about gaining control of their party , or helping to
create a new one. Such a party could  become a reality more quickly,
with the help of their political experience and electoral base . And if
that party worked to overcome personal or group egos and create programs
that resonate with the alienated Americans who never vote, it could soon
become a majority party.

Instead of standing outside and complaining  about what these groups
lack, those who are fed up with the politics of finance  and who wish to
see a different world  need to join and  lend their support. They can
help create the political means to change the nation and the world,
instead of just wishing for that change. It will take such an electoral
force to stop the imperial plan of the present Washington regime , whose
policy is not much different from previous regimes , but only more
blatant in its manic  quest for world domination .

And this at a time when the nation is dangerously overextended and
deeply divided. It can hardly control a planetary empire, when it has
little control of its political economy. That economy is ravaging
workers, investors,consumers and the natural environment, but is  hardly
being questioned in the rush to imperial murder.

Most important; in our quest for democracy, we  need to understand that
most of humanity is not christian, jewish, or white,  yet its lives are
controlled and its world threatened by a judeochristian white minority.
For most of that world,  the difference between being killed by a
christian or a jew is like arguing about whether your rapist was
circumcised or not; It means little to the victims, but only matters in
the fantasies of their victimizers as to which mythology has more
legendary meaning, and which cult speaks for the cosmic corporation with
an invisible monotheist CEO.

The organized judeochristian government with rules of war, insuring  a
legal and proper way to slaughter , is a greater threat to humanity than
the disorganized terrorists, whose murderous rational is religious
retaliation. Calling a society “civilized” when it commits mass murders
from the sky  destroys language and logic, as well as life. It cannot be
civilized to bash people’s brains in with a bible, but savagery to do it
with a koran. A pox on both fundamentalist houses, but the most
dangerous house is the one we live in. It shelters the worst rogues and
must be subdued, by the democratic power of its people. We need to do
that before the world has to step in,  over us, to save itself, from us.

Copyright (c) 2002 by Frank Scott. All rights reserved.

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                frank scott
                email: [log in to unmask]
                225 laurel place, san rafael ca. 94901
                (415)457 2415   fax(415)457 4791