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"This isn`t an orifice, it`s help with fluorescent lighting." <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 7 Mar 2004 12:52:24 -0500
"This isn`t an orifice, it`s help with fluorescent lighting." <[log in to unmask]>
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Gabriel Orgrease <[log in to unmask]>
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So, there WAS a book... not the Bible.


From: The Catholic Company

*The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ (The book that inspired
Mel Gibson)*

Author: Anne Catherine Emmerich

Faithful to the Bible story of the Passion and death of Jesus, *it fills
in many details and is edifying and inspiring beyond belief*; plus, it
is surprising and heart-rending. It will melt a heart of stone. This
book is the best on the Passion we have seen. It is also wonderful on
the Blessed Mother's role in our redemption. Includes a short biography
of Sr. Emmerich. A great, great book for the whole family!

Sister Emmerich's account of the Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus
Christ, while faithful to the Bible, is heart-rending, edifying and
surprising-because of its intimate detail. Based on the visions of this
great mystic, The Dolorous Passion recounts in incredible detail the
horrendous sufferings undergone by our Saviour in His (it would seem)
superhumanly heroic act of Redemption. The Dolorous Passionis a singular
book that conveys a lasting impression of the terrible agony of Our
Lord's sufferings for us.*/

 From Amazon: About the Author

Born of poor parents in northern Germany, Anne Catherine Emmerich
(1774-1824) joined a convent at the age of 28, after years of working as
a seamstress and servant. As a nun of the Order of St. Augustine, she
eventually was confined to her bed due to failing health. She
spontaneously displayed the stigmata (the wounds of Jesus on her hands
and side), and was subject to extended visions of the life of Jesus. Her
visions were recorded by the poet Klemens Maria Brentano, and published
after her death in three books: The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus
Christ (1833), The Life of The Blessed Virgin Mary (1852), and The Life
of Our Lord (1858-80). She has been pronounced "Venerable" by the
Catholic church, an advanced step on the path to sainthood.


Some Catholic Mystics (Saints) teach us that focusing on Jesus' Passion
and Death will get you to heaven. This book walks you through our Lord's
agony, step by step. After I read it, I was left with the picture of a
Person who was literally skinned alive through scourging, and His Head
was crowned with thorns and then The Body finally nailed to a cross, you
get a little idea of what HE suffered "for us" physically. There were
also mental and spiritual torments in addition to His physical
sufferings. This book is for those who really want to grow spiritually
and can face what He went through for us. The author was a nun who
received only 2 months worth of visions depicting Christ's crucifixion
and suffering. This book is well worth reading and contemplating.

I am a Catholic who has learned about the sufferings of Jesus Christ in
his passion - (crucifiction and death), but I had never realized the
depth of his physical and mental anguish. The book is the recordings of
a woman named Anne Catherine Emerich who received visitations from our
Lord Jesus Christ. She was revealed great understanding of the lives of
Jesus and Mary, His Blessed Mother and experienced visions of what
exactly had occured during his agony, scourging, crowning, mocking and
crucifiction as well as many other events in His life and the lives of
the Blessed Virgin and many Biblical figures. It's especially wonderful
for those who need their faith to be strengthened. I recommend it to
every soul in the world - that it may awaken in them an understanding of
the great love and mercy that Jesus Christ has for us all. PRAISE BE TO

Passionate words, from a passionate man; and I should know, He and I
have been talking since 1979. As a matter of a fact, Jesus said that
this book only hints at the depths of suffering He endured for us. Dad
says that this "Passion" was born of the passion of love that God has
for all of man - each of you reading this; and because this was a once
and only sacrifice that the Father heaped upon the Son for "all of our
sins"... it was more agonizing than any book could ever depict.

We know that keeping in our minds and hearts the Passion and Death of
Jesus will greatly assist us on our path to perfection, and to heaven.
And we have a path laid out for us in this wonderful book. A guide, step
by step: the passion, the way of the cross, the crucifixion. I can
definitely identify with the author (a nun who received just a few
months of visions that Jesus suffered on her in which He showed her
clearly His agony, suffering and death.)

This book is very graphic in its depiction of the passion, The Garden of
Gethsemane, the trial before Pilate, Stations of the Cross, and the
actual crucifixion are brutally and all accurately depicted by this
remarkable nun.

I would highly recommend both this book for all people, and Jesus
concurs. It's about time that we stopped our hectic lives for a moment
and considered, once again, who is this Man and why did this
excruciating agony happen to Him, and what has that to do with me

When I asked why such brutally, Jesus explained to me, "Since I was
completely innocent, this violation of my body, mind and soul was the
ultimate sacrifice, as it had to be, for the sins of man are beyond
counting. In addition, of all those whom had lived, who has loved the
Father as deeply, consistently and fervently as the Son?" So, not only
was Jesus completely innocent of any wrongdoing, he was also the
greatest "lover of God" that had ever been. His murder, by US, was the
most heinous and atrocious crime mankind ever committed against God.

How amazing that the Godhead used such an amazing and passionate event
to both save man and to clearly show just how deep and pervasive is
God's love (Father, Son and Spirit) for each and every one of us sinful,
disobedient children. And He constantly pursues us, even in the deepest
darkest moments of our childish lives of quiet desperation; there He
stands patiently waiting, calling us back to His loving arms, so that He
can take care of us and fill our lives with all manner of good things.
My God! What a Father we have.

Indeed, the agony Dad endured for us as depicted in this amazingly
realistic and accurate book, multiplied by our sins, intensified by His
innocence, and heaped-up by the Father to clearly demonstrate just how
powerful is His love for us... leaves me breathless, but not speechless
- for I must proclaim His glory as best a small mortal may. He has
endured the Passion, and now He deserves the glory. Let us each consider
what we have just experienced in this book and ask ourselves, "Who is
this man, Jesus. What has He to do with my life?" Then listen for that
still small voice that He always answers in, and you shall hear Him as
clearly as He allowed me to.

If you are interested to hear what this Passionate Jesus has to say to
us today, check out the 20 questions He and I discussed regarding such
subjects as "What is Love, Why are We Here, What does God Want From Us,"
in the book: "Oh My God! Are You Talking to Me? (My Conversations with
Jesus)" ISBN: 0958054371 available right here on Amazon!

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