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Ellie Rotunno <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 08 Jun 1997 17:47:06 -0700
text/plain (49 lines)
    A  serial killer who is acting out his hatred to his cruel mother by
>  killing women I am sure believes that he is serving justice - yet he is
>  living in a world of fantasy.

> Yep, I suspect we all believe we're doing the right thing, even such as
> Hitler & Janet Reno.  ELLIE--Are there some of us who concistently act
> AGAINST what we believe to be right.  What's yur name for those sick folks?

  IMO Absolutely, I call it a Toxic Mind. Mentally ill, but all mental illnesses are
the same. Hitler was brutally beaten by his father and not
allowed to have his anger as a child. Only abused children can become
abusers. When the neurons that would allow someone to remember their
childhood abuser are clogged up, the justifiable anger, now rage, will
sometimes come out the wrong neurons. Memories are stored as
characteristics of persons, e.g. If someone's mother abused them, they
may take their rage out on a wife, or daughter. Whether we have conscious
control over our behavior probably depends on how enervated we are and
the degree of toxicosis. Murder is probably the result of a vicarious
detoxificaton crisis and is as much a symptom of disease as is the
sneeze. If the neurons are clogged up, nerve impulses are diverted, and
psychotic thinking based on delusion is the result. As long as the
neurons are clogged up, there can be no conscience, or remorse, or
forgiveness. Tomothy McVeigh has no remorse for this reason. Therapists
who wanted to help victims have their anger at the time of the bombing
were turned away by police. Some preachers advised the victims to
forgive right away. Forgiveness is not a conscious act, but comes
naturally when the anger is released. Now those victims have somewhat
toxic minds and want revenge, they want to kill McVeigh. The way to
mental health and to the end of violence is for everyone to be allowed to
have their feelings in the moment. It's not the trauma that wounds, but
the suppresson of emotions about the trauma. It's all a  matter of
degree. I think all of us have somewhat toxic minds.

> I think so.  ELLI(E--is it possible to have too much self-esteem?  Seems like
> the same as having too much mental or physical health!

Not for my money :-) I went to a psychiatric conference last week and
observed that most of the psychiatrists who spoke were still autistic
themselves. If invited I would have had the self esteem to stand at the
podium and tell them the truth, but I wasn't invietd so I took my
self-esteem and went home. Ten years ago I had so little self-esteem I
would have been afraid to speak to you if more than two people were in
the room. My toxic mind is detoxing. I'm getting better.

My best, Ellie