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Trisha Cummings <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 09:38:20 -0400
text/plain (256 lines)
HI Mag,

  I plan an using her damaging her vioce as need to find away to stop this. I will keep your movie idea in mind. Its a great one. Thanks.


-----Original Message-----
From: St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List
[mailto:[log in to unmask]]On Behalf Of Tamar Raine
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 7:09 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Parental help needed

if she wants to sing, then obviously she has to find a better way of coping
with her emotions. does she know the story of Karen carpenter who died
(sort of like Terri Schiavo) from anorexia induced heart attack? If not,
you  might want to get the program from PBS TV.  I had a chiropractor who
died at the age of 30 from heart failure due to the long range / long term
effects of anorexia, so, it's nothing to fool around with.

Please ask your Congressperson to vote FOR the MICASSA bill, this
will allow medicaid funds to pay for community supports
instead of isolating the person in a nursing home or institution.
HR 910 is the bill number
Senate version of MiCASSA (S 401).

Oakland Mayor's Commission on People with disabilities
~Tamar Mag Raine~
[log in to unmask]
IM: tamarmag48
Yahoo IM Tamarmag56

> [Original Message]
> From: ken barber <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Date: 4/7/2005 1:49:24 PM
> Subject: Re: Parental help needed
> if you are not actually the parent here, Trish, i
> think you need to rethink your role. who is actually
> being the "parent?" i think you did assume that role.
> --- Trisha Cummings <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> > Hi Kat,
> >
> >   Well, for starters - this minefield and Alex is 18
> > now. She has an apointment next week with a
> > otolaryngologist down in Newports were she goes to
> > college. Step one. I have to wait till she back here
> > - she will be back - the end of May. Then I take her
> > to our primary care doctor and have a physical, and
> > get a referral for a gastroentrogolist. We then rule
> > out any real medical problems, get an offical
> > diganosis from a professional, and move to
> > recommended care from there. I have to work with her
> > here, its no like with Amber where I am actually the
> > parent. If she knew what I thought and planned - she
> > would refuse to do it. And at 18 - she can. And I
> > won't even get into the emotional issues here. I
> > will continue to do what's right for her - for as
> > long as she allows it.
> >
> >                                        Trisha
> >
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List
> > [mailto:[log in to unmask]]On Behalf Of
> > [log in to unmask]
> > Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 1:41 PM
> > To: [log in to unmask]
> > Subject: Re: Parental help needed
> >
> >
> > I confess I'm wondering why you're waiting until the
> > summer to get this
> > checked out=2E  If it's bulima, her esophaugus could
> > be damaged, and the
> > longer you wait for treatment the worse off she will
> > be=2E  If it's peptic=
> >
> > ulcers or something like that,  the untreated ulcer
> > could perferate the
> > stomach lining and she could be in danger of
> > peronitis, a very dangerous
> > condition=2E  So don't wait to get her to a
> > doctor=2E
> >
> > Kat=20
> >
> > Original Message:
> > -----------------
> > From: Trisha Cummings TrishaC@SMDI=2ECOM
> > Date: Wed, 06 Apr 2005 10:44:46 -0400
> > Subject: Re: Parental help needed
> >
> >
> > Hi Again Kat,
> >
> >      I think you may have hit the nail on the head -
> > eating disorders are =
> > a
> > direct result of emotional problems=2E I am going to
> > research bulimia -
> > Thank!!! been thinking about since I got your
> > e-mail=2E
> >
> >                              Trisha
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: St=2E John's University Cerebral Palsy List
> > Of ksalkin@triad=2Err=2E=
> > com
> > Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 8:52 AM
> > Subject: Re: Parental help needed
> >
> >
> > Alex may be bingeing and purging=3D2E  Remember that
> > eating disorders are
> > reactions to stress and Alex may be having problems
> > handling uni=3D2E  If =
> > th=3D
> > e
> > teacher went to the lengths of contacting you
> > regarding Alex's problems,
> > she must be very concerned as I don't think uni
> > teachers or professors
> > normally contact parents for things like that - uni
> > students are normally
> > regarded as adults who are responsible for their own
> > behavior and health=3D=
> > 2E=3D
> >  =3D20
> >
> > As I said, Bobby probably will have better advice to
> > give you but I'm thin=
> > =3D
> > k
> > you were right at least in investigating the matter,
> > although I think you
> > might have talked to Alex before talking to the
> > teacher=3D2E  But then, Al=
> > ex=3D
> >
> > might have told you she wasn't having any problems
> > when she really is=3D2E=
> >   =3D
> > I
> > feel it's a judgement call every parents has to make
> > in a situation like
> > this=3D2E
> >
> > Sorry I'm not being much help=3D2E=3D20
> >
> > Kat
> >
> > Original Message:
> > -----------------
> > From: Trisha Cummings TrishaC@SMDI=3D2ECOM
> > Date: Wed, 06 Apr 2005 07:52:16 -0400
> > Subject: Re: Parental help needed
> >
> >
> > Hi Kat,
> >
> >   This wasn't angle I had thought of - she is very
> > much over weigh and has=
> > =3D
> >
> > gained at least 20 pounds being away school=3D2E I
> > will take her to a
> > gastroentrologist this summer - and I do see that
> > she has counseling=3D2E =
> > As=3D
> >
> > Amber said she makes herself throw becasue it makes
> > her stomach quit
> > hurting when she is upset=3D2E Was I wrong to talk
> > to the teacher tho - An=
> > d
> > thanks for giving me something else to consider and
> > check out=3D2E All pos=
> > si=3D
> > ble
> > things need to be brought into play to help
> > her=3D2E=3D20
> >                                   Trisha
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: St=3D2E John's University Cerebral Palsy List
> > Behalf Of Kathy
> > Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 8:16 AM
> > Subject: Re: Parental help needed
> >
> >
> > Trisha, this may be a serious health problem - if
> > Alex makes herself throw=
> > =3D
> >
> > up
> > she may be bulimic and that requires medical
> > attention=3D2E  It's an eatin=
> > g
> > disorder and bulimics usually deny they're sick
> > until they are seriously i=
> > =3D
> > ll
> > or if they get counselling=3D2E  Bobby can give you
> > better advice than I, =
> > bu=3D
> > t I
> > seriously think you need to get her to a doctor
> > ASAP=3D2E
> >
> > Kat
> >
> >
> > On Wednesday 06 April 2005 11:33 am, Trisha Cummings
> > wrote:
> > > Greetings All,
> > >
> > >    Could use some parental advice here=3D2E My
> > custodial child has emoti=
> > on=3D
> > al
> > > problems - and it gives her bad stomach pains -
> > she then makes herself
> > > throw up=3D2E She is away at college and her voice
> > teacher wants her to =
> > se=3D
> > e a
> > > doctor for acid reflux=3D2E I e-mailed the teacher
> > that this is not prob=
> > le=3D
> > m,
> > > and what the real problem is=3D2E My daughter
> > Amber says I was wrong to =
> >
> === message truncated ===
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