Discussiones in Interlingua


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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 17 Jan 2004 14:55:18 -0800
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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
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(Me placerea multo si un lusophono providerea un
version portugese de iste historia del Brasil, sia
como io lo presenta hic, sia corregite, sia corregite
e augmentate.)


Vargas e le Statos Unite:

Vargas anque appoiava le Statos Unite durante le
Secunde Guerra Mundial, interveniente in le conflicto
post 1942.  Ille inviava truppas a Italia e permitteva
que le Statos Unite usava unes bases naval brasilian.

Gratias a iste appoio, le Statos Unite esseva ben
disponite a firmar con le Brasil diverse accordos
pro adjuvar su disveloppamento economic, specialmente
in le establimento del planta siderurgic Volta
le base del posterior Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional
(Compania Siderurgic National).

Post le fin del Secunde Guerra Mundial e le vincimento
del Socialismo National e del Fascismo, le brasilianos
anque voleva restaurar le democracia a lor proprie
pais, e un gruppo de militares faceva dimitter se
a Vargas in 1945.

In 1946 le governamento brasilian reformava le
constitution national e permitteva le participation
active del partitos politic in le gerentia del
governamento national, ma sectores politic conservator
timeva le partito communiste, cuje membros in
electiones libere habeva devenite le governatores
de unes statos brasilian.  Iste suppression del
communistas assecurava le appoio del Statos Unite
durante le Guerra Frigide, que habeva comenciate
in ille annos durante le administration statounitese
de Harry S. Truman.

In 1950 Vargas ganiava un secunde victoria in le
electiones presidential, e in 1951 ille reoccupava
le presidentia brasilian in despecto del opinion
disfavorabile del sector militar que le habeva
a dimitter se cinque annos antea.

Inter 1951 e 1954 su popularitate le protegeva de
attaccos per su adversarios, ma le poter plus
circumscribite de su nove administration non le
permitteva luctar contra nove problemas economic
que affligeva le Brasil.

Vargas comenciava un nove programma pro accelerar
le taxa de disinvolvimento industrial del Brasil,
e ille debeva mantener un precari equilibrio inter
duo sectores politic, le prime que voleva un
participation national plus grande in le industria
e le secunde que voleva fortificar le sectores private
national e estranier.

A iste tempore emergeva un movimento favorabile
al nationalisation de ressources natural que culminava
in 1953 con le creation de un compania national
de petroleo, Petrobrás.  Le popularitate politic de
Vargas tunc se debilitava a causa de un scandalo de
corruption que involveva su guardia personal.  In
augusto, 1954, Vargas esseva obligate a dimitter se, e
le die sequente ille se suicidava.


Vargas and the United States:

Vargas also supported the United States during the
Second World War, intervening in the conflict after
1942.  He sent troops to Italy and let the United
States use some Brazilian naval bases.

Because of this help, the United States was well
disposed to signing several agreements with Brazil
to aid its economic development, especially in the
establishment of its Volta Redonda steel plant,
the core of the Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional
(National Steel Company) established soon afterward.

After the end of the Second World War and the defeat
of National Socialism and Fascism, the Brazilians
also wanted to restore democracy to their own country,
and a group of military officers forced Vargas to
resign in 1945.

In 1946 the Brazilian government reformed its national
constitution and allowed the active participation
of political parties in the management of the national
government, but politically conservative sectors
were afraid of the communist party, whose members
in free elections had become the governors of some
of the states of Brazil.  This suppression of the
communists assured U.S. support for Brazil during the
Cold War, which had started in those years during the
Truman administration in the United States.

In 1950 Vargas won a second victory in Brazil's
presidential elections, and in 1951 he once again
occupied the Brazilian presidency despite unfavorable
opinion in the military sector, which had forced
him to resign five years earlier.

Between 1951 and 1954 his popularity protected him
from the attacks of his opponents, but the more
circumscribed power of his new administration did
not allow him to fight against the new economic
problems afflicting Brazil.

Vargas started a new program to accelerate the rate
of industrial development in Brazil, and he had
to maintain a precarious balance between two political
sectors, the first wanting greater national
participation in industry and the second wanting
to fortify the national and foreign private sectors.

This period saw the emergence of a movement favorable
to the nationalization of natural resources which
culminated in 1953 with the creation of a national
petroleum company, Petrobrás.  Vargas's political
popularity was then weakened because of a corruption
scandal involving his personal bodyguards.  In August,
1954, Vargas was obliged to resign, and the next day
he committed suicide.


Como promover usar le Rete e su ressources
bibliographic public pro incoragiar le uso expandite
de interlingua:

Le dialogos e exercitios de mi curso de conversation
<> es un
ressource bibliographic public como "Interlingua
in interlingua" <>
e le textos in interlingua de Wikipedia.

Imitante le philosophia de Wikipedia sur le uso
de ressources bibliographic public, vos pote rediger
iste textos como vos vole, forsan combinante los
con altere simile ressources, pro publication
ubicunque in le Rete.

Un maniera excellente de apprender interlingua
vermente ben es compilar vostre proprie anthologia ex
su ressources public, scriber vostre proprie
presentation del grammatica de interlingua, e publicar
vostre effortios in le Rete pro le uso de alteres.


Si vos es un studente del anglese, io spera que
le textos in interlingua e anglese que io presenta
in iste sito vos adjuvara in vostre studios.  Vos
anque pote adjuvar studentes de vostre lingua native
si vos presenta simile textos bilingue in iste sito.

Vos anque ha le possibilitate de imprimer textos in un
tertie lingua, preparar un version de illos in
interlingua, e finalmente preparar un version de illos
in vostre lingua native.

Tal presentationes demonstra fortemente le avantages
de interlingua como lingua ponte e presentara
ressources multo utile pro studentes del prime lingua
de tal textos trilingue e de vostre lingua native.


Ecce duo sitos importante pro studentes de linguas e
del linguistica:

preoccupation principal es trovar lo que es utile pro
le instruction de linguas nove in le linguistica
theoretic e incoragiar le uso de iste information pro
formar manieras plus efficicace de inseniar linguas.
Le sede electronic de iste organisation es

professional pro linguistas academic american.  Lor
sede electronic es <>.

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