Discussiones in Interlingua


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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
Allan Kiviaho <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 16 Feb 2003 19:44:26 +0200
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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (257 lines)
d[030216] x[Kiviaho Allan] z[KivA-32Fnf interlng] r[BlaS-32B]
s[Amateures interlinguistas]

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Blagov Semen 030212: Il es scribite in le grammatica de
Interlingua (Introduction pro le prime editon, le ultime
linea):"... other grammars and other variants of the same
language are not only possible but HIGHLY WELCOME" A.Gode H.
Blair IALA 1951.

Como scripte in mi previe message le sito de internet
[log in to unmask] es illo del UMI (Union
Mundial pro Interlingua). EXCESSIVE propaganda pro
altere linguas auxiliar non es benvenite in le sitos
de UMI. Totevia, personalmente io opina que nos non
debe esser nimis sensibile de iste phenomenas.

Io pensa que existe un typo special de homine, HOMO
AUXILIARUS, qui ama le idea de un lingua planificate.

Mesmo io ha travaliate al longe de sentiero typic e
fullate dur :

1952-1995 Un esperantista latente
1995-1996 primavera
1. Esperanto con vocabulario reformate (plus
   consistente latin, nulle signos diacritic)
2. Reformation del grammatica de esperanto
3. Latino con grammatica esperantistesc reformate
4. Neolatino con vocabulario latin (partialmente)
   reformate e grammatica standardisate e
1996 primavera io trovava in internet Interlingua e
immediatemente relisava que in illo io habeva un
lingua auxiliar que completemente correspondeva mi
ideal de un lingua planificate.

Io debeva rider quando io trovava que il habeva al
minus 100 projectos de neolatino - io habeva credite
essente un pionero.


Forsan Jacques Dehée ha cerebro que supera illo de
Albert Einstein sed il es difficile crerer que un
persona poterea developpar un lingua auxiliar que
esserea melior quam Interlingua, que es un producto
de un immense cooperation international de eminente
linguistas durante 27 annos, supportate per vaste
quantitates moneta de Vanderbilt e etiam Rockefeller,
Carnegie etc. Le IALA habeva durante plure annos un
equipage de 10-15 linguistas professional, empleos de
horario complete.

  Io scribeva a Daniele Niccolucci 2002-11-26:
  Viste que tu es un italiano e dunque un portator del
  hereditage del Imperio Roman e su lingua latin il
  esserea melior si tu usarea tu extra energia pro
  usar e divulgar Interlingua. Il non es multo
  probabile que tu poterea developpar un nove lingua
  que esserea plus excellente quam Interlingua que era
  developpate durante 27 annos per un enorme effortio
  (e enorme summas de pecunia ...) cooperative inter
  linguistas europee e american. Ha tu non lecte super
  le historia antenatal de Interlingua?:


An Jacques Dehée sape que J. Lott, uno de pioneros del
linguas auxiliar naturalistic, developpava in 1890 un
lingua que ille appellava "MUNDOLINGUE"? Un specimen
de "Paternoster":
  Patre nostri resident in cele, tei nomine e
  sanctificat, tei regne vole venir a nostri, tei
  voluntate e exequer ne solu in cele ma eti in terre.
  Da tu a nos hodie nostri quotidian pane, et pardona
  a nos nostri debiti, qua eti noi pardona al nostri
  debitores. Ne induce tu nos in tentatione, ma libera
  nos de omne male.
    Le mesme in Interlingua (un pauc "mundolinguesate"):
  Patre nostre, qui reside in celo, que tu nomine sia
  sanctificate, que tu regno veni, que tu voluntate
  sia exequite non sol in celo ma etiam in terra.
  Da nos hodie nsotre pan quotidian, e pardona a nos
  nostre debitas como etiam nos pardona a nostre
  debitores. Non induce nos in tentation, ma libera
  nos de omne mal.

An il non es stupefacente como proxime a nostre
Interlingua era iste lingua auxiliar 113 annos retro!

In su obra del vita an Jacques Dehée ha se facte
cognoscentia con le moderne theorias de linguas

Un classico es
Proposed Guidelines for the Design of an
Optimal International Auxiliary Language
(9th draft. Revised 2001.02.08)
by Richard K. Harrison


Forsan tu deberea facer cognoscentia etiam con le
sequente (e multe alteres) articulo. O ... al altere
latere, proque fatigar se con illo quando famose
linguistas professional ha lo facte pro te?

/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Essays on Language Design
by Rick Morneau
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Here is a brief summary of essays that I've written over the
past  several years about the design of artificial or
'constructed' languages.  Do not confuse artificial languages
(henceforth ALs, also called  'conlangs') with computer
programming languages.  Although my approach  to language
design is formal, the languages that I discuss are intended to
be used by people to communicate with each other. In some  of
the essays, I also discuss how to design these languages so
that they  are 'computer-tractable'; that is, languages that
can be used by people,  but which can also be used to
communicate easily and accurately with  computers.

[By the way, if you plan to read or skim through all of the
following  essays, then I suggest that you do so in the order
given, since some of  the essays presume familiarity with the
material discussed in earlier ones.]

This essay discusses how to select the phonemes of a language
based on what the language is intended to accomplish, and on
how much pronunciation difficulty is acceptable.

This essay discusses how to design the surface morphology of a
language (i.e. the 'shapes' of words) such that the words are
easy to pronounce as well as computer-tractable.

Arabic Morphology
How to design a language with a morphology similar to Arabic and
other semitic languages.

This article provides a brief description of linguistic
universals, and then recommends some books that discuss
universals in much more detail.

This essay discusses syntax, and how certain aspects of syntax
can differ among natural languages. It also teaches how to use
a modified version of Backus-Naur form to define the syntax  of
a language, and provides a complete syntax for an AL that is
extremely flexible while also being extremely simple  and

This essay discusses anaphora and how they can be implemented
without ambiguity in an AL.

This essay discusses one approach to dealing with words of
opposite meaning. For a much more thorough treatment of
opposites, read the monograph Lexical Semantics, discussed

This essay discusses how changes in transitivity are
accomplished among natural languages, and how the apparent
flexibility of a system like that of English is not only
uncommon,  but also not really flexible. For a much more
thorough treatment of transitivity, read the monograph Lexical
Semantics, discussed below.

Vocabulary Design
This is a very brief introduction to a word design system. For
a comprehensive treatment of the same topic, read the
monograph Lexical Semantics, discussed below.

Lexical Semantics
This is actually a complete monograph on the topic of word
design. It attempts to discuss the semantics of all of the
concepts that a language will need to represent, and how to
design  words to represent these concepts in a regular and
semantically precise way. It illustrates the techniques by
means  of a sample language that is both easy-to-pronounce and
morphologically self-segregating.

WARNING! This monograph is very long (over 600 kbytes)!

This essay is about the use of metaphor in ALs, why they should
be avoided, and how they can be avoided.
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \


Si io ha capite le idea de Josu Lavin correctemente,
su scopo es crear un lingua auxiliar romanic pro varie
nationes in le peninsula iberic, forsan etiam pro
altere nationes in le area mediterranee que parla un
lingua romanic.

Io ha difficile creder que Madrid vaderea acceptar
ulle altere lingua como lingua commun in Espania,
illes va adherer al castiliano.

Forsan le idea de un lingua romanic unificate non es
tanto stupide per se sed le Interlingua del UMI es
intendite pro tote le Europa, non solmente pro
nationes romanic.

Interlingua es ja multo romanic e multo latin. Omne
nationes europee accepta le idea del neolatino como
lingua commun pro cosas practic in Europa. Mesmo
Russia. Latino es de novo popular in Sankt Peterburg e
Moskva mantene essente "le tertie Roma".

Io non crede que "Romanica Unificata" ha futuro como
lingua europee, a pena mesmo como un lingua commun de
nationes romanic.

Il esserea melior si personas como Josu Lavin e
Jacques Dehée usarea lor energia excessive pro
Interlingua, un lingua pro tote le Europa. Nunc vostre
labora es dispendite pro cosas futil, time io.


Allan Kiviaho