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St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List
Wed, 16 Feb 2005 20:12:49 EST
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"Self-Advocates Challenge Disability Organizations"

Below are two  letters from Chester Finn, Chair of Self-Advocates Becoming
Empowered (SABE). In  the February 2 letter SABE announced that it would not
join an upcoming  disability conference because of a lack of respect shown toward
self-advocates.  In the February 14 letter SABE further explained its
decision not to join the  conference and challenged other disability organizations to
reform their  advocacy. ADAPT and NCIL have signed a solidarity pact with
SABE and urge other  organizations to support SABE's efforts.

Jonathan Young
JFA Moderator,  AAPD


February 14, 2005

TO: The  Steering Committee of the Alliance for Full Participation (AFP)

From:  Chester Finn, Chair, Self-Advocates Becoming Empowered (SABE)

I want to  acknowledge and accept Steve Edelman's apology for his conduct on
the last  conference call. However, this does not mean that SABE will return
to the AFP  and participate in the Summit. We stand by our decision.

I want to make  clear that our decision to withdraw from the AFP was not
about the money or  about what led up to our withdrawing from the AFP.

Our decision was  about our philosophy. SABE supports self-advocates across
the nation to speak up  in order to gain their independence. Our mission is to
ensure that people with  disabilities (a) are treated as equals, (b) are given
the same decisions,  choices, rights, responsibilities, and chances to speak
up to empower  themselves, and (c) are given opportunities to learn from
mistakes, as everyone  else.

If the Alliance or individual organizations really want to work  with us,
they need to do the following:

1. AAMR needs to stop using the  word mental retardation and change their
name. SABE worked with the President's  Council for People with Intellectual
Disabilities to change their name. In the  Civil Rights movement, the "N" word was
hurtful to African Americans. Likewise,  the "M" word is offensive to
individuals with intellectual and other  developmental disabilities. SABE challenges
AAMR to educate their members in  order to change their organization's name.

2. The Arc needs to stop  supporting sheltered workshops and other places
like sheltered workshops that do  not enable people with disabilities to
transition into real jobs for real pay.  SABE is not opposed to people learning the
skills they need for a trade.  However, we do not support the piece rate
practices. SABE challenges Arc to  convert sheltered workshops into true transitional
places that create real work  opportunities.

3. NASDDDS needs to work with state directors of  developmental disabilities
services on how they can financially support  self-advocacy groups and work
with them on issues related to service delivery. I  know this can be done, by
experience. Because the New York Commissioner has me  as his assistant and works
with our state self-advocacy
organization, New  York self-advocates have a strong base to advocate for
their members.

4.  NACDD needs to work more closely with self-advocates and support local
and state  chapters by fiscally supporting the issues that self-advocates
identify as  important. SABE challenges the state developmental disabilities
councils to find  ways to support self-advocacy through real fiscal support, rather
than through  projects where non-self-advocacy organizations can obtain the

5.  NAPAS needs to work with its members to form partnerships with
self-advocacy  chapters around issues related to moving people out of institutions and
nursing  homes, voting, abusive guardianship practices, and staying in the
community with  the right support.

6. AUCD needs to work with its members to make their  research truly
participatory and relevant to the needs of people with  disabilities and families.
SABE challenges the AUCD members to train people with  intellectual and other
developmental disabilities to gather data, summarize the  findings, and learn
other skills that would enable them to become research  assistants. We challenge
AUCD members to write research papers that include  feedback from people with
disabilities and their families.

7. ANCOR needs  to promote individualized residential services and supports
rather than  segregated group homes where service providers have the control
over people's  day-to-day lives. SABE challenges ANCOR members to support
self-advocates who  want to move away from a provider-driven service system to an
individual driven  service system.   Individuals' right to have control over all
aspects  of their lives need to be respected.

8. The Council needs to have more  people with intellectual and developmental
disabilities on their review teams in  order to make sure that the people who
reside within provider agencies really  have the lives that they want and
have a good quality of life. SABE challenges  The Council to reexamine how their
accreditation (certification) process really  upholds individual civil rights.

9. UCP needs to work more closely with  their local and state members to get
a better understanding of needs and choices  of the individuals working within
UCP agencies.  There is a big difference  between what the national UCP
advocates for and what filters down to local and  state UCP agencies. People with
disabilities have a better idea of what their  lives are really like and are in
a better position to inform the national UCP  about the real issues.

10. NADSP's issues related to better working  conditions and better pay are
important. SABE supports you in these issues. Our  challenge to you is to work
alongside people with disabilities and families to  promote their issues.

I feel that this is a challenge that we are  putting out to you. SABE is
willing to work with you on these issues. If you  really believe in our issues and
you want to win back our trust, you will join  us at the table in achieving
the goals of closing institutions and nursing  homes, self-determination,
individualized services, self-directed supports, and  money following the person.
All of these goals are related to making real lives  for persons with

We talk so much about Dr. King's dream.  We have an opportunity now to make
this dream happen in our lives. If we really  want to show the federal
government that we stand and work together, we will  make these goals an everyday
issue not topics that are discussed in three days  or during one conference.

It is important for us to move ahead. We need  to work on the passage of the
DD Act and MiCasa. We need to work on issues  related to Medicaid and Social
Security. If you believe in working with us, you  will take our challenge and
work with us on the issues and goals that I outlined  in this letter.


Chester Finn, Chair


February 2, 2005

Dear  Self-Advocates and Friends:

I am writing to let people know about a  decision that SABE made about a
conference that will happen this Fall in  Washington DC. The group that is putting
it on is called the Alliance for Full  Participation (I'm going to call them
AFP) and the name of the conference is  called the Summit: Many Voices, One
Vision (I'm going to call the conference the  Summit).

The AFP asked SABE to work with them a little over two years  ago. To work
with them, we needed to come up with $5,000. We didn't have the  money, but the
AFP said they would waive the $5,000 fee (this means they would  not ask for
the fee). We started to work with them. We received a letter from  AFP in
January asking for the $5,000. When we asked them for clarification, the  AFP said
they did not waive the money and they expected us to pay them the  $5,000. To
us, we believe that the AFP went back on their word.

The  executive committee met twice and decided that SABE will no longer be a
part of  the AFP and SABE will not participate in the Summit because of the
ongoing  problems of not being treated with respect and because they went back
on their  word.

What kind of problems did we have? There were three major problems.  First,
some of the AFP members were not respectful toward the SABE board  members. We
did not feel like we were really being heard. This was an ongoing  problem.
For example, people were not talking loud enough on conference calls.  One
person made a cell phone call during the meeting and talked so loud that we  could
not here the conversation. They used professional language and
had  side conversations that got in the way of the conference call. They
talked over  the self-advocates and interrupted us. Each time these things
happened, we spoke  up. They stopped doing it for awhile, but then they would go back
to their old  behavior.

Second, our level of participation was not as interactive as  what SABE
wanted. We participated at the request of provider and professional  agencies to
meet objectives that were decided by these other agencies. There was  some
shared decision-making, but that happened after the big decisions were  already
made by these other agencies. For example, panels fell into one of three  major
areas. These areas were decided by the other agencies. A committee made up  the
topics for the panels. The majority of the committee members were people
from professional or provider agencies.  Some of the proposed panels were
dropped. When this happened, SABE suggested two new panels and they were  accepted.

Third, some of the AFP members decided to not honor our verbal  agreement and
requested the $5,000. Let me make something clear. It was not  about the
money. It was about how the AFP asked for the money. The decision to  ask for the
money was made by a few AFP members and not by all of the AFP  members.

The members who asked for the money acted as if everyone who is  part of the
committee made the request. They also pretended that we did not have  a verbal
agreement. The AFP could have talked to us during our monthly  conference
calls to let us know that they needed the money or that they needed  to have our
verbal agreement in writing. Everyone knew that SABE was trying to  find ways
to contribute money to the Summit. Yet, they never recognized our  attempts.

We feel that the Summit will not look at the real problems and  issues that
are facing people with disabilities. I hope that you will stand by  SABE and
support our decision to not participate in the  Summit.


Chester Finn, Chair
Self-Advocates Becoming  Empowered

# # #


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