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Bruce Kleisner <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 3 Sep 2003 00:51:44 -0400
text/plain (35 lines)
"Jerry Stegenga" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> > We do not have to adapt to raw milk.
> Yes, you do if it did not come from your species.

African Masai, Samburu, Fulani, and other tribes have
thrived on diets high in raw milk, even though blacks
are allegedly 90% lactose intolerant. They mainly ate
warm raw milk (at cow's body temperature, in a fairly
hot climate). They also let the milk ferment usually.
Conclusion: the animal's species doesn't matter. Raw
milk has the enzymes to break down lactose and casein
even if some adults don't produce their own.

Until you experiment, you can not claim that we need
to adapt to a natural food such as raw milk. Find raw
milk, with 20-25% cream (8-10% fat by weight), mostly
or fully grass-fed, preferably organic, delivered in
glass jars. If you still have problems, try drinking
it the way nature provided it: warmed slowly to room
temperature or body temperature (96F). Try culturing
raw milk to increase enzymes and vitamins (autolyzing
makes all foods more nutritious).

You could make a serious mistake to judge the health
value of fresh, clean, high-fat, raw milk based on
studies and reports based on dirty, old, processed
milk. Many tribes thrived on raw milk, even lacking
what we would call the genetic capacity to adapt it
(based on experience with adulterated milk).

Bruce Kleisner