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Amadeus Schmidt <[log in to unmask]>
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 27 Jun 2003 08:10:07 -0500
text/plain (39 lines)
On Fri, 27 Jun 2003 00:29:41 -0700, Ingrid Bauer/Jean-Claude Catry
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>> Actually they do grow up nicely, ...

>you have to wait few generations of that regimen to see the impact on brain
>size .

There are many such examples.
Janinism exists in India since many generations. Eating with zero intake of
lcFA. Did the develop smaller brains?

You think that over the time/generations the human genome gets somewhat
tired of synthesizing all that DHA, and then prefer to build up smaller brains?
I can't subscribe to you point of view. If it would be really difficult to
get all the DHA and AA for a human baby, then at least some delay in brain
developement should show up. Or an altered brain structure (for
Or inuit (many generations of DHA surplus) should have particularly big
brains. All this isn't the case.
Or can you provide such a study (of *average* please, not single cases).

>latelly a raw vegan baby died , the 2 older siblings  made it okay but as
>the mother got more years of raw vegan behind ,the last one din't make it .

You can read about such cases once and again.
The cause is a vitamin-B12 deficit, it has nothing to do with lcFA.
I also think it's not wise to cite such single cases.
In the *west* somewhat between 1 or 5% of the population considers itself to
be vegetarian (to some extent). Maybe 0.5% are vegans.
That makes somwhat 1 million vegans in the USA (>250 mio inhabitants).
You wrote about one blind malnourished child.
What about the other 999,999 vegans? Are their children blind?
How many of the other 249 million meat-eaters (but not brain eaters) have
children with birth defects due to malnourishment? Think alone of folic acid
deficitand spine deformation.
