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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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Sueko Sakai <[log in to unmask]>
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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Mon, 17 Sep 2001 16:20:08 -1000
TEXT/PLAIN (93 lines)
an opinion here in hilo is that retaliation against afghanistan serves no
purpose other than ego gratification because in war torn afghanistan, its
infrastructure; its cities, towns, communities; its economic, social, and
political foundations no longer exist.  in other words, families, such
that they are society's foundation, no longer exits in this no man's land
called afghanistan.  in chinese philosophy the axiom is: the human
individual care for others.

it seems to me that we need to pause a moment, we need to comfort each
other in our confusion, grievance, shock, for we need to clamly, and most
importantly collectively, undress the false reality(s) that caused this

what has happened is a dream come true for "brutus."  and what is
happening is facism is in action.  not very long ago i said something
about keeping an eye on bush, because of the manner in which he won the
presidential election, something about how his politics might match
hitler's.  what's happening in the usa today?

if we are to collectively undress the false realities that caused this
carnage, then the political becomes the starting point for our objective
discussions.  this is so because the political is the inquiry into the
order of human things, where the important word is human (strong).

in this process, i believe, we must use facism's faults, past (hitler &
etc.) and present (the global tyranny of western imperialism and
multinational corporations), as a mirror in order to recognize,
understand, and define the virtues that will reveal a contrast to the
facism (wu) we are currently witnessing, experiencing, and being
subjected to its latent force.

in part this is so because the adventure with nazism has effectively
shrunk the language and terms of political debate (strong) as exemplified
in the hyped politic blitz from our president, media, and etc.  perhaps
this is why poet saijo want to wreck english, ESPECIALLY STOMP ON TUETONIC
ROMANCE JUDEO ROMAN BULLSHIT.  but for certain it's because we live in
contradictions, such that we've put thinking before living, which is what
not only suzuki is saying, but also schmitt is saying politically, namely,
legality before legitimacy.  of course these should be in reverse, for the
latent force behind this false reality is that we're no longer a sovereign

the concern that is being raised is rooted in the doctrine of liberalism's
individuality because the autonomous, isolated, and solitary--example
bush--whose absolute stance toward himself--he has no scruples--gives us a
world in which nothing is connecting to anything (strong).  in other
words, the political has been substituted by liberalism's perpetual
discussion, merely by avoiding the issue(s).  and this is how, according
to schmitt, the tyranny of western imperialism depoliticized and
dehumanized the world.  we must not only not allow this to happen to us,
but also we must remember that the american way of life is marked by the
spirit of democracy and fair play (wu).  now what do you suppose chomsky
would say to this?

in short, and according to struss, what is needed is a system that does
not negate the political but brings it into recognition.

keeping in mind that everything is connected to things - consider the
following quote from restorative justice: healing the effects of crime by
j. consedine.  this quote is with respect to punishment in the criminal
justice system.  in my opinion it is relevant to this event

the public cry for retribution shows that we are still close to barbarism.
civilization begins when vendetta ends--wolfgang rosenberg.

as i'm seeing it the cutting edge of the political is that which
illuminates the human condition and makes it intelligible, for
self-articulation as discourse is a speaking concern for the world
(wright).  in short, from within this space the political elements of
schmitt, dewey, chomsky plus the spiritual factors of jung, suzuki,
nahm-mijo manifest itself.


p.s.  clarification of my "all."  take for example when i say, "all of us
are stupid," in the manner that pua kanahele is explaining why the
hawaiian warrior can't be measured until traditional cultural values and
standards has been recovered in the pacific, i'm recognizing the fact that
the very small number of not stupid folks is negligible to be even
considered.  take for example the yuppies, less than 2% of the 4 million
have decided to grow up.  when that negligible number is reflected off of
our 35+ million population...--do you see it?

however, if this small number was significant such that the moral rot
we're experiencing was not, that social violence wasn't in a state of nation
crisis, as the consequence of their social action, then and only then it
is not all of us.
