For blind ham radio operators


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shawn klein <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Blind-Hams For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 14 Dec 2003 15:42:50 -0800
text/plain (36 lines)
I agree with you. Especially since the subject is
often all I read. If I'm not interested in a
particular subject because I don't own nor can I
afford the radio, or I'm not using a linksys router I
delete the message because if I read every message on
every list I'd have no time for anything else, so when
I click on a no subject and find something that I have
no interest in I do a mental *ug*. Cause I wasted all
that time downloading it when I could have deleted it
and I'm sure y'all do the same thing. Subjects are
important if you want your messages read. They're like
the window displays in stores.
or CQ's on the air. If you get on 20 hoping to talk to
a j a, but you just call a general CQ, you probably
won't get a j a comming back on the first try.
--- Jim Stevenson <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Why so many subject lines get lost?
> Why those who reply do not add them back again?
> Why so many not specific subjects like
> help?
> Thanks much again as always.
> 73
> wb6 yoy
> (650) 604-5720

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