Discussiones in Interlingua


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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 6 Dec 2003 15:05:18 -0800
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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (284 lines)
NOTA:  Iste dialogo es un excellente exemplo del
strategias de conversation usate per duo personas pro
excambiar informationes:

SCENA 5:  Strasbourg:  Petro es in le officio de
un agente de viages.  Ille face reservationes pro
un volo a Geneva.  Il non ha un volo directe a ille
destination, e ille debe volar a Paris e transbordar
a un altere avion.

Le agente suggere que Petro vade a Lyon e de Lyon
per un traino de grande velocitate (TGV) a Geneva,
mais Petro prefere viagiar completemente per avion.

Le agente tunc le vende un billet a Geneva via Paris,
e Petro le da un cheque pro le viage.

Petro:  Esque vos pote adjuvar me?

Le agente:  Un momento. ... Si, como pote io servir

Petro:  Io vole vader a Geneva iste dominica.

Le agente:  Como vole vos viagiar la?

Petro:  Per avion.

Le agente:  Que compania?

Petro:  Le compania?  Illo non importa.  Qualcunque
compania sta ben.

Le agente:  Prime classe?  Classe turista?

Petro:  Classe turista.

Le agente:  Le matino o le postmeridie?

Petro:  Io prefere le postmeridie.  Que nos dice
verso tres o quatro horas.

Le agente:  Tunc ... e ben, il pare que il non ha
un volo directe inter Strasbourg e Geneva.  Il es
necesse cambiar a un altere avion in Paris.  Il
ha un volo Air Inter inter Strasbourg e Paris.
Vos tunc viagiara per Air France usque Geneva.
Vos partira le matino.

Petro:  E ... le viage dura quanto tempore?

Le agente:  Que nos vide. ... Illo depende del tempore
que vos debera attender in Paris.  Quando vole vos
partir?  Qual die?

Petro:  Dominica.  Le proxime dominica.  Al dece

Le agente:  Dominica.  Vos tunc habera un volo Air
Inter pro Paris a dece un horas trenta, que arriva
a Geneva a dece septe horas vinti.

Petro:  Il non ha qualcunque volo directe?

Le agente:  No, nullo.  Si vos non vole prender
duo aviones, vos pote vader a avion a Lyon, e tunc
vos pote vader in le te ge ve (TGV) usque Geneva
a dece septe horas vinti.

Petro:  Si, mais io deberea vader desde le aeroporto
de Lyon al station ferroviari.  No.  Io prefere
prender le avion.

Le agente:  Multo ben.  Esque vos pote dar me vostre

Petro:  Minelli, em, i, en, duple el, i.

Le agente:  Vostre initiales?

Petro:  Pe, como Petro.

Le agente:  Un minuta.  Vos vole reservar vostre
viage de retorno in iste momento?

Petro:  No, io non vole un billet de vader e retornar.

Un billet simplemente a Geneva suffice.

Le agente:  Ben.  Un minuta, per favor.  Ecce vostre
billet.  Vostre reservation es pro dominica le dece
de iste mense.  Vos parti le dominica desde Strasbourg
a dece un horas trenta e vos arriva a Geneva a dece
septe horas vinti.  Vos tunc debera attender in
Paris tres horas e medio.

Petro:  Multo ben, gratias.

Le agente:  Como vole vos pagar?  Carta de credito?
Cheque, billetes de banca?

Petro:  Per cheque.

Le agente:  Multo ben. ... Le precio total es sex
centos euros, per favor.

Petro:  Si.  Pro qui debe io inscribir mi cheque?

Le agente:  Pro le agentia Kaufamann.

Petro:  Ka, ...

Le agente:  Ka majuscule, a u, ef, em, a, duple en.

Petro:  Gratias.  Ecce le cheque.


SCENE 5:  Strasbourg:  Petro is in the office of
a travel agent.  He is making reservations for a
flight to Geneva.  There isn't a direct flight to
that destination, and he must fly to Paris and
to another plane.

The agent suggests that Petro go to Lyon and from
there to Geneva in a high-speed train (TGV), but
Petro prefers to travel completely by plane.

The agent then sells him a ticket to Geneva via
Paris, and Petro gives him a check for the

Petro:  Can you help me?

The Agent:  Just a minute.  ... Yes, (how can I
help you?) / (what can I do for you?)

Petro:  I'd like to go to Geneva this Sunday.

The Agent:  How do you want to go/get there?

Petro:  By plane.

The Agent:  What company?

Petro:  The company?  That's not important.  Any
company is fine.

The Agent:  First class?  Tourist class?

Petro:  Tourist class.

The Agent:  Morning or afternoon?

Petro:  I'd prefer the afternoon.  Let's say about
three or four o'clock.

The Agent:  Then, ... okay, it seems there isn't
a direct flight between Strasbourg and Geneva.
You'll have to change planes in Paris.  There's
an Air Inter flight between Strasbourg and Paris.
You will then travel by Air France to Geneva.  You
will be leaving in the morning.

Petro:  And ... how long does the flight last?

The Agent:  Let's see. ... That depends on the time
that you will have to wait in Paris.  When do you
want to leave?  What day?

Petro:  Sunday.  Next Sunday, at ten (o'clock).

The Agent:  Sunday. ... You will then have an Air
Inter flight to Paris at ten thirty, which arrives
in Paris at twelve forty-five.

Petro:  Yes.  And then how do I get to Geneva?

The Agent:  You then have an Air France flight to
Geneva, which leaves at five ten in the afternoon
and arrives in Geneva at five twenty.

Petro:  There's no direct flight?

The Agent:  No.  None.  If you don't want to take
two planes, you can go by plane to Lyon and then
you can take the tea, gee, vee (TGV) to Geneva at
five twenty in the afternoon.

Petro:  Yes, but I'd have to go from the airport
in Lyon to the train station.  No.  (I prefer) /
(I'd prefer) to fly.

The Agent:  Very well.  Would you give me your name?

Petro:  Minelli, emm, I, enn, ee, double ell, I.

The Agent:  Your initials?

Petro:  Pea, as in Petro.

The Agent:  Just a minute.  Do you want to reserve
a return-trip ticket right now?

Petro:  No, I don't want a round-trip ticket.  A
one way ticket will (suffice) / (be enough).

The Agent:  Fine.  Just a minute, please.  Here's
your ticket.  Your reservation is for Sunday, the
tenth of this month.  You will be leaving Sunday
from Strasbourg at eleven thirty and you will be
arriving in Geneva at five twenty.  You'll have
to wait in Paris three and a half hours.

Petro:  Very well/good.  Thanks.

The Agent:  How do you want to pay?  Credit card?
Check?  Cash?

Petro:  Check.

The Agent:  Fine.  The total price/fare is one
six hundred euros, please.

Petro:  Who should I write/make the check out to?

The Agent:  To the Kaufmann Agency.

Petro:  Kay, ...

The Agent:  Capital kay, ay, you, eff, emm, ay,
double enn.

Petro:  Fine.  Here's the check.


Como promover usar le Rete e su ressources
bibliographic public pro incoragiar le uso expandite
de interlingua:

Le dialogos e exercitios de mi curso de conversation
<> es un
ressource bibliographic public como "Interlingua
in interlingua" <>
e le textos in interlingua de Wikipedia.

Imitante le philosophia de Wikipedia sur le uso
de ressources bibliographic public, vos pote rediger
iste textos como vos vole, forsan combinante los
con altere simile ressources, pro publication
ubicunque in le Rete.

Un maniera excellente de apprender interlingua
vermente ben es compilar vostre proprie anthologia ex
su ressources public, scriber vostre proprie
presentation del grammatica de interlingua, e publicar
vostre effortios in le Rete pro le uso de alteres.


Si vos es un studente del anglese, io spera que
le textos in interlingua e anglese que io presenta
in iste sito vos adjuvara in vostre studios.  Vos
anque pote adjuvar studentes de vostre lingua native
si vos presenta simile textos bilingue in iste sito.

Vos anque pote imprimer textos in un tertie lingua,
preparar un version de illos in interlingua, e
finalmente preparar un version de illos in vostre
lingua native.

Tal presentationes demonstra fortemente le avantages
de interlingua como lingua ponte e presentara
ressources multo utile pro studentes del prime lingua
de tal textos trilingue e de vostre lingua native.

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