Secundo le melior informationes disponibile a nos,
le racia human sempre ha vivite in gruppos. Trans
le multissime seculos de nostre existentia, iste
gruppos ha evolvite a in societates in le quales
un fraction assatis reducite de personas ha dirigite
le activitates de de omne le alteres.
Iste societates trans le seculos deveniva entitates
politic (ex le parola grec "polis", significante
un citate independente e soveran). Iste citates
poteva esser governate per un militar potentissime
(qui a vices anque esseva un prestre), un gruppo de
personas, o regentes selegite per un subgruppo del
societate. A vices emergeva societates democratic
in le quales un majoritate del populo seligeva le
persona o personas qui les governava.
Multe annos post le advento del agricultura
como Platone o Aristoteles, qui viveva in societates
con un structura assatis complicate, se dedicava
a trovar responsas a iste questiones: (1) Qui debeva
governar? (2) Esque il es possibile disveloppar
un societate juste e bon? E (3) Qual esserea le
melior structura pro un tal societate?
Iste grecos viveva in citates con structuras politic
multo differente. Il habeva, pro exemplo, le
democratia de Athenas. Ma plus sovente il habeva
citates governate per conquistores e reges.
Aristoteles studiava le differente systemas de su
epocha, e Platone essayava schizzar le societate
ideal in su "Republica". Ille esseva un philosopho,
e naturalmente ille credeva que le melior governantes
anque esserea philosophos.
Le major parte de nostre societates se deriva ex
traditiones e/o conquestas. Le personas qui los
governa sovente impone lor structuras politic
sin multe pensamento philosophic.
In le caso del Statos Unite e Francia post su
revolution tamen, il habeva un serie de debattos
assatis substantial pro explorar le manieras possibile
de governar le populo american e francese.
Le americanos habeva le avantage de considerar
iste questiones in un contexto social assatis calme,
durante que le franceses debeva improvisar lor
governamento in un contexto de guerra civil e le
possibilitate de invasiones.
According to the best information available to us,
the human race has always lived in groups. Throughout
the many centuries of our existence, these groups
have evolved into societies in which a rather reduced
percentage of people have directed the activities
of all the others.
These societites, as centuries went on, became
(after the Greek word "polis," meaning an independent
and sovereign city). These societies could be
by a powerful military leader (who at times was a
priest), a group of people, or rulers selected by a
subgroup of the society. At times democratic
societies emerged in which a majority of the people
selected the person or people that governed them.
Many years after the development of agriculture
philosophers like Plato or Aristotle, who lived
in societies with a rather complicated structure,
dedicated themselves to find resposes to these
questions: (1) Who should govern? (2) Is it possible
to develop a good and just society? And (3) What
would be the best structure for such a society?
These Greeks lived in societies with very different
political structures. There was, for example, the
democracy of Athens. But more often there were
cities governed by conquerors and kings. Aristotle
studied the different systems of his era, and Plato
tried to sketch an ideal society in his "Republic."
He was a philosopher, and naturally he believed
that the best people to govern would also be
Most of our societies come out of traditions and/or
conquests. The people governing them often impose
their preferred political structures without much
philosophical thought.
In the case of the United States and France after
its revolution, however, a period substantial
debate explored the possible ways of governing the
American and French peoples.
The Americans had the advantage of considering these
questions in a rather calm social context, while
the French had to improvise their government in
a context of civil war and the possibility of invasions.
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