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"\"Let us not speak foul in folly!\" - ][<en Phollit" <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 9 May 2003 05:58:39 EDT
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"\"Let us not speak foul in folly!\" - ][<en Phollit" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (42 lines)
Steve; et all
thanks for your info on hf acid; like most dumb practitioners ot the arts we
assume that because something is sold over the counter you can wash your hair
in it.
I recently did a mock up on an old court house made of terra cotta where we
did a sample of each cleaner recommended.
The samples were all laid out in boxes of duct tape;
then in 50's game show fashion the architect and the owner reviewed the
results ...." now ladies in Gentlemen behind door # one is sample by
Klenztone" and so on..

.the only thing missing was the girl in tu tu and magic wand.....

. Personally I liked the result of the Klenztone ( we used it and Gommage on
the old Pan Am  in NYC )
the owner however liked sample #3; good ol RC
"It was  brighter " he said  and also cheaper  (Klenztone ain't cheap)
an so it was a done deal..

I too enjoyed Martin Weaver;
 when I worked across the street from him at the Cathedral St John he was
most available and I could use his lab and library at Avery anytime.....that
is if I could get past the pretty co eds.....one time after the memorable
"New Management " of  a real estate cowboy whose name I forget ....took
office at Cathedral stoneworks;
I was aked to "fetch" Martin Weaver  to come across the street to meet the
great man .
Duty bound I did so and upon emerging from the  meeting I asked him" how was
it "
to which he replied ; ....."rarely do I check to see if I still have my
wallet after meeting someone; ...and yes its still there "
We both roared with laughter and we went to have a beer at a dive on 110 th
Sadly the dive is no longer there and because of 911 you can't just walk into
anyones office anymore ..  Best Pyrate

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