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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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John Woodford <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Mon, 5 May 2003 10:03:20 -0400
text/plain (101 lines)
What was--to pick just one example from the 20 countries or so the USA has
bombed since WWII--the US assault on Indochina if it wasn't democide?
To those 2,000,000 or so deaths, add those from the US-sponsored repressive
regimes and "contra" groups, and the people who have died from malnutrition and
other health problems thanks to US embargoes and other hostile trade practices,
and what will the tally be then?
Maybe Genocide Scholar Rummel will do the calculations.

[log in to unmask] wrote:

> Thought this would be of interest, especially as it comes from one of the
> world's leading genocide scholars.
> From: Rudy Rummel <[log in to unmask]>
> Date: Sun, 4 May 2003 07:56:13 -1000
> To: H-NET List on the History and Theory of Genocide
> <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: Three Cheers
> ------------------
> Presumably, all members of this genocide list want to prevent or eliminate
> democide, and its component genocide, wherever they occur, and foster a long
> run solution. Note then that there now is a force in this world
> systematically doing what we all want done: eliminating democide and its
> aggressive forces, while trying to supplant it with a way of preventing it
> in the future.
> In 1999, the United States and its NATO allies saved Kosovo from the
> ongoing mass murder by the Milosevic regime. It had used its military and
> paramilitary forces to slaughtered about 10,000 Kosovo Albanians and drive
> out of the country perhaps a million of these poor people. The American
> and allied intervention also paved the way for Slobodan Milosevic to be
> indicted by the International War Crimes Tribunal and extradited to The
> Hague in June 2001 to stand trial. We should cheer this.
> In 2002, United States anti-terrorist war has reduced the number of
> terrorist attacks to 199, a 44 percent drop from the previous year; in
> terms of murdered, from 3,300 in 2001 to 725. We should cheer this.
> In the last nineteen months, The United States and its allies have swept
> away two gangs of democidal thugs and prime supporters of terrorism.
> Saddam Hussein's gang perhaps murdered a million in war and democide; the
> Taliban gang murdered hundreds of thousands. About 50 million Iraqis and
> Afghans that were suffering the tyranny, torture, imprisonment, and murder
> of these thugs are now free and on the way to democracy. We should cheer
> this. In the memory of many of us still, the United States and its allies
> rid the world of the democidal fascist regimes of Japan (over 5 million
> murdered), Germany (over 21 million), and Italy (over 220 thousand); saved
> South Korea from the democidal prison-state of North Korea (so far many
> millions murdered), unsuccessfully tried to save South Vietnam, Laos, and
> Cambodia from murderous communist bloodbath (ultimately murdering many
> millions), and saved the world from the democidal horror of Soviet
> Communism (about 61 million murdered). We should cheer this.
> Surely, those who hate democide and the lack of human rights will note
> that the United States is the best possible ally in our cause. Indeed, we
> could characterize the United States (its administrations, its congress,
> and its people) as the swiftest and most effective democide and ruling
> thug cleanser and human rights promoter we could have wished. And it is
> doing so with a minimal loss of life. Qusay Ali Al-Mafraji, the head of
> the International Red Crescent in Baghdad, claims the confirmed Iraqi
> civilian and military dead in Baghdad as 150 so far. (He told this to
> Andrew Sullivan, "The Weekly Dish," The Washington Times, 5/2/03). Hussein
> must have had more than this number ordinarily murdered in the time it
> took the US to capture Baghdad. We should cheer this.
> And what historical regime but the United States would have Western Europe
> and Asia prostrate under its military power in 1945, and yet work to
> democratize its former enemies, democratize them, give them independence,
> and pull out. By comparison, the Soviet Union, the only other world
> competitor after it recovered from the war, subjected to its total
> political control those nations it occupied militarily. Some wit put it in
> these terms: the US is the only nation that tries to devise an exit
> strategy even before military action takes place. We should cheer this.
> What international organizations, international law, and the plethora of
> intellectual and academic analyses and solutions have been unable to do,
> the United States with one coalition or another has done. It has often
> left in its wake democracy or the process of democratization-the only
> solution to democide and war that we know of and has worked. We all are
> better for it. We should cheer this.
> Of course, the US has committed excesses. Of course, there is much to
> criticize. Of course, its foreign policies have not been perfect or always
> on the side of the angels. Of course, it has domestic problems. It is of
> and by imperfect human beings. But no matter. As we should be proud and
> happy over a fireman that has saved families from a burning home, no
> matter his personal imperfections or that he was clumsy, misplaced his
> axe, and forgot about the families' valuable antiques, we should cheer
> over what the United States has done.
> CHEERS for the United States and its allies.
> R.J. Rummel
> Professor Emeritus
> [log in to unmask]
