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Gabriel Orgrease <[log in to unmask]>
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Kitty tortillas! <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 15 Aug 2003 22:50:53 -0400
text/plain (78 lines)
Cuyler Page wrote:

> Ah, the geo-centric view of the world appears once again.   If the Big
> Apple is asleep, all the world must be asleep.
> cp in power-rich bc
>     *, now that Bullamanka seems to be up again.*
Not exactly geo-centric as BP is hosted on a server at St. Johns
University in Queens, NY and may or may not very well have been down.
Svante's adventure makes me think he is more libertarian than
Republican. He should write more often.

All day  on Thursday everything kept breaking on me. My boots have a
hole in the heel, the left boot that I have hardly worn at all is
suddenly disintegrating, my watch works, but broke so that I will never
ever be able to change the time, and my cell phone has a button that
want AWOL so that I cannot change any of the programmed numbers. I've
been fighting with computers for two weeks now trying with desperation
not to lose or inadvertently erase vital information. At some point on
Wednesday mid-day I realized that I had already put in 40 hours since
Monday morning. Today, as I write this, I just got back from working on
the fireplace in Hartford with an 18 hour day. I'm fried -- though the
ferry across the sound was particularly pleasant tonight. So, on
Thursday just before the electric shut off I was getting a bit peeved
and thinking unfortunate thoughts. First thing the electric went off I
figured we had not seen the bill and not paid it. I then asked my
neighbor if his electric was on, and it was not. I went from one to two.
I then got in the car and drove off to McArthur Airport, the one on the
island that shuts down for fog, where I was supposed to pick up Kathy at
5:20, coming in from Baltimore. Oh, I almost forgot, Rudy at the Center
of the Universe had earlier in the day brought up the subject of renting
a VERY large fan for the Edison project... and THAT MY FRIENDS IS THE
NATURAL CAUSE OF THE BLACKOUT... anyways, I'm driving to the airport,
having left behind all flight information on Kathy's arrival, the
traffic lights are down and I turn on the radion and soon realize that
my thinking about my own problems has turned into the problem of
millions of people. I went immediatly from personal muddle to happiness.
I bought a bag of hydrated lime this week and the guy I bought it from
told me to keep smiling, everyone will wonder what I am up to. So, then
again, Kathy did not show up at the airport at the scheduled time. Mass
confusion. Nobody to talk to, nobody knew diddly. I drove back home, the
excursion without traffic lights on the day that I had vowed to "take it
easy", once again, and fed the dogs, grabbed a pillow, got the flight
information and returned to the airport. Still no Kathy. The confusion
of bodies, interesting to watch people during an event, was cleared out.
The local fire department had up light poles off their trucks and were
running wires around. The person from Southwest I asked about the flight
at first told me there was no such flight. I was preparing to leave once
again, and the speakers announced two flights coming in from Baltimore.
I went out to the car and fell asleep. I woke up, went back into the
airport and wandered around and found Kathy sitting in the dark. I think
it was 10 PM by the time we got home. I went out in the yard to sleep,
where it was cooler than inside, but it was too noisy and the skeeters
made me nervous for West Nile. Oh, the innocence of youth when skeeters
simply meant hellacious welts. So I went into the bedroom and sweated.
At 11:30 PM the overhead light went on... selected for brilliance, and I
shot up out of bed. At 4 AM I got up and went to work. There were areas
where the electric was off, and areas where it was on. I also, as with
Svante, was looking for an operating gas station, which I found with no
particular problem. The day at work was excellent. Nothing important
broke. The stone went where I told it to go. I almost did not make it on
the Bridgeport-Port Jefferson ferry this evening as there were a lot of
people wanting to use it. I just slipped on the tail end. When the ferry
entered the harbor at Port Jefferson, after crossing the LI sound, there
began a display of fireworks. It was just so kool to cross the harbor
and see the fireworks as if they were special for us. Just before the
ferry docked was the finale. I got home and sat down and not five
minutes later David showed up from NJ.


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