Discussiones in Interlingua


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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 10 Oct 2003 14:06:48 -0700
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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (160 lines)
Svedia ha essite completemente libere del guerra
per 200 annos.  Su societate es stabile.  Su politica
es vigorose ma non viciose.  Su taxa de crimine
es multo basse.  [Io mesme regretta non haber nascite
inter illes o le daneses. --HKj]  Solmente le rege
e le prime ministro de Svedia ha un agente de policia
qui les protege durante lor apparentias public.

A causa de iste circumstantias, il esseva un tragedia
specialmente profunde pro le svedeses quando on
occideva lor ministro exterior.

Anna Linde esseva occidite per un colpo de pugnal
durante que illa faceva compras in un magazin grande
svedese.  Le policia svedese ha arrestate le homine
qui, illes crede, la occideva, ma illes non ha multo
a dicer sur ille publicamente.  Forsan le morte
de Anna Linde esseva un acto aleatori de un persona

Ma su assassination usque nunc ha su aspectos
mysteriose, como le morte in 1966 del prime ministro
svedese Olof Palme, qui esseva fusilate durante
que ille se prominava a su casa con su marita post
vader al cinema.

"Isto es absurde," diceva un citatano de Svedia
a un jornalista.  "On pensarea que in un pais como
Svedia este tipo de violentia non esserea possibile."

Le svedeses tamen non ha sempre essite libere del
violentia que afflige paises como, pro exemplo,
le Statos Unite.  Lor historia como un nation moderene
comencia in 1520.  In ille anno le rege danese
Christian II mandava lo que on nunc nomina le Massacre
de Stockholm.  Iste evento provocava un rebellion
inter le svedeses, e ex illo emergeva Gustav Vasa
como le rege del svedeses.

Le filio de Gustav I, Erik XIV, esseva
psychologicamente instabile, al minus.  Forsan ille
esseva vermente folle.  Su fratres le arrestrava
e discretemente le occideva durante su incarceration.

In le decada que comenciava in 1590 il habeva un
altere rebellion inter le svedeses contra lor familia
regente, e con illo veniva un serie de assassinatos
judicial per Carolo IX.

Le filio de Carolo, Gustav II Adolf, esseva un genio
militar.  Cognoscite como le "Leon del Nord", ille
invadeva Polonia, Russia e Germania.  Ille moriva
in battalia in 1632.  A causa de su effortios, Svedia
deveniva un grande potentia in le Europa del Nord.

Su descendente, Carolo XVII, habeva talentos militar
etiam plus grande que illos de Gustavo II Adolf.
Su armeas faceva incursiones desde Polonia usque
Turchia.  Carolo XVII anque moriva in battalia per
un colpo de fusil aleatori in 1718.

Le seculo post Carolo XII esseva plus calme.  Le
svedeses produceva nulle genios militar.  Ma illes
produceva un grandissime rege, Gustav III, assasinate
in un ballo de mascas in 1792.  Giuseppi Verdi
un opera sur su morte.

In despecto de iste historia assatis violente, le
svedeses nunc occupa un position inter le populos
le plus civilisate e le plus human sur nostre planeta.

Omne le altere paises del mundo poterea apprender
multo ex illes si illos poteva devenir un pauco
minus stupide.

(Adaptate de un articulo per Bob Guerrein in le
"Erie Times News", Erie, Pennsylvania, 26 septembre,
2003.  Vos pote communicar directemente con Bob
Guerrein a <[log in to unmask]>.)


Sweden has been completely free from war for 200
years.  Its society is stable.  Its politics are
vigorous but not vicious.  Its crime rate is very
low.  [I myself regret not having been born either
there or in Denmark. --HKj]  Only the king and the
prime minister of Sweden have a policeman bodyguard
to protect them during their public appearances.

Because of these circumstances, it was an especially
heavy tragedy for the Swedes when their foreign
minister was assassinated.

Anne Linde was stabbed to death while shopping at
a Swedish department store.  The Swedish police
have arrested a suspect, but they have little to
say about him publicly.  Perhaps the death of Anna
Linde was the random act of a madman.

But her assassination up to now has its mysterious
aspects, like the death in 1966 of the Swedish prime
minister Olof Palme, who was shot while walking
home with his wife after going to the movies.

"This is crazy," said a Swedish citizen to a reporter.

"You'd think that in a country like Sweden this
kind of violence simply couldn't take place."

The Swedes, however, have not always been free from
the violence that afflict countries like, for example,
the United States.  Their history as a modern nation
starts in 1520.  In that year the Danish King
II ordered what is now known as the Massacre of
Stockholm.  This event provoked a rebellion among
the Swedes, and out of it emerged Gustav Vasa as
the king of Sweden.

The son of Gustav I, Erik XIV, was unstable
psychologically, perhaps even downright mad.  His
brothers arrested him and discreetly killed him
while he was in prison.

In the decade starting in 1590 the Swedes rebelled
again against their ruling family.  This eventually
led to a series of judicial assassinations by Charles

Charles' son, Gustav II Adolf, was a military genius.
Known as the "Lion of the North," he invaded Poland,
Russia, and Germany  He died in battle in 1632.
Because of his efforts, Sweden became a great power
in Northern Europe.

His descendant, Charles XVII, had even greater
talents than Gustavo II Adolf's.  His armies made
incursions from Poland to Turkey.  Charles XVII
himself also was killed in battle by a random gunshot.

The century after Charles XII was calmer.  The Swedes
produced no military geniuses.  But they produced
a very great king, Gustav III, who was killed in
a masked ball in 1792.  Giuseppi Verdi wrote an
opera about his death.

Despite this rather violent history, the Swedes
are now among the most civilized and the most humane
people on the face of our planet.  All the other
countries of the world could learn a lot from them,
if only they could become a little less stupid.

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