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Catherine Alfieri <[log in to unmask]>
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* EASI: Equal Access to Software & Information
Tue, 29 Jul 2003 15:16:07 -0400
text/plain (258 lines)
    from the U.S. Department of Education (ED) include those
    related to:

      *  Special Education -- Multiple CFDA#s

    Additional information about ED funding opportunities,
    including discretionary grant application packages, are at:


    Below is information from the notices inviting applications.
    For more complete information, please see the notice itself;
    however, please note that while we *try* to ensure that the
    version on the web & the Federal Register notice are the same,
    the Federal Register notice is the one to consult for complete
    & authoritative information.

 Special Demonstration Programs: Model Demonstrations to Improve
 the Literacy & Employment Outcomes of Individuals with
 Disabilities (Federal Register: July 25, 2003 [CFDA# 84.235P])
Purpose of Program: Special Demonstration Programs support projects
that expand & improve the provision of rehabilitation & other
services authorized under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as
amended (Act), or further the purposes of the Act in empowering
individuals with disabilities to maximize employment, economic
self-sufficiency, independence, & inclusion & integration into
society.  This competition focuses attention on the adult literacy
needs of individuals with learning disabilities pursuing employment
under the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program.  We
intend that projects funded under these priorities will demonstrate
that certain specific literacy services may raise the literacy
levels & earnings of individuals with disabilities compared to
individuals who receive the usual vocational rehabilitation (VR)
   Eligible Applicants: State VR agencies.
   Applications Available: July 28, 2003.
   Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: August 27, 2003.
   Estimated Available Funds: $1,600,000.
   Estimated Average Size of Awards: $200,000.
   Estimated Number of Awards: 8.  Eight projects will be funded
in total.  Four projects will be funded under each of the two
reading curricula described in the Background section of the notice
of proposed priorities published elsewhere in this issue of the
Federal Register.

   Additional Information: Applicable regulations, priorities, &
other information are available in the Federal Register notice.

Additional information is available online at:

 Office of Special Education & Rehabilitative Services (Federal
 Register: July 28, 2003 [CFDA#s 84.324] & 84.326)
==> Research & Innovation to Improve Services & Results for
Children with Disabilities [CFDA# 84.324]
   Purpose of Program: To produce, & advance the use of, knowledge
to improve the results of education & early intervention for
infants, toddlers, & children with disabilities.
   Eligible Applicants: State educational agencies (SEAs); local
educational agencies (LEAs); institutions of higher education
(IHEs); other public agencies; nonprofit private organizations;
outlying areas; freely associated States; & Indian tribes or tribal
>> Research Institute on Progress Monitoring (84.324H)
   Applications available: 07/28/03
   Application deadline date: 08/27/03
   Estimated available funds: $1,000,000
   Maximum award (per year): $1,000,000
   Estimated number of awards: 1

==> Special Education: Technical Assistance & Dissemination to
Improve Services & Results for Children with Disabilities [CFDA#
   Purpose of Program: The purpose of this program is to provide
technical assistance & information -- through such mechanisms as
institutes, regional resource centers, clearinghouses, & programs
that support States & local entities in building capacity -- to (1)
improve early intervention, educational, & transitional services &
results for children with disabilities & their families; & (2)
address systemic-change goals & priorities.
   Eligible applicants: State educational agencies, local
educational agencies, institutions of higher education, other
public agencies, nonprofit private organizations, for-profit
organizations, outlying areas, freely associated States, & Indian
tribes or tribal organizations.
>> Technical Assistance & Dissemination Center on Progress
Monitoring (84.326W)
   Applications available: 07/28/03
   Application deadline date: 08/27/03
   Estimated available funds: $800,000
   Maximum award (per year): $800,000
   Estimated number of awards: 1

Additional information is available online at:

 Office of Special Education & Rehabilitative Services (Federal
 Register: July 28, 2003 [Multiple CFDA#s])
==> Research & Innovation to Improve Services & Results for
Children with Disabilities [CFDA# 84.324]
   Purpose of Program: To produce, & advance the use of, knowledge
to improve the results of education & early intervention for
infants, toddlers, & children with disabilities.
   Eligible Applicants: State educational agencies (SEAs); local
educational agencies (LEAs); institutions of higher education
(IHEs); other public agencies; nonprofit private organizations;
outlying areas; freely associated States; & Indian tribes or tribal

>> 84.324D Research Validation & Implementation Projects for
Children who are Deaf-Blind
   Applications available: 07/28/03
   Application deadline date: 08/27/03
   Estimated available funds: $615,000
   Maximum award (per year): $205,000
   Estimated number of awards: 3

>> 84.324L Center on Outcomes for Infants, Toddlers, &
Preschoolers with Disabilities
   Applications available: 07/28/03
   Application deadline date: 08/27/03
   Estimated available funds: $700,000
   Maximum award (per year): $700,000
   Estimated number of awards: 1

==> Special Education: Technical Assistance & Dissemination to
Improve Services & Results for Children with Disabilities [CFDA#
   Purpose of Program: The purpose of this program is to provide
technical assistance & information -- through such mechanisms as
institutes, regional resource centers, clearinghouses, & programs
that support States & local entities in building capacity -- to (1)
Improve early intervention, educational, & transitional services &
results for children with disabilities & their families; & (2)
address systemic-change goals & priorities.
   Eligible Applicants: State educational agencies, local
educational agencies, institutions of higher education, other
public agencies, nonprofit private organizations, for-profit
organizations, outlying areas, freely associated States, & Indian
tribes or tribal organizations.

>> 84.326Q National Dropout Prevention Center for Students with
   Applications available: 07/28/03
   Application deadline date: 08/27/03
   Estimated available funds: $700,000
   Maximum award (per year): $700,000
   Estimated number of awards: 1

>> 84.326S Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports
   Applications available: 07/28/03
   Application deadline date: 08/27/03
   Estimated available funds: $1,700,000
   Maximum award (per year): $1,700,000
   Estimated number of awards: 1

==> Special Education: Technology & Media Services for Individuals
with Disabilities [CFDA# 84.327]
   Purpose of Program: To: (1) Improve results for children with
disabilities by promoting the development, demonstration, & use of
technology; (2) support educational media activities designed to be
of educational value to children with disabilities; & (3) provide
support for some captioning, video description, & cultural
   Eligible Applicants: State & local educational agencies; IHEs;
other public agencies; nonprofit private organizations; outlying
areas; freely associated States; Indian tribes or tribal
organizations; & for-profit organizations.

>> 84.327F Family Center on Technology & Disability
   Applications available: 07/28/03
   Application deadline date: 08/27/03
   Estimated available funds: $600,000
   Maximum award (per year): $600,000
   Estimated number of awards: 1

>> 84.327J Television Access: Local News & Public Information
   Applications available: 07/28/03
   Application deadline date: 08/27/03
   Estimated available funds: $330,000
   Maximum award (per year): $110,000
   Estimated number of awards: 3

>> 84.327J Television Access: Accessible Children's Television
   Applications available: 07/28/03
   Application deadline date: 08/27/03
   Estimated available funds: $800,000
   Maximum award (per year): $200,000
   Estimated number of awards: 4

>> 84.327R Center on Technology & Standards-Based Reform for
Students with Disabilities.
   Applications available: 07/28/03
   Application deadline date: 08/27/03
   Estimated available funds: $600,000
   Maximum award (per year): $600,000
   Estimated number of awards: 1

Additional information is available online at:

 Special Demonstration Programs: Projects for Orthotic &
 Prosthetic Research (Federal Register: July 28, 2003 [CFDA#
   Purpose of program: To provide one-time funding in response to
the Department of Education Appropriations Act, as enacted by
section G of the Consolidated Appropriations Resolution for FY 2003
(ED Appropriations Act), for one or more projects designed to
improve the quality of applied orthotic & prosthetic research & to
help meet the increasing demand for provider services.
   Eligible applicants: Public or nonprofit agencies or
organizations, State vocational rehabilitation agencies, community
rehabilitation programs, or Indian tribes or tribal organizations.
   Applications available: July 28, 2003.
   Deadline for transmittal of applications: August 27, 2003.
   Available funds: $993,500.  This amount will be reduced by an
estimated $3,000 to $12,000 to cover peer reviewer costs.
   Estimated number of awards: 1.

   Additional Information: Priorities, selection criteria, & other
information are available in the Federal Register notice.

Additional information is available online at:

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    Past EDInfo messages: http://www.ed.gov/MailingLists/EDInfo/
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         Peter Kickbush & Kirk Winters
         U.S. Department of Education
         [log in to unmask]

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