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INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua
Wed, 3 Dec 2003 15:23:54 -0800
text/plain (145 lines)


Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz esseva un genio con multiple
talentos.  Ille disveloppava le calculo infinitesimal
sin cognoscer le travalio de Newton qui lo habeva
inventate ante ille.  Ma Leibniz publicava su
discoperimentos ante Newton.  Mathematicos
contemporanee anque usa le notation de Leibniz,
que es plus simple que illo de Newton.

Leibniz anque inventava le logica mathematic, ma
ille non publicava su travalios sur iste thema.
Si ille los habeva publicate, on haberea comenciate
su disveloppamento ulterior multo ante le publication
in 1845 del "Laws of Thought" (Le leges del
pensamento), le tractato de George Boole que elaborava
le algebra de duo statos, que formava le base pro
le simplification de circuitos electronic in

Leibniz esseva le filio de un professor del
moral al Universitate Leipzig.  Ille esseva tan
brilliante como studente que on le offereva un
professorato al etate de vinti-un annos.

Ma Leibniz non voleva esser un homine de action.
Le parte le plus grande de su carriera esseva como
un cortesano, diplomata, bibliotecario, e historico
al servicio successive de duces de Hanover.  Un
ex illes devenia le Rege Georgio I de Anglaterra.

Iste diverse activitates le faceva un personalitate
public famose in su annos plus juvene.  In su
tamen ille deveniva negligite e oblidate.

Ma durante su carriera ille travaliava in diverse
projectos intellectual, non in le forma del production
systematic de libros, ma in le forma de un diversitate
de articulos assatis disorganisate.

Leibniz non esseva organisate como philosophos como
Spinosa, e regrettava su manco de controlo
bibliographic.  "Quando io ha facite alique," ille
scribeva, "io lo oblida quasi completemente post
unes menses.  E in vice de cercar lo inter un chaos
de folios de papiro sin un systema de indices, io
debe repeter le travalio."

Il es un tragedia que ille non viveva in iste epocha
del Rete.  Ille haberea essite un blogator excellente.

E con motores de cerca electronic, ille haberea
potite trovar su travalio anterior con un minimo
de effortio.

(Naturalmente con le Rete in su forma presente,
Leibniz haberea habite problemas de representation
graphic simile a illos de Gottlieb Frege, ma io
crede que con su talentos ille haberea potite
restructurar le Rete pro resolver los, probabilemente
inventante un redactor mathematic electronic simile
al "Mathematica" de Steve Wolfram.)

Si vos trova le travalio de Wolfram interessante,
cerca "Mathematica" a <>
o a <>.


Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz was a many-talented genius.
He developed (the) calculus without knowing about
the work of Newton, who had invented it before he
did.  But Leibniz published his discoveries before
Newton.  Contemporary mathematicians also use
notation, which is much simpler than Newton's.

Leibniz also invented mathematical logic, but he
didn't publish his papers on this subject.  If he
had published them, people would have started
developing it further long before the publication
in 1845 of "The Laws of Thought," George Boole's
treatise on two-state algebra that formed the basis
for simplifying electronic circuits in computers.

Leibniz was the son of a professor of moral philosophy
at the University of Leipzig.  He was so brilliant
as a student that he was offered a professorship
at the age of twenty-one.

But Leibniz wanted to be a man of action.  The largest
part of his carrer was spent as a courtier, diplomat,
librarian, and historian in the service of successive
dukes of Hanover.  One of them became King George
I of England.

These various activities made him a famous public
personality in his younger years.  In his old age,
however, he became neglected and forgotten.

But during his career he worked on various
projects, not in the form of the systematic production
of books but in the form of a variety of rather
disorganized articles.

Leibniz was not organized the way philosophers like
Spinoza were, and he regretted his lack of
bibliographic control.  "When I have done something,
" he wrote, "I forget it almost completely after
a few months.  And instead of looking for it among
a chaos of sheets of paper without a system of
I must repeat the work."

It's a tragedy that he did not live in this era
of the Internet.  He would have been an excellent
blogger.  And with electronic search engines, he
would have been able to find his early work with
a minimum of effort.

(Naturally, with the Net in its current form, he
would have had problems of graphic representation
similar to Gotlieb Frege's, but I think that with
his talents he would have been able to restructure
the Net to resolve them, probably inventing a
mathematical wordprocessor similar to Steve Wolfram's

If you think you will find Wolfram's work interesting,
look for "Mathematica" at <>
or at <>.

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