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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Mary Welsh <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 10 May 2003 17:37:26 -0500
Mary Welsh <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (46 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi all,
  I am aware that Ambien is no longer guaranteed to be GF.  However, since
this is an issue of possible cross contamination from suppliers of
ingredients, I wondered if anyone still uses this without problems.  My
neuro doc wants me to try a sleep med for ONE MONTH ONLY, to make sure my
severe fatigue (13 years) is not due to sleepiness.  He prescribed
Klonopin, but I have strong reservations about the side effects of this
medicine, and the withdrawal from it.  I have not filled the prescription
yet, before getting some input from all of you.
  Regarding the fatigue, I have had my thyroid tested (the correct tests),
several times through the years.  I have had my ferritin levels checked,
also my B12 and folate.  All liver functions, blood co
unts, etc, are all
right in the middle of the normal ranges, without exception.  My blood
pressure and cholesterol counts are excellent.  I have been tested for lyme
disease, mono, Epstein Barr virus (past infection but not currently
active), heart functions, my arteries are fine, lungs are fine, breathing
tests normal, etc.  A sleep study last fall indicated a possible problem
with PLMD (periodic limb movement disorder).  I currently take Zanaflex for
this, and it helps greatly.  This is the only prescription med I take.
However, the fatigue continues.  I carefully watch my intake of proteins,
fats, carbs, cholesterol, salt, sugar, refined products, etc.  I take a
multivitamin/mineral supplement, calcium, vitamin E (from the GF source),
B6, B12, occasional selenium, and magnesium.  I drink plenty of water!  I
don't consume any caffeine (just made me nervous, didn'
t give me any energy
at all), nutrasweet, or alcohol.  I don't smoke.  I am not diabetic.  I
have been scrupulously GF for over 2 years now.  I am 41 years old.
  An MRI showed lesions in the brain.  I know this can be common for those
of us with celiac disease, but I also have lesions in the spinal cord, and
numerous symptoms (too many to list, nothing disabling yet except the
fatigue) which correlate with Multiple Sclerosis.  My neuro doc is
currently doing more testing to rule out blood disorders, etc, before
diagnosing MS.  If the sleep medicine does not help with the fatigue, he
will prescribe Provigil.  After this many years of feeling like someone
removed most of my spark plugs, any kind of help would be great.
  Any kind thoughts are welcome, especially experiences with Ambien.  Any
unkind thoughts, please keep them to yourself, I have enough stress.
Thanks to all who read my very long post
--- Mary in Michigan

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