Discussiones in Interlingua


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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 13 Dec 2003 15:48:26 -0800
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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (91 lines)
Le application de traction mechanic a tramvias:

In le epochia victorian, le solution le plus
disponibile pro le traction mechanic de tramvias
era le machina de vapor.  Post varie experimentos
on arrivava al typic tram a vapor, un locomotive
con un tecto, e con un camisa de ferro que coperiva
le mechanismo e le rotas.

In Anglaterra, le locomotiva trainava un carro con
imperial.  In altere partes, typicamente in Belgica
e Nederlanda, illo trainava plure carros sin imperial.

In Paris il habeva trams con imperial, fabricate
per le firmas Rowan, Serpollet, e Purrey, que
le motor e le carro in un sol vehiculo.

(Ex "Interlingua in interlingua",
<>, [Scientias])


The application of mechanical traction to street

In the Victorian period, the steam engine provided
the most easily available solution for mechanizing
street-railway traction.  A series of experiments
produced a typical steam-tram design, a locomotive
with a roof and with an iron jacket that covered
the engine mechanism and the wheels.

In England, the locomotive pulled a car with an
upper deck.  In other countries, typically Belgium
and the Netherlands, it pulled several cars without
an upper deck.

In Paris there were trams with upper decks
by firms such as Rowan, Serpollet, and Purrey, which
combined the engine and the passenger car in a single


Como promover usar le Rete e su ressources
bibliographic public pro incoragiar le uso expandite
de interlingua:

Le dialogos e exercitios de mi curso de conversation
<> es un
ressource bibliographic public como "Interlingua
in interlingua" <>
e le textos in interlingua de Wikipedia.

Imitante le philosophia de Wikipedia sur le uso
de ressources bibliographic public, vos pote rediger
iste textos como vos vole, forsan combinante los
con altere simile ressources, pro publication
ubicunque in le Rete.

Un maniera excellente de apprender interlingua
vermente ben es compilar vostre proprie anthologia ex
su ressources public, scriber vostre proprie
presentation del grammatica de interlingua, e publicar
vostre effortios in le Rete pro le uso de alteres.


Si vos es un studente del anglese, io spera que
le textos in interlingua e anglese que io presenta
in iste sito vos adjuvara in vostre studios.  Vos
anque pote adjuvar studentes de vostre lingua native
si vos presenta simile textos bilingue in iste sito.

Vos anque pote imprimer textos in un tertie lingua,
preparar un version de illos in interlingua, e
finalmente preparar un version de illos in vostre
lingua native.

Tal presentationes demonstra fortemente le avantages
de interlingua como lingua ponte e presentara
ressources multo utile pro studentes del prime lingua
de tal textos trilingue e de vostre lingua native.

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