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"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
"I. STEPHEN MARGOLIS" <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 22 Apr 1999 08:47:15 -0400
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"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
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For those who think Philly's a backwater.

We're the cradle of liberty and the hell-hole of fascism.


-----Original Message-----
From: J P [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 1999 2:00 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Cc: A-george riddle; [log in to unmask]
Subject: apr 24 info; German Bombs

1. M4M forces concessions from city
2. Rainbow Flags for Mumia Contingent
3. “From Brazil to South Africa” Mumia Actions
4. Youth Fighting Death Penalty, Instead of Killing as in Denver
5. “GERMAN A.F. BOMBARDS BELGRADE, AGAIN”-Isreali Antifascists Statement
NOTE:  People are needed to hand out April 24 fliers at many activities
over the next two days:
At Penn Relays, at Temple Rally Thurs, at Wilmington anti-death penalty
vigil Thurs, at Montel Williams show on Fri, at ecumenical service at 18
& Diamond on Fri eve., and other places throughout the area.  If you
come to 4601 Market, or just call 215-476-8812, to volunteer your time
and effort, you can get involved in making more people informed.  PLEASE
        We are asking apr 24 demonstrators to not buy food in Center City.  So
we are asking people from Philadelphia to bring juice, bread or other
foods to share with out-of-town supporters on Saturday.
        Volunteers are urgently needed on April 24 to be bus greeters, staff
information tables, collect names, assist disabled people, and as
security marshals.  Come to the Volunteers Table in front of City Hall
to help out on Saturday.
        There are a number of feeder marches into the noon rally on Apr 24:  a
women’s march from Germantown, a Black Power Contingent from 7th &
Fairmont, a contingent walking over from Camden, a run from Progress
Plaza, and a march from 40th and Baltimore St.  Call 476-8812 for
39 W. 14 Street New York, NY 10011
(212) 633-6646 · FAX (212) 633-2889
email: [log in to unmask]

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                   Contact: Nina Streich, Bob Lamothe
April 20, 1999                                                  (212) 633-6646

Worldwide Pressure Forces Mayor Rendell to
Drop Restrictions on The April 24 Millions for Mumia Rally

 In the face of worldwide outrage, the City of Philadelphia has
 abandoned its attempt to limit the number of participants in the
 Millions for Mumia march on Saturday, April 24. Tens of thousands are
 expected from the local area, around the country and even from Europe
 to demand a new trial for Mumia Abu-Jamal.

 City officials had tried to restrict the march part of the rally to
 just 500 people, despite the huge numbers expected to gather in
 Philadelphia on the 24th.

 When the City's attempt to limit the march was made public, Mayor Ed
 Rendell's office was flooded with protests in the form of phone
 calls, faxes and e-mails from all over the world. In France, former
 First Lady Daniel Mitterand held a press conference denouncing his
 harassment of the march. The world is watching developments in
 Philadelphia with keen interest; one city official reported seeing a
 pro-Mumia rally advertised in Brazil.

 With local, national and international protest mounting, city
 officials dropped their attempt to limit the march, admitting that
 all who wanted to join the protest march had the right to do so.

 "Last week, we put an international spotlight on the illegal lengths
 to which the city would go to silence the movement for a new trial
 for Mumia," said Monica Moorehead, national organizer for Millions
 for Mumia. "They're worried that the lid is about to blown off their
 18-year cover-up of the truth: that Mumia is innocent, and was framed
 up for opposing police brutality. While they've dropped all
 restrictions on Saturday's rally, their fear has led them to use
 other ploys, the most notorious being anti-free speech measures
 around the Friday night cop memorial dinner organized by the FOP."

 The city is also harassing the April 24 Millions for Mumia Rally with
 a series of discriminatory and bureaucratic requirements, as the
 media trumpets city plans to roll out the red carpet for the upcoming
 Republican Convention. "This just lets us know that we have to keep
 the spotlight on the city and its tactics. They're trying to silence
 a movement for truth," Moorehead said. "That's why they framed Mumia
 in the first place: to silence the truth. The city's illegal and
 unconstitutional behavior calls to mind the assault on civil rights
 that characterized a 1981 trial of lies, coerced witnesses and
 falsified documents, and put Mumia in jail."

 "Pushing back the city's restrictions is a small example of what the
 people united can accomplish," Moorehead said. "On April 24, people
 from all over will converge on Philadelphia for the next step: a new
 trial for Mumia Abu-Jamal!"

2.   From: "RainbowFlags4 Mumia" <[log in to unmask]>

The following orientation is the "best case" scenario for April
24th.  But be please be prepared (bring your banners/placards, esp.
from your school, area or organization) to represent our communities
throughout the march.

Regardless of whether we are all together or marching separately, We
will be making a significant contribution politically to the march.

Please be on alert for any changes (meeting location, times, march
route) to that may occur during this week.

April 24th Logistics:(This what is planned thus far but is subject to

Rainbow Flags for Mumia : The Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Two-Spirit and Trans
Contingent will be meeting:

AT 12:OO Noon  AT 17th Street and Market Street in Philadelphia.

Banners & Placards:
There will be two 10 foot rainbow banners, (1) by the stage at City
Hall and (2) at 17th Street and Market.  There will also be huge
placards on poles that say "We Support Mumia/Rainbows for
Mumia/lgbtst/" to be sold. (asking for $1.00 donation)

The banners will be in their position and visible hopefully by
10:00am in the morning. (If you are able to be on banner duty during
the march, by all means volunteer!!!)

The March:
The Rally at City Hall will start at 12noon.  The March will start
approximately between 2-2:30pm

The march is still being worked out.
But one thing is for sure...WE ARE MARCHING!!!

for Rainbow flags or general information specific questions call:
212-633-6646 or email [log in to unmask]
3. -------------------------
Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the April 22, 1999
issue of Workers World newspaper

World movement says 'Save Mumia'
By Greg Butterfield

The spirit of international solidarity lives among public school
teachers in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. These workers plan
to strike in support of death-row political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal.

"The education workers of Rio de Janeiro state schools shall stop
work on April 23 for one hour to carry out a meeting to demand
freedom for Mumia Abu-Jamal," declared a March 13 resolution of the
Union of Education Workers of the State of Rio de Janeiro.

On April 23 students worldwide will put down pencils and books and
walk out of schools to demand "Stop the execution" and "A new trial
for Mumia"--one day before mass demonstrations called Millions for
Mumia occur in Philadelphia and San Francisco.

International pressure was key to the successful campaigns to save
the Scottsboro Brothers, Angela Davis and other condemned political
prisoners in the U.S.

Millions for Mumia has become that kind of movement. His cry for
justice has been heard, and embraced, on every continent.

Abu-Jamal, a former Black Panther and award-winning radio journalist,
was sentenced to death for the 1981 killing of a white Philadelphia
cop. Abu-Jamal has always maintained his innocence. Supporters say he
was framed because of his lifelong fight against racism and police

Brazil's National Confederation of Education Workers Congress had
declared Feb. 13: "[We] call for the immediate freeing of Mumia Abu-
Jamal. The defense of this courageous fighter against oppression has
become the international symbol of the struggle against the racist
death penalty."

Brazil has the second-largest Black population in the world, after
Nigeria. To many people there, and around the world, Abu-Jamal's case
exemplifies the racism and hypocrisy of the U.S. government.

Those connections are sharply focused now. The vicious New York
police slaying of African immigrant Amadou Diallo is one reason.
Another is Washington's claim that it drops bombs on the people of
Yugoslavia for "humanitarian reasons."

UN commission hears testimony

"The U.S. has made a business out of violating the human rights of
the world community," charged Zack de la Rocha, lead singer of the
popular band Rage Against the Machine. De la Rocha testified about
Abu-Jamal's plight at an April 12 hearing of the United Nations
Commission on Human Rights in Geneva, Switzerland.

"A crime is a crime regardless of the tools used in the trade," he
said, "whether it's a Stealth bomber over Belgrade or a sham trial
and a syringe in Philadelphia.

"Mumia Abu-Jamal was targeted in this case for political and racial
reasons," de la Rocha explained to the UN commission. "Judge [Albert]
Sabo showed bias throughout both the trial and the appeal. The
prosecution falsified and suppressed evidence that could have
exonerated Mumia. Blacks were illegally excluded from the jury, there
was police intimidation of witnesses, and the prosecution coerced
witnesses into providing perjured testimony."

At the time of Abu-Jamal's sentencing, Sabo had already earned his
reputation as a "hanging judge," having condemned 26 people to death--
24 of them Black, de la Rocha said.

De la Rocha's testimony made headlines across Europe and the United
States, and was featured on MTV.

Since the Pennsylvania Supreme Court denied Abu-Jamal's appeal last
October, the European Parliament and elected officials in Belgium,
Denmark, and Norway have issued demands and signed petitions calling
on President Clinton and Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge to stop the
execution--which could take place within six months--and urging that
Abu-Jamal be given a new trial.

Aline Pailler, a member of the European Parliament, will speak at the
Philadelphia Millions for Mumia protest. Danielle Mitterrand, head of
the France Liberté Foundation and the former First Lady of France,
also endorsed the April 24 mobilization. Mitterrand, a prominent
death-penalty opponent, will visit the U.S. in late April to meet
with Abu-Jamal and Native political prisoner Leonard Peltier.

SOS-Racismo in Portugal has collected over 700 signatures from
prominent individuals. Among the signers are 1998 Nobel Prize for
Literature winner Jose Saramago, a renowned author and member of the
Portuguese Communist Party. Eight representatives from each party in
the national parliament signed, as did both major union federations,
the CGTP and UGT.

"We intend to deliver this text to the U.S. Embassy, with a press
conference, shortly before the Philadelphia demonstration April 24,"
said Antonio Louca of SOS-Racismo.

The Millions for Mumia Mobilization received an article that appeared
in the Calcutta, India, newspaper Sangbad Pratidin, reporting on the
Feb. 26 "Evening of Justice for Mumia" at New York's Town Hall. "The
organizers with all their strength have launched an all-pervading
movement on the issue and it is spreading rapidly, too," said the

West Bengal leader speaks

"... Mr. H.A. Halim, Speaker, West Bengal Legislative Assembly, got
the invitation to attend today's meeting in New York. ... Mr. Halim
says that he has had a detailed discussion with the former Attorney
General of the USA [Ramsey Clark] on the matter....

"In Calcutta this Thursday noon Mr. Speaker said, `I had the
intention to be present there but could not do so. However, my mind
is there. The massive mobilization that has taken shape, striking at
the root of the internal structure of the American world, is very
significant. Here [in India], I am trying my level best at
contemplating to promote an effective coordination with'" the April
24 mobilization.

Many international Millions for Mumia demonstrations and press
conferences are planned.

The Socialist Front of Puerto Rico , for example, is building for a
large protest in San Juan on April 24. The Front helped lead last
year's massive People's Strike against the privatization of the
national telephone company.

The Puerto Rican people know a lot about solidarity with political
prisoners after 101 years of U.S. colonial domination. Sixteen Puerto
Rican independence fighters languish in U.S. jails.

Independence hero Rafael Cancel Miranda--himself a former political
prisoner-- will make the journey to Philadelphia April 24 to lead the
Latinos for Mumia contingent.

Other cities hosting April 24 protests include: Carlton South and
Melbourne, Australia; Vienna, Austria; Toronto and Vancouver, Canada;
London, England; Paris, France; Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg and Rheine,
Germany; Belfast, Cork and Dublin, Ireland; Rome, Italy; Amsterdam,
the Netherlands; and Oslo, Norway.

The Congress of South African Trade Unions, President Nelson Mandela
of South Africa and Bishop Desmond Tutu have spoken out on Abu-
Jamal's behalf.

The Azanian People's Organization of South Africa sent a "message of
solidarity to the family, friends and organization of Mumia Abu-

"We would be pleased if our name can be added to the organizations
throughout the world who support this campaign to have Comrade Mumia
Abu-Jamal retrialed or released unconditionally."

- END -

(Copyright Workers World Service: Permission to reprint granted if
source is cited. For more information contact Workers World, 55 W. 17
St., NY,NY 10011; via e-mail: [log in to unmask] For subscription info
send message to: [log in to unmask] Web: http://www.workers.org)

4. From: "leslie jones" <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: FREE show 4/23 & YOUTH STAGE 4/24
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 09:55:22 PDT

ona move.....
please help spread the word....

Walk-Out April 23
10 AM Temple U. Bell Tower
11 AM Broad & Spring Garden
Noon  City Hall
2 - 3 PM  Broad & Spring Garden
4 PM City Hall

EDU-TAINMENT 3..... an audio visual assault on this corrupt system!
Friday, April 23, 1999
LOVE PARK (across the street from City Hall)
15th Street & JFK Blvd
7 - 11 PM

We are not hitting the streets on April 23rd for a day off.  We are
not coming to Love Park to party.  We are not standing over a MILLION
strong on April 24th because we have nothing better to do.  We are
coming together to DEMAND JUSTICE!  So join us and represent what it
is we are here to do: FREE MUMIA!

malik b of the roots
channel live
ras baraka
last emperor
mozaic black
tony medina
goldiilocks & the architects
the seeds of wisdom
rich medina
fifth dynasty
theodore harris
ewuare osayande
lucid dreams
warrior bloods
momsug dojo......

join us for an evening of revolutionary artisic expression under the
stars in support of THE MILLIONS...... coming soon!

lastly......  there will be a YOUTH STAGE at MILLIONS FOR MUMIA
it will be on the north side of city hall facing broad street and
open up at 9 AM      it will be an opportunity for young people
worldwide to come together, share information, express themselves,
and network.....

for more information: 215-476-8812 or 215-248-2101
                      [log in to unmask]

                 Statement by Israeli Antifascists

                              * * *

     58 years ago, the Nazi German air force bombarded Belgrade
in the framework of the Nazis to enforce their hegemonic rule
over all of eastern Europe. After the Nazi Wehrmacht conquered
Yugoslavia, Nazi Germany established on that country's territory
two puppet states (Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia) and instigated
them against the Yugoslavian Serb population group which fought a
heroic struggle against the Nazi occupation and defended their
homeland until the defeat of Nazi Germany at the end of World War
II, holding up more than twenty German divisions - is stated in a
declaration by the Association of Antifascists and Victims of the
Nazi Regime, living in Israel. Further-on the declaration says:

     For several weeks, we witness with consternation and deep
grief the new murderous bombardments of Yugoslavia by the German
air force, together with airplanes of other NATO countries,
foremost those of the USA. Absolutely no one has the right to
trample upon the United Nations Organization, founded in the wake
of the victory over Nazi Germany and its allies, or to authorize
himself to police the World.

     The rulers of the NATO member states do not feel any sorrow
for the fate of the Kosovo Albanians, or for those who were
forced to become refugees. Also the fate of the residents of the
bombarded sites in Yugoslavia are of no concern to them.  Fact is
that the refugee stream has tripled since the beginning of the
terror air raids in Yugoslavia, and the number of refugees rises
more and more. In truth, the USA and NATO rulers attempt with
their intervention in the Balkans to instigate the peoples of the
Balkans one against the other, in order to enable the
perpetrators of the bombing terror to erect their economic and
political rule over the Balkan peoples and eastern Europe.

     We, who have learned the lessons from our fate during World
War II in Europe, started by the Nazis, call for an immediate
halt to the war and the NATO bombardments in Yugoslavia, and to
find a peaceful solution at the negotiation table which will be
acceptable by all sides to the conflict. There is no way to any
dictated solution enforced by bombs, terror or war, or which
contains the establishment of a military NATO base in any part of
Yugoslavia. The rights of the Yugoslavian Kosovo Albanian
minority within Yugoslavia should be guaranteed by any accord for
a solution, as well as Kosovo remaining an integral part of
Yugoslavia - is stated in the declaration of the Israeli

                              * * *
      Hans Lebrecht is an Israeli journalist, a veteran activist
     of the anti-Nazi underground resistance and the current
     chair of the Association of Antifascists and Victims of
     Nazism in Israel. He is also the Vice President of the
     International Federation of Resistance Fighters (F.I.R.), an
     organization with a membership of several million veteran
     antifascists throughout Europe and Israel. Mr. Lebrecht is a
     frequent contributor to Antifa Info-Bulletin.
Joe Piette, National Peoples Campaign/International Action Center
Philadelphia 215-724-1618