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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 29 Dec 2002 19:35:26 -0800
Valerie Wells <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (42 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Yeast overgrowth (cadidiasis) & food allergies/intolerances are
companions.  I had heard this for a couple of years, but didn't believe
or understand it until I experience it personally.

A year ago I thought I would never recover from the many, many food
intolerances & digestive troubles I was having even after being gluten
free, dairy free & taking tons of expensive high quality probiotics for
over six months.  I was horribly ill & couldn't stop losing weight.  My
GI specialist didn't know what to do with me so he sent me to a
naturopath.  The ND did IGg testing by blood draw (my insurance company
paid for all of it) and stool tests for all sorts of stuff.  To make a
long story short, I started a sugar free, starch free diet & eliminated
about 18 or 20 foods from my diet and was diagnosed with hypochlorhydria
(low stomach acid production).  Turns out that the low stomach production
was perpetuating the problems.  It's kinda complicated but it goes
something like this:  food allergies/intolerances--> stomach irritation
--> low stomach acid & digestive enzyme production --> increased pH of
intestinal contents --> overgrowth of yeasts & harmful intestinal
bacteria --> further irritation to the GI track --> leaky gut --> more
food allergies, etc.  It's a vicous cycle.  I got some relief from
eliminating reactive foods, but I didn't fully recover until I started
taking betaine hydrochloride, stomach acid replacement in capsule form.
I've now regained all the weight I lost last year and can eat a wider
variety of foods including starches now.  I still have to avoid sugars &
will probably have to take betains HCl for the rest of my life, but I
don't mind because it works & I'm lots healthier.

~Valerie in Tacoma, WA

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