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Velia Green <[log in to unmask]>
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 29 Oct 2002 14:22:07 -0800
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Hi.  Been lurking a week or two.  I tried Paleo several years ago.  I'm interested in what you would categorize as any major changes in paleoeating now vs 3 yrs ago?

3 yrs ago:  We ate protein--mostly chicken, beef, some "fresh" fish and salmon but mostly canned tuna and salmon since the local stores sell farmed not wild) along with vegetables and fruit, though at times it tended to more fruit than veggies as I don't like a wide variety of vegetables.  I ate eggs for breakfast with breakfast ham and fruit.  I banned most breads, though I might've had a tortilla now and again with fahitas.  Ate almonds, pecans, and other whole nuts (no peanuts) as snacks, along with almond butter and fruit.  Besides almond butter, used good olive oil and coconut butter as primary fats.  I had just started a flax oil supplement.  I'd admit I'd have a little cheese or dairy butter on occasion as well as a little commerical mayo with my tunafish.  Homemade mayo scared me re salmonella, and I never got it to work, anyhow--very expensive olive oil disasters.  Certain dairies were hardest to give up.  My husband is so picky, esp at breakfast; he didn't like giving up his cottage cheese, though he did oatmeal.  I missed sour cream  (Hi, I'm Velia, and I'm a sour cream addict)   I stopped drinking milk totally, though my husband continued to.  I've always drunk lots of water, so that's all I'd have.  I don't much like tea or coffee anyhow.  We had been about to start looking into the feasibility of getting a freezer and getting grassfed meats and other things, though it seemed logistically very difficult and expensive, but we got derailed about that time.

The hardest thing back then was finding products.  We don't live near good sources for things.  And now my husband is about to retire and I'm disabled, so the sheer act of all that tracking down and shopping seems even more daunting, not to say going on a reduced and fixed budget soon.  Right now I'm trying to figure out ways to save time and energy in cooking.  I remember I spent all day cooking three times a day.   Now I can only stand in kitchen for 15 minutes at a time.  Obviously I've got to learn new tricks.  I got a small table and am doing a lot of vegetative prep sitting in my den.  I'm also concerned because somewhere between now and then I've lost my taste for eggs, which was a staple protein.  I'm not too hot on chicken, either.   I'm so far gone into carb hell.  It'll be a long road back.

I've been seeing some posts about fructose and fruits.  Are fruits now no-nos?  I hope not. I had enough trouble with variety and menu boredom without losing them.   I'd be grateful to hear what things have changed in paleoeating since back then?


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