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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Eva Hedin <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 3 Jul 2003 21:35:29 +0200
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Amadeus Schmidt" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2003 1:20 PM
Subject: Re: Milk

Amedeus wrote:

> Eva, stone age ends when the first metals were used, thats a long time
> after agriculture.

Sorry, it was careless of me to write of "stone age". I should have known

Paleolithicum started about 2,3 million years years ago and ended at the
time of the ending of the last (latest) ice age about 10.000 years ago. I
don't think German encyklopedia say anything else. One of the criteria for
neolithicum is that there exists an agricultural economy. Since we are
talking of paleo time we can leave neolithicum out. Mesolithicum is the time
between the last ice age and the beginning of neolithicum. People were
fisher/hunter/gatherers and the only domesticated animal they had was dogs.

The point here is that paleo time was very long. About 2,3 million years. It
is the evolutionary significant time in which we had our genes "formed".
That is when our needs were formed. The realities that were present at that
time formed us. The 10.000 years after is too short a time, too few
generations to have changed any genes.

> Are you informed about the differences of human milk to milk of other
> mammals? Biggest difference: human milk has less protein. And has DHA.

It does not matter what difference there is between human milk and other
mammals milk - it is not for us and it was not used for food during those
2,3 million years when we developed to be the humans we are today. Whatever
quality human milk has we have been evolutionary adapted to it and if it has
or has not DHA we're adapted to that too.

> Some amount of animal milk (better cheese) was eaten by hunters from
> stomaches of killed calves. There are many postings about that in the
> archives.

Yes, I too believe that they took the milk/whey they found it the calves
stomachs but I don't know that they did. I too have posted on that matter.
