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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Jay Banks <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 9 Dec 2002 18:17:10 -0600
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Anyone care to comment on this? What I would like to
know is if any in the study were vegetarian or vegan?
I wonder if the book has this information? It says the
less amount of animal products consumed corresponds
to less disease. But what about no animal products? Now if
they worked that into the study, that would be interesting. -- Jay


as found in Hallelujah Health Tip #262 and 263

In the past few months, The Hallelujah Diet has been under
attack by folks claiming The Hallelujah Diet is deficient,
and even dangerous, because it does not include animal
products. The attack attributes the lack of animal products
as being the cause of the over 50 physical problems.

During the past four Health Tips, #258 through #260, I
dealt with a number of these charges. Charges that claimed
The Hallelujah Diet causes people to not feel like
exercising; to feel run-down; chronically tired; have lack
of stamina, endurance and strength; lack of motivation;
loss of muscles and muscle tone, etc.

I dealt with these charges by sharing the testimonies of
many vegan athletes who are setting endurance and strength
records on a vegan diet. And of course, almost every person
who has ever adopted The Hallelujah Diet knows these
charges are false. In fact, almost every one of the 50 plus
symptoms these folks are attributing to The Hallelujah Diet
are the VERY SAME symptoms we have had tens-of-thousands of
people tell us they were experiencing on the Standard
American Diet, but saw disappear after adopting The
Hallelujah Diet.

For over 10 years, Hallelujah Acres has claimed, that
animal products are the CAUSE, or a contributing cause of
up to 90% of all physical problems being experienced today.
This week, I want to go beyond the anecdotal experiences,
to the SCIENTIFIC documentation, to show you SCIENTIFICALLY
just how dangerous animal products are.

I will begin by starting a review of a little booklet
titled "THE CHINA PROJECT", by T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. The
booklet is 30 pages in length, and sells for only $3.50 at
Hallelujah Acres. To order, call (800) 915-9355 (toll free)
in the U.S., and in Canada, call (866) 478-2224 (toll

The New York Times had this to say about The China
Project: "The 'Grand Prix' . . . the most comprehensive
large study ever undertaken of the relationship between
diet and the risk of developing disease . . . tantalizing
findings." Another publication, The East West Journal,
states: "One of the most rigorous and conclusive (studies)
in the history of health research . . . unprecedented


"Dr. Campbell, chief U.S. investigator for the China
Project, was an unlikely candidate for becoming one of the
main scientific defenders of a non-meat diet. 'I was raised
on a dairy farm and ate plenty of meat and eggs,' he says,
'and I wrote my Ph.D. dissertation on the ways animal
protein could be produced more efficiently so we could eat
more animal-based foods.' But once he started doing
nutritional research in the 1960s, this defender of meat
consumption became convinced that, in fact, a diet as low
as possible in animal-based products was a far healthier
choice. ''I was just paying attention to what the
scientific evidence was showing me'' he says. Now his diet
is over 98% vegetarian, and he and his wife, Karen, have
raised five children who consume an essentially plant-based


"To begin with, the study is the most comprehensive data
base on the multiple causes of disease ever compiled.
Secondly, it examines the relationship of diet to health in
a whole way -- not only in a laboratory, and not by taking
single health issues out of their lifestyle context -- but
by studying the way whole diet and life patterns affect
health . . . The unique design and scope of the research
makes it possible for our scientists to be sure that if a
certain diet reduces the incidence of breast cancer, for
instance, it doesn't at the same time cause the rise of
some other disease. The China Project outcomes result in
solid and trustworthy dietary recommendations based on
proven results and designed for optimal health.


"The project, begun in 1983, is a collaborative effort
between Cornell University, the Chinese Academy of
Preventive Medicine, the Chinese Academy of Medical
Sciences, and Oxford University, England, as well as
scientists from the United States, China, Britain, France,
and other countries.

"Why was rural China chosen as the site of the study?
According to the principal investigators, China is a
'living laboratory' for studying dietary patterns,
unparalleled anywhere else in the world. This is because
the Chinese, unlike our restless population, tend to spend
their entire lives in the same area and eat the same kinds
of locally grown foods throughout their lives . . . diets
in China vary considerably from one region to another.

"China offered perhaps the last place in the world where
such a study could be undertaken. Here in the West, whether
we live in Munich or Michigan, we might, in one day, eat a
Honduras-grown banana for breakfast, a Mexican taco for
lunch, a Chinese stir-fry for dinner, and an Italian pastry
for dessert. This, in addition to the fact that many of us
move every year, makes such a study impossible in most
countries. But, from a scientific point of view, China was

"The scientists were intrigued to find out if the varying
diets in different parts of China would correlate to death
rates from certain diseases. To find out, they set up one
of the most widespread and massive investigations ever

"In 1983 and again in 1989, American, Chinese, and English
researchers gathered information on how people live and the
diet in 65 counties in various parts of china. As their
basis for selecting the counties, they used very
comprehensive -- and startling -- data on 30 million
Chinese, compiled by the Chinese government that showed
that death rates from specific diseases varied sometimes
SEVERAL HUNDREDFOLD from county to county.

"What, in this genetically similar population, could
explain the fact that men in one part of China died of
esophageal cancer 435 times more frequently than did men in
another part? Or that 20 times as many women in one county
suffered from breast cancer than women in a different
county? The counties surveyed stretched all the way across
the Chinese landmass, from the far Northwest to the
Southern coastal regions, and -- in the second survey -- to
Taiwan, adding another 32 villages . . .

"In the 1989 survey, 10,200 Chinese and Taiwanese adults
and their families were observed, measured, and interviewed
for several days. Every piece of food they ate was noted.
Urine and blood samples were taken. All in all, more than
1,000 items of information were collected on each person!"

"One of the first things to emerge from the China Project
data concerned the fact that certain groups of diseases
tend to occur in similar geographic and economic areas.
Scientists have long known that the people of
underdeveloped nations tend to develop different diseases
than do people in richer countries . . .

"What impressed the researchers was that the data showed
for the first time these clusters of 'rich' and 'poor'
diseases in the same country. It seemed clear that there
must be one set of common causes for each 'disease
grouping.' The China data offered the perfect opportunity
to examine what these causes might be.

"What did they find? After examining several possibility
factors, the scientists found that the 'rich' disease
grouping -- including the cancers, and heart disease -- was
associated with total blood cholesterol and urea nitrogen.
(This statement in the booklet, was followed by a box
listing the 'Diseases of Affluence' and the 'Diseases of

ASSOCIATED WITH MANY CANCERS -- including leukemia, liver,
colon, rectum, lung, and brain. And what was particularly
dramatic about these data was the fact that the highest
cholesterol levels in rural China were near the lowest
levels found in the U.S. Yet the women in the villages that
had the highest Chinese cholesterol levels -- near our
lowest American levels -- also had the highest levels of
cancers, heart disease, and diabetes, while the women in
the villages with the lowest cholesterol levels had the
lowest levels of these diseases.

"Although most of us are familiar with cholesterol, the
term 'urea nitrogen' is another story. But, as the China
Project data show, it is a most intriguing one with far-
reaching effects on our health. Urea nitrogen is what is
left over from the metabolism of PROTEIN in the body.

"The more of this (urea nitrogen) that we find in the
blood, the higher our level of excess dietary protein. And,
as the China Project data show, THE MORE MEAT, MILK, AND

"The findings on cholesterol and urea were remarkable,
because they showed that ONLY SMALL INTAKES OF ANIMAL
CHRONIC DEGENERATIVE DISEASES. And even more exciting, that
the greater percentage of plant food in our diet, the less
chance of getting these diseases. In other words, there's
no threshold or stopping point at which the benefits of
eating plant foods stop. Quite simply, THE MORE YOU

"Not surprisingly, it was the survey areas near the large
Chinese cities that showed high rates of the 'rich'
diseases. That's because, as they become more affluent, the
Chinese are beginning to eat diets richer in oils and
animal products -- in Shanghai and Beijing eating meat has
acquired a certain social cachet. Unfortunately, this
gastronomic form of social climbing is just the diet that
we now KNOW CAUSES so many of the diseases we suffer from
in the West -- cancer, heart disease, and diabetes."

To be continued . . .


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