For blind ham radio operators


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Blind-Hams For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
"Ten-Tec Inc. Amateur Radio Sales" <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 25 Jul 2002 12:17:42 -0400
Blind-Hams For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Buddy Brannan <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset=us-ascii
text/plain (87 lines)

Thank you for your prompt response. I would like to address your
points, below:

On Thu, Jul 25, 2002 at 08:55:06AM -0400, Ten-Tec Inc. Amateur Radio
Sales wrote:
> Hi Buddy:
> There are not alot of menus but there are some.  We try to make it as easy
> and understandable
> as we can.  There are no audible cues to the functions at least in the
> software coming out
> with the first Argonauts.

Then I submit that you haven't made the menus as easy to use as you
can. Making the radio beep when rotoring through the first or last
menu option would be an extremely small change but would make the
menus easier for *everyone* to use. Say you're dialing through a menu
off in la-la-land and not paying attention as you ought while menu
text scrolls across the display. If the radio beeped at some known
point in the menu, you'd know (without looking) where you were and
could easily get to where you want to be from that point. This isn't
just something useful to blind ops like myself.

[Snip, again]
> No, there is no keypad available for the Argonaut.

I would suggest that one be made available as an option. Could not the
one built for the Pegasus be drafted into service somehow?

> There is not a speech synthesizer available for the Argonaut.  I am quite
> sure there is not
> one being considered for this rig.

Too bad. However, I believe that with a software-defined radio such as
this, morse output of relevant data (frequency, power perhaps, filter
settings, etc.) could be added fairly easily. Certainly more easily
than the addition of speech synthesis via a separate module. As I said
before, an audible means of transmitting operational information to
the operator (i.e. a non-visual means) would be good for sighted hams
as well...certainly it's safer to listen to dah-dah-di-di-dit
di-dah-dit di-dah-dah-dah-dah dah-di-di-di-dit dah- than looking at a
frequency display to see 7.160 while driving.

> No, the interface is only used if we have a software change in the
> transceiver.  You will not
> need a computer to operate the transceiver or operate CW.  The Argonaut has
> a built in
> keyer and is a stand alone transceiver.

And here, you miss my point. If I am unable to operate the radio by
navigating to known points in a non-visual manner, from which I can
set the radio to whtever operating parameters I prefer, the
radio--stand-alone or not--is of fairly little use to me. And that's
what I've been saying here in all of this. It is unfortunate that
Ten-Tec hasn't taken into account the needs of a reasonable sizeable
portion of the ham population--that is, hams who are blind. You're ot
alone here--Yaesu is equally inattentive. However, with a
software-defined radio such as this, this oversight should be easily
rectified. I urge you to pass my note on to those who can affect these
fairly modest changes. Believe me when I tell you that the changes I
suggest benefit *everyone* (think curb cuts and strollers) and will in
no way detract from the usability of this radio for *any* population.

By the way, it is at least noteworthy that Ten-Tec in past years has
been, from my nderstanding, pretty good about finding ways to make
their rigs usable by blind hams. I'm sorry to see this is changing.

> 73,
> Stan Brock, WD0BGS
> Amateur Radio Sales
Vy 73,
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV/3   | And if the ground yawned,
Phone: (814) 455-7333     | I'd step to the side and say,
Email: [log in to unmask]  | "Hey ground! I'm nobody's lunch!"
                          | --Eddie From Ohio