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Lisa Cherry <[log in to unmask]>
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Lisa Cherry <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 12 Jul 2003 05:58:16 GMT
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

First of all I want to say you all are the greatest!!!  I have received so many responses it has taken me 3 days to read them all and respond to them.  You have all been so helpful.  Thank you very much!!!

The majority of you said that it takes approximately 2 years for the immune system to settle down and that I could continue to see breakouts even on a total GF diet.  I am having a little trouble trusting in this.  I tend to panic when I see a new blister.  But I will try to relax and give her some more time to heal while at the same time keeping a close eye on every ingredient we eat.

A few of you said that I may need to investigate the foods we are eating a little deeper.  Also, that I should look at external causes such as shampoo, soap, diapers, wipes, toilet paper, old pots and pans, toaster, wooden spoons, stoneware, etc.  I did read a study that said wheat proteins were too large to be absorbed by the skin, however many people with DH swear that these things give them trouble.  It is worth considering in my opinion.

Several of you alerted me to Iodine!  I have been using sea salt so that is a possibility for the continued breakouts.

Now about the Rhuematoid Arthritis!  I was so encouraged by these responses!

Several people said that they were diagnosed with CD years after being diagnosed with RH.  After going on the gluten free diet they all said they were living relatively pain free and were able to get off all RH medications!  What pain they do have is easily managed with Tylenol.  Some said this was a gradual process and did not happen overnight but one day they noticed that their RH symptoms were gone.  I realize that you can not reverse the effects of 25 years of crippling damage and that everyone is different.  This may not be the case for my mom but is well worth trying the GF diet.

Many of you recommended that my mother be tested first before starting the diet which she is planning to do.  I was told that she needed a skin biopsy next to the site of her blisters and the blood tests.  If those were positive then the biopsies would then be the next step.

Several of you sent me links on articles that clearly linked CD to RH and many other diseases.  I apologize, I did not save those links.  I printed them off and forwarded them to my mother.  I was told you could do a search on google.  Enter in Celiac Disease and Rheumatoid Arthritis and it would pull up a ton of info.  I have not had time to do this yet but will.

I want to say a special Thank You to Diane Paley, President of CSA/USA Inc.  She talked to me at length on the telephone going through the commercial product listing showing me foods that were both GF and Caesine Free.  It was awful nice of you Diane.  I really appreciate it!

I was overwhelmed with the outpouring of help you all showered on me.  God truly blessed me when he led me to this group.  I can not thank you all enough!

Lisa  :0)

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