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Blind-Hams For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 12 Sep 2003 17:11:21 -0600
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MIke Freeman wrote:
   >Amen.  that Idaho network apparently required characters to be
   >quoted printable and the only way to do this is with MIME surrounds.
   >I hate that stuff, too.  But then I don't see why computers should
   >have graphics at all since the purpose is to convey information and
   >one presumes people to be literate -- a large assumption these days.
   >And I've been outvoted! (grin)  So let's ease off and debate the
   >no-code license! <evil smirk>

It isn't about no code or anything similar, it's about the same thing
as procedure on a directed net.

FIrst I maintain that any software that is for the purpose of sending
and receiving email that sends that crap by default is intentionally
broken!!!  Many still use text only methods of accessing the net.
IT's too bad that individuals who wish to participate in usenet groups
without binaries in the tag and other text forms of communication on
the net should have to fix their software first, but it's the way life

Recent stats I hear say that 1/3 of adult Americans are functionally
illiterate.  YEt when some of us say "dumbing down" the feel good
political correct folks cry foul.  Hrrumph!

It's indicative of the dumbing down in the hobby in other ways and why
some of us advocate not making the question pools available to anyone
but volunteer examiners.  This way folks wishing to obtain a license
would have to actually learn the material---no rote memorization

Kevin has some valid points on netowrk software such as groupwise that
one couldn't configure to behave differently.  TO his point that we
are all communicators I would say that if you do not follow procedure
on directed nets you'll find yourelf unwelcome after you have had an
adequate time to learn what procedures and protocols are and don't

Also note that when you subscribe to a listserv there are instructions
provided you on how to change the options  such as unsubscribing, no
mail etc.  IT's best to read them and keep a copy.  sInce i ran into a
computer problem and lost my control information for a few lists I've
on I made myself a handy text file for printing which lists the
different email discussion lists I subscribe to and how to interact
with the listserv's control software i.e. what address to send
subscribe/unsubscribe request messages to etc.

73 de nf5b

Richard Webb

Electric Spider Productions
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

--- Benjamin Franklin, NOvember 1755 from the
Historical review of Pennsylvania