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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Sheryl Tingley <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 16 Nov 2002 11:03:54 -0800
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Sheryl Tingley <[log in to unmask]>
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I apologize for taking so long. There was a lot of responses and I want to
thank everyone for being so candid with my questions.

22 people replied.

20 people seen improvement from a gf diet. (One was because they had just
started the diet and it was too soon to tell)

All spoke of delayed learning prior to a gf diet either in themselves or
their children.

The physiological, cognitive, and emotional changes that took place are as

improvement in my ability to learn
interest in school improved
concentration improved
no more meds for depression problems
no more avoidance of meeting people
expected full recovery of ataxia problems
ability to catch up in delayed gross motor skills
able to catch up in physical growth progress
went from bottem of class to the top of his class after 3 months on gf diet
found a "hunger" for learning after going gf
loss of crossness and crankiness after going gf
day dreaming problems in school prior to gf diet
difficulty in finishing sentences and finding words prior to gf diet
speech delay
lots of stories about children able to catch up with peers developmentally
In and out of Special Education classes prior to gf diet
delays in walking and talking prior to gf diet
delayed puberty including menarche
vitamin deficiencies
non-epileptic seizures prior to gf diet
arthritis and osteopenia
definate increase in intelligences
grade point average went from 2.5 to 3.9
short term and long term memory was not good
many have acquired college degrees with high gpa after going gf
many reports of struggles with school but score high in intelligence prior
to gf diet
misdiagnosis of fibromyalgia
visual and auditory delusions prior to gf diet
came alive academically after going gf
anxiety problems prior to gf diet
tummy aches which attributed to anxiety problems
able to meet daily challenges better after gf diet
much "quicker" when it comes to her studies
absenteeism no longer a problem
lots of stories about coming out of withdrawn state socially to an outgoing
one-running for student council, more motivated in doing well and meeting
increased well-being and better brain chemistry
temporary dyslexia
no more "brain fog"
noticable in reading improvement
better temperaments in children

I cannot thank you all enough. I would like to use some of this information
in a paper I am writing for a child development class I am taking. You have
all put a lot of the puzzle together for me, as I never really understood as
a child many things. You all have mentioned many things that I remember as a
child and just never put it with the Celiac disease until I received your

Thanks and God bless you and your children. We are so lucky to have found
out about our disease. I am convinced that there are thousands out there
trying to find out what is wrong with their child and may never know unless
we make Celiac Sprue disease a household word!

Sheryl Tingley

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