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Marianne Fuller <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 22 Apr 2002 12:32:42 -0400
text/plain (86 lines)
1)  Why did you choose the paleo plan?

it's the only way of eating that ever made perfect sense to me. Also I
realized I was living on power bars, sandwiches, and beans, and that didn't
seem like such a good idea.

2)  How long have you been on a paleo diet?

only about 3 months

3)  Which plan do you most closely follow and which book can't you live

Neanderthin was what inspired me to start. I usually use Paleo Diet for
details because the omega 3 emphasis seems convincing.

4)  What have been your results - health improvements, weight loss, etc.

I was developing an awful, choking post nasal drip, and that is COMPLETELY
gone. Couldn't believe it. Lost extra weight (about 8 pounds probably) very
quickly, then weight stabilized.

5)  Did you have any addictions when you started that were hard to kick; if
so, how did you do it  (cold turkey or slow withdrawal)???

I was probably addicted to power bars and carbs in general, cookies,
chocolate, bread, cake, etc. I dropped them cold turkey.

6)  Are there any "paleo foods" which you exclude from the diet because they
don't work for you?

Not sure what you mean by "don't work for you?" I haven't been able to make
myself eat organ meat, but otherwise nothing.

7)  Are there any "non-paleo foods" which you seem to be able to handle in
small quantities while still maintaining your health improvements, etc.?

I seem to be able to handle most non-paleo food but I only take about a bit
of anything like that. Like I had a bit of corn on the cob this weekend but
wasn't interested in anything more. Also had a bit of pastry this weekend,
no ill effects. One thing that produces awful effects post-nasal drip-wise
is popcorn; I ate popcorn one night at a movie and woke up choking the next
morning. I eat a little chocolate most days with no ill effects.

8)  What is a typical paleo day for you?  (I'm particularly interested in
what you all have for breakfast as I don't like eggs)

I actually mostly eat shrimp and scallops for breakfast, cold. It's quite
good. Sometimes a can of sardines if I don't have anything else. Also a
berry shake with half a banana. My company buys us lunch every day, so
whatever protein and vegetables are available - although I'm sure the
dressings and condiments are not paleo, but I'm not going to turn down a
literal free lunch every day - or turkey breast. Dinner is one egg yolk and
extra egg whites or some other protein and salad. Half a cup of nuts per day
and maybe a serving of fruit several days a week in addition to the berries
for breakfast. Some coconut in there somewhere many days.

9)  Do you take any vitamins, supplements?

calcium, flax seeds and flax seed oil, fish oil supplements (because I don't
like fish), vitamin C

10)  What about exercise?

walking and weight lifting

Thanks to all listers - I've learned a lot in the short time I've been a
member and appreciate all the time many of you spend giving information to

Karen S.

P.S. In case anyone can relate, I'll tell you that the reason I'm trying
paleo.   I need to lose weight and improve my health.  I have chronic
indolent non-hodgkins lymphoma and will probably need treatment in the next
year or so.  I need to be in better shape than I am now if I have to go thru
chemo.   I lost weight when I was first diagnosed (for the first time in my
life I couldn't eat!) and was semi-paleo when I started eating again (except
for a daily Coke and some rice/potatoes) but had some personal problems, got
lax with my diet (started on chocolate again after a year's abstinence) and
have now ended up in worse shape than when I was diagnosed.  Well, I've
decided I'm not ready to die yet and am determined to fight the good fight
once again.  Thanks for listening!